Crepes and babies

Kirsten met her at the door, just like the last few tests. "Congratulations, it's great that you'll be joining the diplomacy department. Just get in touch if you need any type of help."

She handed Annabelle her IO back. "See you around kid. Just follow that group and you'll be outside I was told your guardians would meet you at the doors. Orientation is tomorrow at nine in the morning."

"Thanks." Annabelle joined the others that were leaving.

"Hey why isn't your attendant with you?"

"Because my guardians are behind that door, why do you care?" She rolled her eyes at the man.

"Quit with the attitude kid, I'm older so have some respect. I only asked because no one else is without an attendant."

"Aren't you an examinee? How do you know you're older? If it was a problem another attendant would have said something. Aren't you just being nosy?" Hand on hip, she cocked her head to the side.

"Brat!" He raised his fist.

"The hell do you think you are doing!" His attendant grabbed the raised arm jerking it down. "Get out!" He threw the man out onto the street.

"You alright?" He checked Annabelle over for injuries, after not finding anything, he stood in front of her.

"I'm glad you aren't hurt, but why were you antagonizing him? If I hadn't stepped in, you could have gotten hurt kid."

"Whatever." She smirked.

The youth shook his head, wondering how a girl this arrogant had passed the exams.

"Hey Annabelle, I heard you passed! Congrats!" Marc came through the door and hugged her. Jazz and Cass right behind him, joining in to create a group hug.

"Thanks." Annabelle smiled, enjoying the group hug. Realizing that she had missed her three guardians even though they had only been apart for eight hours.

"Jazz said we should celebrate, do you want to get some ingredients and go back to the ship, or do you want to eat here?" Cass was bouncing on the balls of her feet, and Marc was hanging off Jazz.

"Umm, I don't really care. Whatever you guys prefer is okay with me."

"Let's eat out, what do you feel like eating?"

"Could we go to a place that makes crepes? I kind of want something sweet to eat."

"Sure! I know this great little restaurant that serves all types of them, you'll love it!" Cass did a little dance.

"Excuse me, but aren't you Gem?" The young man's eyes were shining.

'Oh no… He must be from the research department. He's basically drooling over them…'

"Yes, it's nice to meet you…?" Jazz held his hand out to the boy.

"My name is Rick, I'm a huge fan, can you sign my IO?" He held out his Identification Orb.

"Umm, not sure it's legal for someone to sign an IO, do you have anything else?" Marc gave the boy a once over.

"AHHH, please sign my uniform then!" He pulled his jacket off to reveal the black button up below, holding out a white pen.

'Where the heck did, he pull that from?'

"There you go, please take care of Annabelle if you see her around on campus." Cass was the last to sign his shirt, patting him on the back as she made the request.

"Of course, thank you!" He turned to Annabelle. "I'm sorry for being rude earlier, please look for me if you need anything, I'm usually in the chemistry building."

"Don't worry about it, and I will."

'Please just go away, I don't want even more people knowing that I know their idols.'

She kept a smile on her face, but inside she was wailing at the fact that Gem's fanboy had found out about their connection to her.

"Cool, see you around."

'Not if I can help it.' She waved goodbye and when he was a good distance away restarted the conversation that he had interrupted.

"So, crepe restaurant?"

"Yep, let's go before someone else stops us." Cass grabbed Annabelle and headed out the door. Looking over her shoulder. "Well, aren't you guys coming?"

Marc and Jazz finally started moving.

"Wow it's so cute, the rose bushes are beautiful!" Annabelle took in the little restaurant they had stopped in front of.

"Isn't it? I love this place, in the winter they have all types of decorations up, and they always have Snow Drops."

"I can't wait to see that!"

The boys watched as the Annabelle and Cass bonded over the restaurant décor.

"Alright you two, can we go in and eat?" Marc's stomach was growling.

"Yeah, let's eat already Annabelle, Cass." Jazz was starting to get hangry.

As they entered the building a waitress came up to them. "Four?"

"Yes please, and can we get a private room?" Marc asked.

"Of course, please follow me."

'Wow, this room is big for just the four of us. I wonder if they got a private room to avoid fans from the science department.'

"Thank god they had a private room available; can you imagine what would happen if we ran into that old man?" Cass fell into the chair closest to her.

"I don't even want to imagine." Marc slammed his forehead into the table.

"If you didn't want to see him shouldn't you have suggested a place that he doesn't frequent?" Jazz shook his head at the two, taking a menu and handing it to Annabelle.

"Who are you guys trying to avoid?"

"Fresor." Marc and Cass groaned.

"Dean Fresor? Why would you avoid him?"

"Because he wants us to work at ARD, and we only have until tomorrow to tell him yes or no." Jazz said.

"But why would you avoid him tonight? It's not like the dean would heckle you, right?"

"If it suits his purpose? Yes. He can be pretty demanding when he wants something. Enough about the old fart." Cass was speaking quickly, visibly excited. "I recommend the 'dessert buffet crepe' since you said you wanted something sweet. They bring out a lot of different fillings, with crepes and that way you can fill them with what you want."

"Thanks, that sounds amazing. What are you getting?"

"Well, I'm getting the savory buffet and Marc always gets Strawberry-Banana crème filled. Jazz what are you getting this time?"

Just as he was about to answer the waitress came back. "Are you all ready to order?"

"Yes please."

"Wow that was great, can we go back again?"

"Sure. It's a good thing we are so far away from the ship though, I think I'm about to bust."

"Well you did eat a lot of crepes, I forgot how many came with the buffet. Seriously Cass, you didn't have to eat that many. I think you're about to give birth to that food baby."

"Whatever bro."