
"How is she Cass?" Marc asked, glancing at his sister as she came back into the living room.

"Well her eyes are red and puffy, but I think she'll be fine after sleeping. She was a trooper for the last few months, I'm surprised that this is the first time she's broken down."

Cass poured herself another glass of scotch. "She's a strong kid, she'll be fine in the morning."

"I hope she's ready to learn how to act like an Ayeri tomorrow. If Rou noticed what was wrong in a day. There are bound to be others who notice after a few weeks. Not to mention Fresor would know if he spent even a few seconds with her… God, why did his immersion week when he graduated have to be spent on Ayer." Marc scoffed at the thought.

"I'm surprised he even remembers the experience; it was so long ago."

"Anyone would remember a week on Ayer. Especially if they were taking care of children. Trust me, I got stuck with a similar experience. It's not easy to forget." Jazz looked back from the kitchen. "We're going to have to drill into her that she has to be more temperamental, and I hate to say it, a bit more violent as well. We can tone it down a bit by saying she's on medication that stabilizes her mood, but it's been proven that those aren't very affective."

"So basically, she'll have to act out, even if we have an excuse for her… What are we going to do about the difference in energy? There are a lot of races that can read energy signatures, someone's going to ask questions when things don't line up with our story." Cass said.

Marc had gotten up and was pacing. "We could say that she's been through a traumatic experience?"

"Why not just say we had her core removed because she was too powerful, and we couldn't control her?" Cass said.

"That wouldn't work because that leaves an easy to see mark, and the minute someone noticed that it wasn't there they'd be asking us why we lied. We might be able to get away with saying she experience a traumatic experience, but she'll have to act out even more-so if we go with that story."

Jazz paused to take a breath.

"I'm not sure if she can pull it off. Plus, she is an immature Pasefien, which means she'll have to exercise extreme control of her impulses when it comes to using her powers, since a flare up of energy in an Ayeri that has lost their core would be something for the history books. Medically it would be considered a miracle."

"So, we're screwed either way?" Marc asked Jazz.

"Couldn't we just make it look like she has the scar?" Cass asked.

"Well yeah, but we still have to worry about her accidentally using energy." Jazz said.

"Wasn't there some sort of compound on 2D4 that dampened her abilities? Anabelle made it sound like she couldn't draw energy at all. That she could only use abilities that required very little of it." Marc spun around to face Jazz.

"Yeah, but we don't know what compound it was." Cass said.

"But we do have samples of the biosphere. We could experiment and see if something has the same affect." Jazz said.

Marc went back to pacing. "The main issue there is; do we have enough? Even if we find the compound, it doesn't matter if we don't have enough to do anything with it. It's not like we can just say: Hey we need to go to 2D4 for a specific compound. They'd think we were crazy, plus Fresor talked us into taking the open faculty positions. We can't leave ARD for that long."

"Maybe we can get away with only having her takes small doses when she's in a high-tension environment? Kind of like how epi-pens used to work on 2D4 in the past." Cass was tapping her foot rapidly on the floor.

"We're not going to get anywhere just talking about it. Cass are the samples still in Marc's office?"

"Yeah, I can go get them tonight and we can get Naet to let us borrow one of his labs. We'll have to work fast; we don't want her having too many days without something to dampen her powers. Every day that goes by is a day she could be discovered."

"I'll help you get the samples sis."

"Jazz one of us has to talk to her in the morning, since we're teaching her how to be a troublemaker, I think it would be best if Marc or I taught her. You've always been strait laced, so you wouldn't make a very good tutor on how to misbehave."

"So, it'll have to be you sis. I need Jazz's help with the samples in order to get an answer as soon as possible. It works out though, you've always sucked at science, so it's great that you have a way to be helpful this time."

Cass punched her brother's arm.

"Ouch, Jazz she's rolling me around in the dirt and calling me bad names. HeLp."