
"Mom, when's dad gonna be back?" A teenage boy grabbed his mother around the waist, black hair falling into his face. Shaking his head, he managed to move the strands out of the way. "Should I tell him that when he's too late he doesn't get dinner?" He laughed.

"Shh, he'll be home in a few minutes. You'll have to help me take care of our guest. Your dad said she's sprained her ankle."

"Are we taking care of it our way, or the human way?" His blue eyes twinkled at the prospect of having a friend his own age.

"The human way."

The light in his eyes died immediately. "Jeez, we never have anyone over! It's always random humans that don't know anything. Why'd we move out here again? There's nothing for me to do." He moved away from his mother.

The petite woman frowned and turned to look at her son. "Lewis, we came out here because it's good for our magic to be away from the pollution. If you don't have anything to do, I'm sure your father can come up with something."

When he didn't say anything in return her gaze sharpened, grabbing a wooden spoon she raised it threateningly. "I'll smack you young man. Don't start sulking. You're not five anymore."

"Jeez mom, aren't I allowed to be irritated when none of my friends live close by?"

"I'm sorry honey, but it's for the best. Your dad is getting old, he needs to be close to nature." The small woman brushed her son's hair up and out of his face. Looking into the eyes that he got from her she smiled.

"Don't worry, it won't last forever. The community is starting to look for new places to live. When something is decided your dad will be the first to know, and your friends will definitely be wherever we're going."

"Now, stop sulking, we have to human proof the house." She pointed at an antique witches broom that they were housing for a friend. "Can you take Elis's broom to the attic? I'll be looking for the golem, I need to make sure it knows not to be seen."

"Sure, I'll be right back. Yell for me if they get here early."

By the time John and Annabelle reached the house there was only a little bit of light left. When she saw the house up close Annabelle was surprised. It was a cute little cottage, with a dark green roof and light grey stones. The windows were all normal, except the one on the door.

That one was a beautiful stained-glass picture of a tree in autumn. The trunk stood out with a background that reminded her of the sunset she had witnessed on her first day. The leaves were detailed, some were burnt orange, others were bright red or yellow.

Just as she was about to comment, the door opened. A petite woman with long dark hair stepped out, followed by a boy around her age, who had the same dark hair. Just in a shorter style.

"Annabelle meet my wife Shelly, and my son Lewis. Love, this is Annabelle. Lewis, be nice…" He said that last part because he saw his son opening his mouth.

"About time dad! We thought you'd never get here!" The boy shouted. "I kept asking mom if we could just eat, but she said no."

"Lewis, behave." Shelly tugged on his ear as she hissed at him.

"Sorry, that's my fault." Annabelle spoke up, continuing to study them.

'He's a bit taller than me. Not by much, but still. I guess even if his mom is petite, his dad's a giant…'

"No, ignore him, he's just a bit grumpy. Can I see your leg? I just want to give you some ice, and maybe wrap it if it isn't too bad. Though depending on how severe your injury is we may have to take you to the hospital."

"Umm, it's not too bad. I think if I can just ice it, it'll get better."

"That and you have to stay off it. I'll let you know if I think you should go to the hospital in the morning. Alright?" Shelly spoke gently, trying not to scare the girl.

From what she had seen earlier, and after speaking with her husband telepathically. They had come to the decision that unless necessary they would try to avoid upsetting the child. Even if that meant not telling her that they were contacting the proper authorities.

After looking at her ankle and bandaging it, she held out an ice pack. "Here you go, just keep that against your foot until I say it's time to switch ice packs. I'd prefer you soak it in a bucket of ice water. But I'm not sure if that would be a good idea for you."

"Hey, how'd you end up in the flower field?" Lewis couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Thank you, Mrs. Shelly. I honestly don't know. One minute I was home and the next I find myself waking up here…" She looked at the boy, hoping he believed her.

"Hmm? Ok, sure I'll believe that for now. Let me know if you need anything." He waved at her as he walked away.

"Okay, thank you."

As she was about to dig in Annabelle realized she could hear whispers.

"It doesn't matter she still has to be given back to her guardians."

"But dad, what if it was the fault of a changeling? Her family would already be trapped by the delusion that their daughter is still safe at home."

"Changeling's usually only go after babies, I'm not sure what's going on. She said her family is dead, she might have been sent here in order to protect her. You know how some guardians act in obtuse ways darling."

"I know Shelly, but does that mean it wanted us to take care of her? Or was it just a last-ditch effort to protect her from something?" There was a pause before the voice continued.

"And what if it was a prank by other humans? Then we risk exposing the community, not just to her, but to humans in general."

"I miss the days when there was no such thing as a phone camera…"

"Ummmm, I'm sorry, but usually when people talk about someone, they usually wait till he or she is out of the room…" Annabelle broke the conversation apart. Hoping they'd stop talking about her as if she weren't there.

'What's with those blank looks?'

"You can hear us?"

"Well yeah, even if you are whispering, I'm right here…"

The family of three looked at each other.

Finally, John broke the silence.

"Annabelle, we weren't talking out loud."