
After putting the girl to sleep they decided to go out to the barn to discuss what had happened at dinner.

In an aged-greying building that had obvious signs of repair Lewis was quick to get the first word in. "It's not my fault mom! How am I supposed to remember that some kid can read link? No one outside of the clan is supposed to be able to hear us!"

His hands had flown up, as if to support his argument.

Shelly didn't say anything at first, taking a moment to formulate a response. "I'm not blaming you for thinking that it was safe to say something. I'm holding you responsible for being rude to our guest. Even just having those thoughts is mean. How would you feel if someone thought you were an escapee from an asylum?"

"That's not fair mom! It's not like I was trying to be mean. I was just coming up with ideas!" His shouts were more like stage whispers.

John glanced back at the house, and then his son. "Really? Just speak normally." Shaking his head, he turned to his wife.

"What do you think Shelly? She seems to be an okay kid, I'm pretty sure she's a run-away. But if she's from the community we're duty bound to find out why she ran."

"Put off contacting the authorities till we're sure she's human. Maybe there are humans with powers, but like us, they've chosen to stay hidden. However, she might also be one of our kind. Some are harder to spot than others…"

John cupped the back of his head, thinking about what his wife had said. "I'm not sure I trust her to be alone."

When it looked like Shelly was about to say something, he held up a hand. "It's not that I'm worried about her doing something to us. I'm worried about her running away in order to avoid going back to her guardian."

"Who knows how much trouble she'd get into. These aren't the safest parts for a human, hell, for some of the community they're considered deadly. I don't want her running off and getting hurt, or worse killed."

"I can help watch her." Lewis interrupted. "It's not like I have anything else to do. Plus, I'm a lot older than her."

"Age wise…" His mother muttered.

"Your mom's right, age wise you're older. Maturity wise… She might be older. Humans mature a lot faster than us. Mainly because they live for such a short amount of time."

"No way. She blurts out that she's been abducted by aliens, and you say she's more mature than me?" He pulled off a look of pure shock. Mouth open, eyes confused and finger pointing in his father's directions.

"It's all relative sweetheart. The longer you live, the longer it takes you to mature. Granted to a human that might seem like a nightmare, but to us it's a normal span of time. Almost like how a year goes by so quickly. We just don't notice the passage of time like humans." Shelly tried to explain the concept to her son.

"We love you Lewis, and you know that we trust you to be responsible. But you're still young. If something goes wrong, you won't know how to handle the situation." John patted his son on the shoulder.

"How do you know that? We've never been in this situation before. For all you know I could handle it all perfectly." Lewis clenched his fists and looked into his father's eyes. "Ask me anything, come up with a scenario and ask me how I'd deal with it."

John sighed but took his son seriously. "Okay, but if you get even one answer wrong you can't ask again. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" He grinned and got ready for the test.

"What would you do if she tried to leave without an adult?"

"First I'd try to talk her out of leaving, and if that didn't work, I'd call you or mom."

"What if we couldn't get home in time?"

"Then I'd tie her up and try to keep her comfortable until you got home."

"Good answers kiddo. That'll do, you can watch her on your own tomorrow."

"John!" Shelly couldn't stay quiet. "Honey, you do not tie up the girl, you follow her and make sure we know where you are. If something happens take care of any danger, and I'll mind wipe her later."

While talking she had walked up behind her husband, stood on her tiptoes, and whacked him on the back of his head.

"Does that mean I don't get to help out?" Lewis was heartbroken at the thought of having to go to school the next day, instead of staying at home watching the interesting weirdo his dad had picked up.

"Lewis… I hate to break it to you…"

"I was just messing with you. Both of us have things that can't be pushed back. You were watching her tomorrow whether you wanted to or not."

Shelly was just shaking her head, palm on forehead.

"Really dad?" Lewis wasn't impressed. His father always made 'jokes' at inopportune times.

"Ignore him Lewis. Just remember, whatever you do, Do Not, and I repeat DO NOT, tie that girl up. Alright? We don't want people thinking we kidnapped her. Also, wrongful restraint, is punishable by human law."

"Not like the humans have jurisdiction out here." Lewis snorted.

"Young man, if it was a big enough case, and it couldn't be stopped without attracting attention. The council would hang you out to dry so fast you wouldn't know what was happening."

Shelly looked at her son as she spoke.

"Remember the Salem witch trials? Some of the records were destroyed later, because some witches had actually been selected."

Her husband interrupted muttering. "Not as if they got them on purpose either, accused them of something they didn't even do, completely unlucky those four were…"

"Yes, well the current council at the time decided it was safer for the community if the four condemned sacrificed themselves for the benefit of the supernatural community. Obviously there have been other cases, but it was one of the most recent. Europe executed thousands of people over the centuries claiming they were witches."

John interrupted her.

"Only a few actual witches were reported killed by humans throughout that time. Mainly due to the council giving a rat's ass about individuals during those years. Nowadays if sacrificing one will protect many, they don't even hesitate. Which is why you need to be careful."

He patted his son on the head, before continuing. "Just contact us if something comes up, we'll find you immediately."

"I will dad." Lewis grabbed his dad's hand and pulled it off his head.

Chuckling Shelly spoke up. "Alright I think it's time for little dragons to go to bed. See you in the morning sweety."

"Mom stop calling me a little dragon!" His whip like tail popped into existence as it smacked the ground in agitation.

"Adults don't lose control of their transformation because of a little teasing." Shelly tapped his nose and pushed him towards the house. "Alright, now hide that tail and go to bed."