CHAPTER 23 - Meeting The True Leader


After that carriage incident and the group of freedom fighters were relieved to discover that it wasn't any slave-masters that came hunting for them, Arty looked to be that she is anxious about something. And the reason being of that was from the leader telling her the truth about the real and true leader of the freedom fighting group.

She didn't think about it on knowing who is truly who and realizing what kind of people she's been staying with and trained with during her long time with them.

True, she made a few friends among them, getting a little closer thanks to Arty passing the trials set up from them. But she never thought that the leader himself would have kept a big secret from her and then suddenly decide to give her the truth so soon after she had passed the trials of the freedom fighters and then helped them out with the passing nobleman's carriage.

She wondered what is going on and why she suddenly felt like that there is something fishy about this kind of situation and timing that's suddenly happening right before her.

At first, this feels like the same thing or something similar that had happened before when she caught sight of the capital's royal prince that had come too early for the future heroine's first meeting of sorts.

But then Arty shook it off as coincidence because she seemed to not remember anything about the freedom fighters being another main part of her story. They only have the role in small parts by that they are one of the allied groups with the heroine to rebel against the main villain of the story which is the Mad King.

However, Arty felt like she couldn't shake the sudden bad feeling she's got in her gut that felt so ominous it made her feel shivers that are running down her spine so coldly.

When she felt that ominous feeling, it made her feel like that she needs to find out what had gotten her to feel that way, but Arty knew that she has no time to delve into that.

For all her anxiety and nervousness, she needs to put it off for later and focus on continuing her training to be a good warrior, and then prepare herself for the incoming meeting with the true leader of the freedom fighters.

She wondered how that will turn out about, but she will have to wait and see when the time comes and the outcome might prove to turn out good.

Hopefully, that will be true in the future, for Arty believes that there's something brewing on the horizon, and she can't tell whether it might be good or bad.

It was a few days later that has already pass by, about two days at the least, that Arty was busy reading some books she had brought with her during her stay with the freedom fighters and has gotten herself distracted that she wasn't hyper-aware of her surroundings until she was approached by one of the freedom fighters.

She nearly jumped in surprise when they announced their presence and then told her that the leader has called for her in a private meeting she needs to come in about something.

She wondered again what it could be and she was also surprised at finding out that time has already gone so fast that she didn't notice it because she was distracted from the training and whatever she was doing like reading her books.

Arty stood and went to see the leader on what the private meeting is about with her and the leader, but then it was only a few hours later that she came back to her tent with a look of stunned surprise in her face and also there was nervousness again on it.

The leader had told her that Arty, the leader, and a few other freedom fighters will be off to go to another secret place where the main and real leader is waiting for them, especially for Arty herself. The leader had told her that she will pack up her things and get prepared to leave by the next morning as they set off.

Arty was nervous about meeting the true leader of the freedom fighters. She may not know exactly where they will be going, but she'll try to remember as much as she can since she is also the creator of the fantastical and fictional world she's in that is her story, once they get there.

Maybe when she meets the leader, she might be able to instantly figure out who they are and what kind of role they play into the story with the heroine in it.

Hopefully, she might be able to because she couldn't handle any more unexpected surprises or changes that she knew that it was not meant for the story itself. And it is not a good thing for Arteria Blaze.

