CHAPTER 53 - Friendly Relations


Arty was glad when she thought that the matters with the Ice Prince have been dealt with. Even though it's still a shaky deal between them, she's confident that there will be a solid alliance from the prince as she and her rebel army will soon be completed and face off against the Mad King and defeat him, so that he'll take over the throne and be a just and fair ruler.

But that will happen in the far future when the time comes, so for now Arty had to make sure that the battle plans were all set and finished before they set off to accomplish that.

In the meantime, Arty focuses on training more as well as reach out to make more new friends and allies with other kinds of people and beings, to add more into the army for the incoming fight they have to be prepared for.

Her friend Emyrie join in with Arty with her tasks and it was easy to go through the day with her magician friend at her side, as well as having the freedom fighters and Lord Dark-grip helping them out to do so.

So far, there haven't been any reports of movements from the Mad King's forces or any other enemies, but they didn't let their guard down in case something unexpected might happen towards them or something else that's very bad.

Even though Arty knew that she's being overly-paranoid about it, her suspicious and alert guard has rung true on the matter that's very important when something worse might come their way and interfere with their plans as well as hers into finding a way back home into her former modern world.

But then she lets this matter be set aside for the most important part by focusing on the task upon finding more people into their cause.

It didn't take long for some of the freedom fighters or other rebels to give their reports on their findings or whatever they have discovered, while they're busy training for the upcoming battle and getting the rebellion army prepared with weapons, artillery, and such.

So far, there are potential allies with more people such as those who are discontent with the Mad King's rule, and they found rumors about a mysterious race of beings that could be useful for them to be with the rebellion.

And that race of mystery species is…called or known as the Dhampirs.

Specifically, they are half-human and half blood-sucking vampires. Beings born from human and vampire relationships.

Arty had remembered that she added these particular creatures into the story that will also be apart of the rebellion to fight against the enemies.

They are a nomadic yet isolated elusive race, exiled and banished from the pure-blood vampire societies as well as prejudiced and discarded harshly from the human ones, because of their mixed heritage born from the solid relationships of their human and vampire parents.

Despite that the kind of romantic relations made between a vampire and a human were accepted among the vampire kinds, the Dhampirs that were born into the world were ignored and discarded cruelly because the pure-blood life-sucking vampires believed that they are a tainted abomination that was not made to exist in the living world.

Because of that, many of the Dhampirs' parents as well as them had long traveled and wandered around the world, trying to search a place that would accept them with open arms, but so far they haven't found a secure safe area yet, so these beings have long become nomads since the beginning of their first existence.

Arty had the sudden idea into getting the Dhampirs to join into the rebellion and making the promises that they will have a secure wide area to have as their own home to live in and she made sure that they will be accepted without prejudice and bigotry amongst all races in the world so that they won't have to live on and wander in hiding and seclusion.

Arty hoped that reaching out to them and making friendly relations with the Dhampirs would bear fruit successfully so that their army would grow and be enough to fight against the enemy forces of the Mad King. For now, they just need to find out exactly where the Dhampirs are, before they could do that into making a deal with them.

Hopefully, Arty will be able to procure that once they find them, and before the time comes that the Mad King might find out about their secret hiding place and send out his forces to dispatch them off. Here's hoping it won't come to that, Arty thought deeply in her head.


(Author's Notes: Apologies for taking this very long to update. I will be doing some major re-writing, editing, and updating on my stories and will be posting them as fast as I can. Also, with the pandemic crisis, it's been hectic. Hopefully, for the new year 2021, real-life and things will be getting better soon.)

