Thana watched me with her intense green eyes as if she were trying to discern what kind of creature I was, as if my being from Earth was a lie. The mix of confusion and fear in the room was palpable, and I did my best to stand straight under its oppressive weight and hold my head high.
"I am Flora Hernandez, a botanist from Earth," I said with all the confidence I could muster. Murmurs ran through the court, but Thana ignored them. Her strong voice rang clear over the whispers, "You must realize how incredulous that sounds," she said calmly. "There has been no communication with Earth for thousands of years. By all accounts the planet has long been dead and is now thousands of lightyears away from here, and yet you claim to be from there."
"I realize that it is hard to believe," I admitted. "I had a hard time believing it myself when I woke up. The last thing I remember was preparing for hibernation on the ark in 2119. I was one of the scientists tasked with finding a new world to live on. From the bits and pieces I have learned over these past few days it seems I have succeeded, but am many years too late."
"Too late indeed," Thana said, still unconvinced. "Billions of people died, and hundreds scattered across the universe trying to survive. Some say it's a miracle the human race continued at all, but I'd say it's even more of a miracle to see you standing here today."
"It just isn't possible," a councilwoman piped in. "There is no way she could have survived this long!"
"Statistically the chances of survival are incredibly low," Geo interjected. "Since she had undergone hibernation before her pod entered space her metabolism was able to decrease to the point –"
"Enough, Geo!" Thana snapped while massaging her temples. "No one in this court has time to listen to you ramble on about your theories and technical jargon right now. You are not to speak unless spoken to." Geo's eyes narrowed a little as he stared Thana down, but in the end he nodded his head.
"While I understand your skepticism, Councilwoman Nera," Albin says with a smooth and charming voice, "you saw the documentation. The dates and the symbol of the Ark are unmistakable."
"Documents can be forged," Nera retorted.
"True," Albin said as if giving her argument great thought. "But why would she and Geo lie about such a thing? How would it benefit them?"
"This wouldn't be the first time rival pods have tried to escape using hibernation pods or used them to smuggle goods and knowledge from us," Nera eyed Geo coldly, her lips tight with disapproval. "How else would the isolation chamber footage be tampered with if help didn't come from the outside?"
Geo opened his mouth in protest but Thana beat him too it, "That is enough. Geo is not on trial for smuggling or working with rival pods and there is no evidence to support that. He is accused of disobeying a direct order and placing the pod at risk. Based on the reports, what is the court's verdict? I will abstain from the vote due to my personal connection with the accused."
The reason for her abstaining made my eyebrows raise in surprise. I glanced over at Geo and wondered what their connection might be. Geo betrayed nothing as both he and Thana stared at one another in a battle of wills. One by one the councilmembers stated their verdict, guilty. Geo's shoulders slumped a little in defeat like he had been waiting for this all along. He told me that he thought he was being punished for waking me. Was this what he meant?
"Geo of Novarca, you have been found guilty of disobeying a direct order and placing this pod at risk," Thana solemnly said as she pulled up a new document from her hologram. "Fortunately, the test results have just come back favorably for you. Flora has a common flu and will only need to follow our safety precautions. Isolation is no longer necessary. You may remove your helmets as we discuss your sentencing." With that she and the other council members left the room into an adjoining chamber.
I removed my helmet and saw Geo was doing the same. His eyes were emotionless as he stood awaiting his sentence. "Are you ok?" I asked softly, unsure how he will react. He didn't respond, and I wondered if he had heard me. I reached out to touch his arm and he pulled away. "Please don't," he said with a strained voice. I bit my lip and glanced away. My guilt climbed up from the pit of my stomach and gripped my heart tightly. How could he not regret this now?
I took a step back and asked, "what are they going to do to us?" I could tell he didn't want to answer me, but eventually he sighed, "I don't know. Some of them have wanted to get rid of me for years. This might be just what they were waiting for." I shifted my eyes, no longer able to look at him. "I'm sorry," I whispered.
Even without looking at him I could tell from his sharp intake of breath that he was on edge. "I've told you, you have nothing to be sorry for. This is my doing and I will accept whatever sentence the council gives me!" he said angrily. My eyes began to tear up but I quickly blinked it away. I had never felt so powerless before. Geo must have seen me because his clenched fist loosened a little as he reached out to touch my shoulder.
"I'm fine," I snapped. I didn't need his pity when his own life was on the line because of me, even though logically I know it isn't entirely my fault. Geo jerked his hand back as he looked at me with disappointment. It was then that the council returned. Geo stepped away from me and we both faced the councilmembers.
Thana watched us closely, looking from one to the other with suspicion. "Geo of Novarca, your private lab privileges on Nova are suspended. You will return to Central's lab until further notice and will be under surveillance. Any new projects must be submitted for council approval." Geo's expressions changed from surprise to annoyance, but he nodded in agreement. "This is not the first time you have stood in front of this court, but it will be the last time. Do not make us regret our leniency today."
Thana turned her gaze to me. "Flora Hernandez, your skills as a botanist could be useful to Arca. Your sentence is to work on terraforming planet Ilterra. You will consult with Councilwoman Nera on our crops and be supervised by Councilman Albin." Nera turned her nose up to the thought of consulting with me while Albin flashed me a warm smile. "You can either take a room near Central's lab where Geo will be, or you can be stationed with Albin near the docks. Which one will you choose?"
I could feel Geo tense up beside me. I had caused enough trouble for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him forever. I can't rely on anyone, and I need to figure out this new life fast. I sighed, "I choose the docks." Geo kept a straight face, but I saw a moment of surprise flash across his eyes. He turned to look away from me and I could see Albin's pleased smile. Thana looked from Geo to me before continuing. "Very well. You will go to Geo every day this week for health checkups. And then once a week after that to monitor you due to your extraordinary circumstances. With that, this court is adjourned."
Thana and the rest of the councilmembers rose and left the room while two guards entered. They removed our handcuffs and I smiled in relief. I turned to Geo but he had already turned around and was walking away. I wanted to call after him, but I stopped myself. It was then that I felt someone approach me from behind. I turned to find Councilman Albin standing at my side with a lighthearted smile. "Flora, welcome to Central!"