Thana stood tall with an authoritative air. She may be young for a council member, but her poise and intelligence left no room for doubt that she was a true leader. I couldn't help but wonder how she managed to get to her position at such a young age, but what made me wonder even more was how Geo could possibly think ignoring her would work.
"Geo what are you-"
"Shhh!" he hissed. "I have to think," he said as he started tapping his fingers with nervous energy.
Thana looked into the camera with an icy stare as she continued to press the button faster and faster, making the beeps in the room match my heart rate. Fear started to knot my stomach as hundreds of scenarios played in my head. Whether she was here to scold Geo for changing the code, defying Albin, or being alone with me, none of them turned out well. I have hardly proven my worth yet and can't risk angering her. Each minute that passed without opening that door was one more reason she could banish me.
"She knows we are in here. You have to let her in, Geo!" I whispered.
Geo let out an exasperated sigh, "I know! I know. Put on your mask and let's go."
I put my mask back on and followed him to the door. I stood cautiously behind him as he took a deep breath and opened the door.
Thana's face was void of any emotion as she looked Geo in the eye. "I hear you are making a fuss..." she said with a calm, cold voice. Her eyes shifted to me as she icily added, "...again." Her stare made me break out in a cold sweat, and I was grateful when she looked to Geo again. "Now let me inside," she commanded.
"I can't do that," Geo said flatly as he did his best to stand tall in front of such an opponent.
A single eyebrow raised on Thana's placid face. "Oh really?" she asked.
Geo shook his head. "The council does not have authority here at this point in time. I told Albin that no council member will be let in," he said firmly.
"Well I am not Albin," she said as her eyes narrowed into a glare. "I am your councilwoman, your betrothed, and your friend since childhood. You will let me in Geo of Novarca! After everything I have suffered because of you I shouldn't even have to ask," she said sternly.
Geo lowered his head in defeat and stepped aside to make way for Thana. As the door closed behind her she eyed me up and down. The slightest smirk appeared on her lips, but her eyes remained cold. "I will speak to you alone," she commanded Geo before helping herself into his office.
Geo sighed before turning to me, "Please wait in exam room for me. This hopefully won't take long."
I nodded and began walking towards the exam room but stopped when I heard the door to his office close. I was torn between wanting to honor their privacy and my curiosity. In an attempt to find a midway point, I decided to inspect the lab room next to Geo's office to better familiarize myself with the equipment and tools available. If I happened to hear what they were saying so be it.
I entered the lab room and took a look around. It was well supplied with glass tubes and beakers. A powerful microscope sat on table, and I could tell it was old from the bits of corrosion that had flaked away over the years. All in all the space is nice. I wonder if I will be able to do my research there, but seeing Geo's level of privacy with his lab I doubt it.
Along the wall was a cabinet of drawers likely filled with tools. I went over to investigate when I heard the faint mumblings from Geo's office. Suddenly recalling why I had entered the room in the first place, I looked around for something that might allow me to hear better. I scanned the wall and found my answer: a vent. It must have been sealed shut to prevent contamination between rooms during earlier experiments. I slowly pulled the small lever at its side down, forcing the slats to open slightly.
"What are you playing at? You know you shouldn't aggravate him, Geo," Thana said, the sound of disappointment in her voice still clear despite the vent.
"I won't let him into this lab. I don't trust him," Geo said defiantly.
"You need to let go of what happened. It was an accident, and it happened years ago. You can't keep blaming him and continue to put a target on our backs," Thana replied, almost as if she was pleading with him.
There was a pause as if Geo was considering it. "I have my reasons for why I don't trust him, Thana. I will not let him in unless the council orders it."
Thana sighed in frustration. "I don't know why you do this to yourself. To me. And you keep making it harder. I see the way you look at her," she said accusingly.
Geo huffed in confusion. "Look at who?"
"That Earth woman, Flora," she said as my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't help but lean in closer to hear better.
"I don't know what you are talking about," Geo said flatly.
"I was watching you during the trial. I know you Geo of Novarca. You don't go out of your way to protect anyone but your family and yet here you are standing by her."
"I woke her, so I am responsible for her wellbeing. It is as simple as that."
A laugh of disbelief escaped Thana's lips. "And why did you wake her? You say it was to help save our pod, but you had no reason to believe she could do so when you smuggled her out of Central. I know you had other motives if you were willing to ask my father's help."
"Now you are just speculating," Geo accused.
"It needs to stop, now," Thana said firmly. "I'm not the only who sees it, whether it is real or not. We can't allow this to undermine our standing. You know the risks."
I waited for Geo's reply with bated breath, but the next thing I heard with the door to his office opening. I quickly scrambled off of the table and pretended to busy myself with the instruments in the cabinet. Thana appeared in the doorway and watched me for a moment while I desperately pretended I hadn't noticed them leaving the office.
"Flora of Earth," she said cooly, "come with me." I stood up and walked into the hallway, a bit fearful but mostly curious as to where we were going. I looked to Geo for any clues or assurance, but as he looked between Thana and me I could see he was just as confused as me.
"I will be taking Flora to the Sporo today," Thana announced.
Geo's eyes widened a bit, "but Albin-"
"I dismissed Albin from the task for today," Thana said quickly, cutting Geo off. "I thought it would be good to spend some time with the person responsible for such...commotion in my pod," she said with her cold smirk.
Geo nervously looked from Thana to me but eventually nodded. He opened the front door to the lab, and for the first time that day I saw Thana smile. "I'm glad you agree, my dearest," she said sweetly. She ushered me past them and out into the street before she turned to give Geo a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
I glanced away as Geo brought a hand up to his cheek. He watched us as we settled into Thana's car, and I couldn't help but feel the slightest tinge of jealously. The feeling was soon replaced by uneasiness as Thana watched me from the corner of her eye as we drove away. What she said next paralyzed me: "I know you want my betrothed."