Date: 09/02/12119
I didn't sleep well last night, but I haven't slept well for the past several nights. The sounds from the docks still keep me up, yet the sounds aren't loud enough to drown out my thoughts. During the days I have felt fine enough. There is always someone new to meet, something new to see or learn, but at night there are no distractions. I can't help but think how everything and everyone I had ever known is gone, and I have no idea what to expect for the future. The uncertainty keeps me up at night, and while I want to hide away in my apartment, I know the only way to get past this is to keep moving forward.
I lifted my tired, fatigued body from the bed and tried to stretch the sleepiness away. I wasn't sure who would be picking me up today for my appointment, but either way I wanted to be ready and prepared to face them. I had just finished getting ready when I heard the familiar ring. I placed my mask on my face and opened the door to Lena's cold stare.
"Come," she ordered as if I were a dog. I bristled and looked to her ear. She had the earpiece in, but apparently that didn't change her approach. Realizing I didn't move, Lena barked, "come."
"I am not a dog," I snapped and instantly regretted saying anything at all. The sleep deprivation may have made me irritable, but Lena is one of the last people I would want to make angry. If she was shocked by response she didn't show it. Instead she looked at me cooly, observing me like I was some sort of insect.
"It speaks," she said with mild disgust. "You have my attention. What is 'dog'?" she asked.
I blinked a couple of times and shook my head in disbelief. I am a long way from home. "A dog is a pet, an animal for companionship."
Her lips rose in a cruel smirk. "Then you are no dog. You aren't wanted or needed for companionship. You are a piece of cargo I move from place to place. Fortunately for you I am ordered to handle that cargo with care, but if you talk back to me again I have no problem disobeying orders," she said threateningly. "Now, come," she growled before turning to her vehicle.
My jaw tightened and I could feel tears prick my eyes from anger, but I quickly entered the car. My anger quickly bloomed into a tension headache as we drove in silence to the lab. As soon as Lena stopped at the front entrance I jumped out of the car and made my way to the door. Recalling where the panel was before I pushed the button to alert Geo to let me in.
I had hoped Geo would have opened the door before Lena could reach me, but I heard her footsteps quickly racing towards me. Her hand gripped my arm tightly as she spun me around to face her.
"You do not walk away from me, understand?" she said angrily as her eyes bore into mine. I held her gaze with a glare of my own. She leaned down to get closer to my face, and once we were at eye level she pointed to the single scar line on her right cheek. "You see this?" she asked in a low voice. "This is for the first person I killed. You keep acting like this and you will be my second mark," she whispered. Her hand tightened on my arm forcing me to inhale sharply.
At that moment I heard the door to the lab open. "What are you doing?" Geo asked Lena angrily.
Without looking away from me, Lena straightened up slowly and released my arm. She eyed Geo as if he was beneath her and scoffed. "I will be back to pick her up in a half hour," she announced as she began to walk away.
Geo's eyes narrowed, "I will call you when she is ready. I have many tests to do."
Lena stopped and looked at him. "Half hour, Arcan," she commanded.
"I take my orders from Thana and the council. Don't like it? Take it up with them," Geo challenged.
Lena snarled but calmly entered her vehicle and left. I sighed in relief and leaned against the rusted metal walls while rubbing the ache out of my arm.
Geo looked at me, his eyes filled with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked as he took a step towards me. He gently took my arm in his hands and began to roll up the sleeves to see if Lena had left any marks. A soft smile reached my lips as I watched how attentive he was being, but Thana's warning began to echo in my head.
I quickly pulled my arm away from him and looked down both ends of the tunnel. She threatened she has eyes and ears all over this pod, but seeing there was no one here to witness what happened, I sighed.
I could see the surprise in Geo's eyes with how I reacted and I gave him a weak smile. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little shy," I fibbed while gesturing to the tunnel.
"Oh! Forgive me. Come on inside so we can start the exam."
As soon as the door shut behind us he was once again rolling up my sleeve.
"Geo, I'm fine," I protested, but he didn't stop. His eyes flashed with anger as soon as he saw the red marks on my arm that were slowly starting to bruise.
"That damn Navis woman!" Geo shouted and turned away.
"Where are you going?" I asked, panicked.
"Thana and the council will hear about this! This cannot be tolerated!" he said as he stepped towards his office.
"No! Wait!" I cried and grabbed his hand so he could not leave.
"This cannot be tolerated, Flora! I might not be able to get rid of her from the pod, but I will make sure she does not come near you again!" Geo ranted as he looked to the comms in his office.
I brought my hand up to his cheek and he instantly stilled, all the anger in him falling away. I guided him until we were looking into each other's eyes.
With a sad smile I whispered, "please don't."