WebNovelLove Seed64.29%

Good News

I strode into Geo's office, my resolve to complete my mission driving me past courtesy. After what I heard last night I knew that I could not rely on anyone else as my guide through life. If everyone else had a goal that guides them then I needed one of my own, and what would be better than the reason I came to space in the first place? My north star, or guide I should say, is to terraform a planet and revive my seeds from Earth. Whomever I cross in my quest to terraform Ilterra be damned - at least that is how I feel right now.

I marched up to Geo's comms device, pulled up his list of contacts and froze. The confidence I once felt drained out of me when I suddenly realized I didn't have Nera's contact information, and after scrolling through Geo's four preprogrammed names it looked like he didn't either. I cursed under my breath and took a seat in his chair.

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand as I tried to think of way to find Nera's contact number. I had never searched for someone's information here. Everyone I knew was preprogrammed for me in my apartment, and even then the only person I had ever called was Geo that one time. I glanced at the four names and felt a little pity for him. The list consisted of his sister, his bethrothed, and me, his ward. I didn't recognize the last name on the list. It was a man named Pallav, and I have to admit my curiousity was peaked.

I shook my head and tried to focus back on my goal. Looking between my contact and Thana's I could tell the first two numbers had to indicate the station the person was from. Both of ours were 01, and knowing that Central was the first station it must be the order in which they were built. So when was Sporo built? I wracked my brain thinking of every story Nera told me about the Sporos, but I was coming up short.

"What is Sporo's number?" I whispered to myself with frustration. "Seven? Six?"

"It is five. 05," Geo said as he leaned against the door. I jumped away from the comms device and out of his seat from both surprise and guilt.

"I- I needed to make a call, and I didn't want to wake you," I said quickly and looked away. "I'm sorry."

"Wake me?" he asked surprised. "I have been awake for a while now. You know I have been working nights while you have been ill."

My eyes snapped back to his and I realized he was telling the truth. "But Thana said..." Confusion was written all over his face, and I realized there was no point in bringing it up. "Nevermind," I said as I offered a small smile. "I was trying to contact Councilwoman Nera. I want to let her know about the baking soda so she can begin using it."

"Of course," he said calmly. I was suprised he was not upset with me being in his office, and I was not going to push my luck. "You can let her know that I will be shipping out the powder this morning. She should receive it at Sporo01 by late morning."

I blinked with surprise at his thoughtfulness. "Thank you for doing that for me. I really appreciate you helping me with this," I said with a genuine smile.

He returned it easily. "Anything for you and the pod," he said happily.

My smiled faultered a little but I quickly recovered it. "Yes, for the pod," I agreed before gesturing to the comms device. "If you don't mind, I don't know Councilwoman Nera's contact information."

"Ah, yes!" he said as if suddenly remembering I am not from Arca. He came around his desk and began to type in the six-digit number. I tried to keep my eyes focused on the device, but I caught myself glancing at Geo. His hair had gotten just long enough to be pulled into a short ponytail and a slight scruff of stubble dotted his long jawline. His eyes were focused on his task, but they looked at ease. It made me wonder if they could look that way because his feelings are genuine and he has nothing to hide or if it is because he is a great liar.

"There, I have saved the number in the preprogrammed contacts for you in case you ever need to call her again," he said as he finished. "I will leave you to your work."

"Thank you, Geo."

He nodded with a tired smile and exited the office. I waited until I heard him enter the main lab before I pressed Nera's name. Several steady beats let me know that the comms device was connecting before I heard Nera's displeased tone.

"Geo, what could you possibly have to say at this hour? I did not know you woke up before ten in the morning."

"Good morning, Councilwoman," I said cheerfully. "It is me, Flora."

"Flora?" she said with surprise. "They told me that you were ill! How are you feeling?"

Her concern made me smile a little. It was nice to know someone cared. "I am doing much better now, thank you."

"It has been many years since I last saw a case of red macula," she said and I could hear the shiver in her voice. "It is a horrible disease. I am glad you are recovering well and will get vaccinated soon. Thana has been ridden with guilt ever since you fell ill, but that is unfortunately the risk you take when you withhold medicine," she sighed. I didn't know how to reply to that and meerly hummed in agreement. "So what do I owe the honor of receiving a call from the Ancient One?" she asked with a touch of humor.

"It is good news. Geo did it! He was able to create some baking soda for the fungicide spray. He said it should arrive at Sporo01 by late morning today. I was able to slip in the directions on how to mix the concoction, so you could start using it as soon as this afternoon!" I said excitedly.

There was a pause and I started to wonder if our connection had broken before I heard an incredulous, "really?"

I chuckled. "Yes, really. It won't solve it all, but with regular applications it should knock it down considerably."

"I cannot belive it!" Nera said excitedly. "This is amazing! Thank you both. We will begin testing with it as soon as it arrives." I smiled and enjoyed the feeling of something going right for once. "It seems there is a lot of good news to share today," she said teasingly.

"How do you mean?"

"Some of your seeds have sprouted!" She waited to hear my reaction, but I was just as speechless as she had been a moment ago. "Yes, it looks like they went through hibernation just as beautifully as you did. I will be sending a full report on their progress soon."

My mouth finally caught up to my brain as I began chanting thank you over and over again. "Flora, please. Thank you! Now go get some more rest so you can be here in person soon!" After her command Nera disconnected the call without a goodbye, but I didn't mind.

As soon as we disconnected I screamed with excitement! They made it! A piece of Earth and our history survived with me and I am one step closer to my goal! Overwhelmed with joy I brought my hands up to my face and breathed in deeply. The pressure and warmth from my fingers was soothing against my closed as I tried to calm back down, but I was so giddy the smile wouldn't leave my face.

Suddenly the office door flung open. "Are you alright?" Geo asked in a panic. My head snapped up and my eyes widened at the shirtless and somewhat dishevled Geo in front of me.