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I was a little nervous about Geo and I spending time alone like this. My head knew I should keep my distance and that going any further would be dangerous, but it was getting harder to ignore how I felt around him. I don't think I have ever felt this way about someone before. Back in my old life I would never get flushed or feel my heart begin to race, but back then I wouldn't allow myself to entertain the idea of a relationship because it had no future. Looking at the situation now, it doesn't look like there is a future here either, so why do I keep doing this to myself?

I began to question what the variable was. Was it that I never found the right person until now? Was it that I've reached a point in my life that I feel ready? I internally cringed when considering the last possibility: have I become desperate and weak? I was disappointed in myself for that possibility and for not knowing the answer.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the delicious smell of our food hit my nose. Geo gestured for me to take a seat at the table, and I did so quickly as I felt myself begin to salivate. It had been so long since I last had flavor! I placed the first bite into my mouth and moaned at its tangy, savory taste.

"I am glad you like it," Geo said with a chuckle.

"I don't mean to be rude, but it is nice to have something with flavor for once instead of the traditional Arcan stuff," I said with a laugh.

"That is not entirely fair," Geo said with mock offense. "Since you were ill we have been giving you simple foods." I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. "But yes, we do have some very bland foods," he admitted with a sigh. "We worked with what it had. It has not been until these last several decades that we have had access to Ilterra and the Labyrinth. Ever since then our diets have been able to expand. Hopefully once we terraform Ilterra it will be more sustainable."

I looked away at the mention of terraforming Ilterra and tried to keep my anxieties down. There is so much to do, so many people counting on me, and I get the feeling that I don't have a lot of time.

"Flora?" Geo calls. I look back at him and see his worried expression. "I am sorry. I should not have brought it up. Let us talk about something else."

"No, it's fine," I said with a shake of my head. "It's reality. I just need to figure some things out, or at least find some ways to improve what we already have." I give him a tired smile.

Geo tilts his head in confusion. "You have already done that," he said confidently. It was my turn to look confused. "Stay here a moment," he said as he left the table to go further into the lab. After a moment he came back with a monitor in his arms and placed it on the table. I watched him as he set it up and wondered what he was up to.

"This arrived earlier today," he said as he showed me the small drive in his hand. He connected it to the monitor, and several folders popped up. I didn't know what they all said, but I recognized the word 'sporo' on one of them. Geo opened it, and a picture of a seedling popped up. The moment I saw it I gasped.

"Flora, are you ok?" Geo asked with concern. I didn't realize I had begun to cry as I wiped the tears away. "What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong," I said as I smiled up at him, "everything is amazing." He looked from me to the picture on the screen, clearly not understanding why I reacted the way I did. "This is a Japanese Giant Red Mustard seedling. My grandmother grew it in her very first garden and fell in love with it. She grew it every year since, and because of that my family helped keep the variety alive on Earth. Now it looks like I will be able to continue the tradition here in Arca." A warmth washed over my heart knowing that I was able to bring a small part of my family with me, but there also came a tinge of sadness knowing that they are gone.

Geo placed his hand on top of mine. His touch was warm and comforting, and I decided not to fight it, not right now. He moved on from one image to the next, and my smile just kept getting bigger.

"It is nice to see you smile," Geo commented after a while.

I took my eyes of the monitor and glanced at him. "Have I not been smiling?" I asked, my tone slightly teasing. I know we have smiled together before.

He looked at me for a moment longer. "Not like this," he said finally. My smile slowly faded as I realized he was being serious, that he has been observing me. "You look truly happy," he said with a soft smile. I can't help but return it before we both look back at the monitor.

I was amazed at how many varieties survived the hibernation and could feel a sense of pride swelling within me. There were some that did not make it this round of planting. I can only hope that seeds we placed in storage will work during the second trial. It would be such loss if they were gone forever.

"Why did you do it?" Geo asked, breaking the silence. I turned to him and realized he had been watching me long before he asked the question.

"Do what?"

"Why would you carry seeds with you in your hibernation chamber and not the Ark?" I could tell he was genuinely curious and took a moment to think of my response.

"The Ark would not let me take certain varieties, so I had to smuggle them because I couldn't bear to leave them and our history behind without taking a chance." I could tell he didn't completely understand what I meant. "You see this seedling?" I asked, gesturing to the image on the monitor. "That one was commonly called the 1600 Year Old Cave Bean, so now I guess it would be the 11,600 Year Old Cave Bean," I said with a laugh. "It was found in an ancient clay pot sealed with pitch in a cave. After all that time it survived.

"Can you imagine the people who cultivated that bean, who grew it year after year for their community, and who carefully sealed it away from the elements. I like to imagine what those people ate it with, how they cooked it. Was it someone's favorite bean? Was it part of any traditional meals?

"And now we get to taste a piece of that history, carry it forward, and possibly even make a variety of our own from it. It is a living piece of the history of our species," I said enthusiastically as I turned to look at Geo. He was watching me carefully, a small smile on his face. When his eyes met mine we stilled for a moment, neither one of us looking away.

Geo began to slowly lean forward, and I knew what was going to happen, but I did not pull away. A part of me was curious, a larger part knew that I wanted this too. The moment his lips touched mine it felt like a spark of electricity coursed through my body, causing me to gasp. Geo pulled away slightly, checking to see if I was ok. I may not have figured out what the variable is that is making me behave this way, but I knew I was not ready for it to end.