Thana's gaze was fixed on me, unblinking. I tried to discern her thoughts or emotions, but her mask was already in place, making her impossible to read. I could feel my pulse quicken as I tried to prepare myself for any question she might ask, but in the end she still surprised me.
"I heard yesterday was an eventful day," she said calmly followed by silence. What did she mean by that? Was she referring to my uneventful and disappointing call with Albin, my visit with her father, the trip to the marketplace, or the seedling report? Or was she referring to the moment her father eyed Geo and me suspiciously in his home? Or the moments Geo grabbed my hand through the narrow paths of the market? Or when we kissed in his lab just a few feet away from where we now stood?
She waited, making my muscles tighten with suspense, but I was familiar with this tactic. She was attempting to lure me into her trap so that I might divulge information she wouldn't even think to ask.
"How do you mean?" I asked, forcing my voice to remain calm as I held her gaze.
"Your visit with my father, of course." Thana's lips formed a small, tight smile. "I am pleased that you have decided to work with us and share information." I glanced away, somewhat ashamed of my decision to become her mole, but quickly nodded in agreement. "I would have assumed that was the most interesting event yesterday, but given your response it seems something else must have happened."
I lifted my eyes back to her, wondering what she knew. "As a matter of fact, something very exciting happened yesterday," I said with confidence. Thana tilted her head slightly with interest as she silently waited for me to continue. Despite how nervous she made me, I couldn't help but smile thinking about the news I was about to share. "Some of the seeds I brought with me have sprouted on Sporo."
I am not sure what I was expecting. I don't know if I thought she would jump for joy or look at me with an expression of disbelief, but in the end her calm smile was more fitting to her character. "Councilwoman Nera contacted me about it yesterday. Congratulations, Flora."
I could feel the smile on my lips waiver a bit upon discovering she already knew about the report. I had worried myself over nothing yesterday like a fool - of course she would already know.
"My conversation with Councilwoman Nera was brief. Do you know the status of the seedlings?"
I nodded, feeling confident again that I had knowledge worth sharing. "Nearly 97 varieties have sprouted so far, the others still need a few more days to determine if they survived. I have the reports and images just inside my lab." I gestured towards the lab so that I could show her, but she gently shook her head.
"That will not be necessary. I will have Councilwoman Nera provide me a full report by the end of the day." A little pang of defeat hit my chest, but I made sure to keep it hidden. I nodded in understanding, but in truth I didn't understand at all. Was it because she truly didn't have the time, or was it a reminder of how little I was needed now that the seeds have been turned over.
"Arca will benefit greatly from this. On behalf of the pod, I thank you," Thana said kindly and with a warm smile. The sincerity of her tone brought a smile to my face, and at a loss for words, I nodded to her again. Her once warm expression quickly returned to her calm and cold mask as her gaze locked onto mine. "Does Albin know?" she asked cooly.
"No," I responded with a shake of my head. She watched me closely, and I could feel my heart begin to race despite my innocence.
"Good," she finally said. "Keep it that way." She released me from her hold and turned her attention to the lab door. "I heard that you were not able to gather all the information you wanted from my father's archives. I will take you there this morning."
"Please don't trouble yourself," I quickly said, not wanting to spend any more time alone with Thana than was necessary. A part of me was also afraid of what Thanh might tell her if he suspected something between Geo and me. "I am sure Geo can take me, or I can visit another time."
"It is no trouble. I have not seen my father in some time, and while Marea is doing all she can to secure your stay with us, a potential trial is looming. We do not have the luxury of time." Thana's voice was calm, but it felt as if she was scolding me for being too carefree. Unable to argue, I felt like a bobblehead figure and nodded once again. "Gather what you need. We will leave shortly."
I couldn't deny that the morning was rough, but I had hope that I would find more answers for terraforming Ilterra in Thanh's archives. But I hoped even more that Thanh wouldn't say anything to Thana about what he saw.