Sudden Circumstance


I said without a hint of hesitation.

Taking advantage of the short silence that followed after, probably because she could not fully process my reply, I start walking away from her and this troublesome alleyway. It's only right to leave troublesome people alone.

Yes, I think I said something good there.

"Eh!? So quick!?"


That 'invitation' just now, might as well have held up a large sign that had the words 'Extremely Troublesome' on it, since it was just that obvious. I had even felt a slight chill on the back of my neck after hearing the absurd proposal.

As I was surprised at how quickly her brain had already digested my quick reply, I unconsciously made my steps longer, and my walking speed a little bit faster than usual. It's not because I was scared or anything.

It's just that I thought I would have already lost her by the time she realised that I had refused her.

Man, today has been full of miscalculations.

Are my senses getting that dull nowadays?

No, that shouldn't be the case. I make sure to train myself every morning as to maintain my body and mind, to hone my techniques in rendering opponents unable to move or completely disabling them once the time comes.

You might be thinking that there's no point to all of this since I was living in peaceful Japan.


You couldn't be even farther from the truth.

In fact, the whole reason I'm doing all of this is to avoid troublesome situations that can happen any moment.


This country is anything but peaceful!

At least for me it is.

I don't know how it is for normal people my age, but from childhood I was dragged all around the country by my shitty old man and my doting older brother, doing questionable and most of all, troublesome things.

Most of those situations included dealing with large amounts of people who were each individually dangerous, and together a nightmare to deal with. And for some reason, whenever we clashed, they would show unbelievable anger and determination to fight back. So, it was a pain to beat them all up without killing them.

Of course, I had killed people before.

The first time was slightly depressing, but the ones after that felt like it was natural.

Criminals, Traitors, Serial Killers, Rogue Military Soldiers, and many more like that.

By the time I was in middle school, I had racked up quite a list.

I don't feel any remorse nor regret for it though.

In the world under the normal shackles of society, killing people was as natural as breathing.

Even still, compared to the world in my memories, this world's killing was lukewarm.

Well, there were no monsters here on Earth after all.

As my thoughts wandered somewhat, I heard a voice interrupting my thoughts.

"...w...Wait! You're walking too fast....I can't catch up!"


If I stop, I'll get dragged into something troublesome again so I have to walk faster.

In fact, maybe I should run?

No, the contents of the paper bag in my hands would be revealed if I moved at a speed faster than this. This 'item' was quite special, so it would not be good for anyone if someone saw me carrying it.

The whole reason I came here is to deliver this, and having to come back and deliver it again at a later date sounds even more troublesome than getting caught by the strange high school girl, who was running so hard she lost her breath sometimes, behind me. Or maybe it wasn't? For now I couldn't decide.

Honestly, dealing with choices wherein both options sound like a pain is tiresome.

I guess it can't be helped.

Making my decision, I took out one of the items inside the paper bag.

It was coloured in a green hue, with the size of an egg in an oval shape, it's case almost entirely made up of some plastic metal material. Taking out the small pin from the top part of the item, I threw it lazily towards my back.

When I heard it drop to the ground with a *clank* sound, I was already more than 10 steps away from that location.

This should buy me some time.

", what's this-"

Confirming that the strange girl stopped in her tracks for a second to examine the strange object I threw towards her, I slightly show a mischievous grin on my face. As if to say, 'Too easy' towards the situation about to unfold...

Of course, no one can see my smile except myself.

That's because...

"Smoke!? Where did all this *cough* smoke come from?"

That's right.

The entire alleyway was filled with grey coloured smoke, which was released from the 'Smoke Grenade' I threw earlier.

Although bringing a weapon inside this paper bag was going against the 'Possession of Firearms Law', I could care less.

This was normal for me anyway.

My family was a bit too special for even the police to lay their fingers on them.

I can't say I'm happy about that fact either way.

It's a complicated feeling.

Putting that aside, it seems that now was the optimum time to make my gallant escape.

This smoke field only lasts for about a minute so I quickly put strength into my legs, and bend my knees.

"Ah, my hoodie is going to be all wet later, how troublesome."

Uttering out my idle worries, I push my soles off the concrete ground of the alleyway, and sprint straight forward.

As usual, the scenery quickly kept changing as I dash through the maze-like paths.

By that I meant that the walls were slowly getting narrower and more darker in shade.

I was planning to take my time in getting here, but it seems the current situation doesn't permit even that.

I abruptly stop as soon as I reach a dead end.

"I know you've been tailing me since the beginning. Come out or I will have to drag you out myself."

The eerie silence around me was broken by my voice imbued with power.

A few seconds pass until I hear a reply from the mysterious stalker...

"...So the rumoured information was true after all. It seems that you aren't just a normal kid."

The deep voice came from the lean-built man wearing a suit that was only now coming out from behind the alley wall's shadow. Quite intriguing how he caught up to me in a suit.

I don't know what the hell he's blabbering about all of a sudden but I want this to be over quickly.

"Speak, why were you following me? I will give you three seconds to answer."

I even think that's too long a time to give this scumbag, but well if I can solve it using words, I would.

Since doing otherwise would be troub-

"You are as arrogant as they say, little brat. Or should I say, 'Frost Emperor'?"


My face suddenly changes for a split second hearing that alias in such a long time.

"Hoho, I see you still remember. Then I don't need to say anymore. My client has asked specifically for your head. If you don't mind, I'll just...take it!"

The lean-built man suddenly disappears from where he stood, and appears in front of my eyes in a split second, with his hand outstretched, encompassing my entire head with his large palm...




The outstretched hand was almost instantly caught by my free hand, and broken when I put strength into my fist.

In the next moment, the man's entire body was slammed into the concrete below.

"..-!! Impossible!? No one has ever caught up with my speed before! Much less completely nullify it!"

He lost consciousness for a few seconds, but when he came to, he started blathering on and on about why he can't escape from my grasp, and how he didn't think that my power would be so overwhelming based on the information he obtained from his 'client'.

It doesn't matter to me though. Not one bit. I could care less about his fearful wails of agony.

What did interest me was where he heard that name. Did this 'client' of his really survive that incident?

Well, I guess there's only one way to find out...

"..I didn't really want to resort to force but since you seem like you know something, there's no other choice left."

"Wha-what are you talking about!? Let me go you brat!"

He started screaming at me, releasing spit into the air as he punched and kicked the arm holding onto his like a vicegrip.

And to think he acted all arrogant a minute ago.

If someone really did survive from that incident before, I am pretty sure they would know the extent of my power.

So why would they send someone this weak to go after me?


I look down again at the sad man, who was perspiring like a waterfall, trying to make my grip falter to no avail.

"...Bait huh."

I said in a cold voice.

Well, it can't be helped.

"Oi, tell me everything you know about your client."

"Like hell I will! Once I escape from this, you're dead you know that!?"

I expected this, but it still brings my spirits down.

I guess I'm gonna be a little late tonight.

As I deeply resolved myself, a thin layer of cold air appears around me.

Although I can't feel it, the drop in temperature is evident as I looked at how the man was shivering even more than before. But this is only the beginning. You're in for much worse if you don't cough it up quickly.

I'm not gonna tell him that though.

"o-Oi, why did the air suddenly got colder, what's happening!?"

I slowly draw closer to the man who was struggling to escape even now with my hand not showing any signs of budging from all his punches, kicks and bites. Not even a scratch. Such a pity.

"W-what are you gonna do!? Stay bac-ck, Monster!"

As the air grew colder around me, the chill made my breaths visible. His rapid hyperventilation, even more so.

While looking at the pitiful bait with eyes of absolute zero, I thought inwardly to myself...

'How troublesome...'