Have you ever heard of this story?
The Great Hero chosen by the goddess, going on an adventure to slay the Demon King.
Wielding powerful magic gifted by the goddess, he gathers companions and learns useful skills along the way.
Fighting monsters, obtaining strong equipment, learning tactics and techniques in combat.
Everyday, getting faster and stronger, until he reaches the Demon King's castle.
Here he fights with the small fry demon soldiers, leading up to the Great Four Devas who lead the Demon Army.
And once he has done that, the door leading into the Demon King's Throne Room opens miraculously.
After surviving through harsh trials, and losing many comrades after launching their attack on the Demon Army, the final goal, the enemy of mankind, the Demon King bares its fangs.
But, what did the Demon King do in this entire span of time waiting for the hero to arrive?
That, is a mystery we shall never solve.
But the battle between good and evil still begins, the clashing of each of their wills and ideals towards each other to reach a conclusion.
Using the greatest of magic spells, the Demon King annihilates almost every single comrade that the Great Hero has left.
In contrast with that, the Great Hero grits his teeth, and gathers his late companion's willpower and makes it his own.
Through countless experiences throughout his journey, he has grown strong. Absurdly strong at that.
His purpose in life has all lead up to this moment.
The Great Hero thought to himself.
And in that moment, a powerful third party, such as the Ancient Dragon is summoned and helps the hero in his time of great need. At the hero's lowest moment, a powerful being as old as time, lends its power to the hero.
With both powers combined, that the Demon King could not ever hope to defend against, evil is slain.
At its climax, the Demon King thanks the hero for releasing his curse, and disappears into the void.
After all is said and done, the Great Hero, exhausted to his limits, and had lost his important comrades during the battle, laid down on the cold, hard floor as his boundless strength was leaving him, little by little.
Even if the Ancient Dragon was all-powerful next to the gods themselves, it could not save a life that was destined to dissipate. But, the Great Hero didn't hate it for a trivial thing like that. In fact, he even thanked it for caring enough to try. Seeing this, the Ancient Dragon can only weep in frustration and admiration at the Great Hero.
The Great Hero that did his duty to the very end.
Although he was complaining all throughout the way, he was a great man who had slain the Demon King and saved the entire kingdom, and the world.
At the end of his short but fulfilling life, the goddess had bestowed another gift towards seeing his undying valour.
'Someday, you shall find true happiness.'
The goddess said to the Great Hero as she gave her parting gift.
To this, the hero shed a single tear, as he gently smiled towards the goddess, seeing all his memories flashing inside his head like a lightning bolt. He was in fact, happy. Even though his life was short-lived, he was happy.
His final words shall be forever remembered in the hearts and minds of the people saved by him in that world.
"Although, I don't know what he said in the end."
I sigh, thinking that no matter how I try to recall his, I mean 'my' words from before, I never can remember it.
"Those memories of yours really are vague, huh."
Said the middle-aged man standing behind the counter.
He was a strange eccentric with grey hair and blue eyes. An old man that liked hearing my tales of whimsy.
"Well it'll come to me eventually. I just hope it wasn't embarrassing."
"Really, I don't know about that but, isn't it getting pretty late? Your brother will get worried about you and come again, are you sure you aren't going home yet?"
The old man said as he wiped the counter with a piece of white cloth.
"Ah, I'll just wait for him today as well. It's too troublesome to walk home at this hour after all."
I said, as I slumped my head over the table.
"Good grief, you never change huh, Great Hero-sama."
"Shut up. Give me another one."
"Alright, alright, here is your usual. Your Caramel Coffee just how you like it."
As I brought the cup of warmth with a hint of sweetness towards my lips, I entertained a thought.
Even if I remembered my past life, albeit vaguely, I still have my own principle in this life.
And that is...
"Ah, there you are! Why are you drinking here of all places again little brother?!"
"Older brother, please shut your mouth for a bit. I'm trying to enjoy my drink."
"Why you little!"
I hate troublesome things.