2130 to 3267

The year is 2130 earth launched its first exploration teams outside of the Solar System in search of Earth-like planets. The exploration was a success. During this colonisation boom, the hyperdrive was invented; this increased exponentially the reach of the footprint humans have left in the vast galaxy. After many travels by 2200, it has been confirmed that at the centre of the Milky Way the Sagittarius A-Star is indeed a black hole. This discovery only made the humans thrive for further and beyond into the unknown. But with high resolutions come high risks. Over the course of 300 years, more than 70% of the explorers that have embarked towards the unknown never returned, and those that did were acting odd. They told everyone that there was nothing, just emptiness.

This brought the billions of humans in all residing systems into a recession. They called it the Traveller Depression. This not only impacted the humans in populace but also economically. For the upcoming 500 years, humans struggled to discover new resources to boost and improve their lifestyle and overcome the recession. By 2812 all the systems had overcome the Traveller Depression and were prospering beyond expectations.

In 2930 the first alien form was discovered by a miner in Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system from the home system of all humanity. The Sol system took up arms to fight it back. Throughout an all-out war that started in Alpha Centauri and expanded into ten more systems. With reinforcements sent from all over the galaxy, they have held back the aliens at Ross 128 System, which later was noted in history books as the Union Wall.

The humanity had now a goal closer to home than running away from it. As the fight dragged on the humanity had deepened their knowledge about their enemy's strengths and weaknesses. This also increased the interest towards military inventions, new weapons, new fighting ships and lastly new humans.

Until that point in the human timeline, the humans had no notions of slaves for more than a millennium. The New Humans were viewed as weapons, rather than humans. It was rather seen as a new species, despite the New Humans being born similarly to humans, but in a controlled birth. Close to no humans opted for a controlled birth, this meant that the child would not be raised within the mother's womb but in a cylindric tank. The origin DNA of the New Humans to this day it is unknown, as their features as quite unique next to the humans. A New humans' traits are blazing red eyes, dark or white hair and expressionless face as they are known not to show any emotions or feel them.

With the Alien war ongoing the Sol System political superpowers rose up to monopolise the Union Wall. Earth is a Democratic Superpower; Mars is an Imperial Superpower, Neptune and Venus taken in 2889 from the Imperials over a dispute are under Dictatorship Sovereign. Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus are inhabitable, as the effort to terraforming these planets has failed. Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are self-standing and independent.

Mars 3267

Scientist Camilla Kuttavan is analysing the new alien data received from the military. She couldn't make much of its difference compared to what was already known. All she could identify were small anomalies from the others, but for exact results, she needed to see the alien and do further tests on it. She quickly applied for a visit to the military research lab. She knew they had the specimen, not just data. Then phoned her secretary "Hello, Maurio could you ask the military personnel to prepare a spare of clothes for me?"

Maurio instantly exclaimed "Again? Do those people even do their jobs properly?"

Camilla smiled while she headed down towards the parking lot of the company "Who knows, maybe they knew this would pick my interest, and I'd come willingly."

Maurio sighed "Very well I'll contact them and don't forget to eat on time, little princess" and hung up, leaving no time for Camilla to answer.

Camilla took out her car ID card, swiped it to unlock the car then got in. She turned on the autopilot after entering her destination. This was giving her some extra time to skim through the file handed to her. Despite the drive being a bit over an hour, time passed by so fast for Camilla, that she almost didn't want to part with her study when arrived.

A military man stood next to her car door and opened it for her. Camilla quickly grabbed her tabled and bag and got out. She lovingly smiled at the man. It was Destrulus, one of the top fighter pilots within the sol system also the man she loved, her husband. Despite him being a New Human love had no barriers for her. He guided her towards the main building where she changed in the required suit and they headed down the basement.

Camilla hip bumped Destrulus "How big, and scary is the alien boy this time?"

Destrulus was taken by surprised by her nonchalant behaviour. A small smile creaked on his face as he turned his gaze towards Camilla "To me, they all look the same, but maybe this one is bigger. This is why you're here." Despite the close relationship they had, Destrulus spoke in a monotone and indifferent tone. As if preparing for a fight as soon as they'd enter the room.

They quietly walked the corridor from the elevator to a hangar-like door. Destrulus went to a panel and opened the door after a few identification check-ups. Camilla walked up to him and asked, "Did they ask your underwear colour as well?" Destrulus just groaned displeasingly at her joke "Please Camilla. We are at work."

She apologised, yet everyone seemed to be surprised to see Destrulus in the labs as a safety guard. Despite all the whispers and quiet giggles, everyone sat down and calmed down as on the big screen before them a presentation was running as one of the researchers was presenting what they have discovered up until now of the specimen in case. They have reached the point of understanding its origin as every scientist's ABC are the type of aliens identified so far. The first Molveas, second Gestrits, third Eides and fourth Ephea. Some would call them by generation, but that would be incorrect as all of the four alien types identified nothing was common between them. But the anomaly that they have noticed seemed to prove towards hereditary traits.

Camilla was taken by surprise of such statement, why didn't they send her and the rest to study the anomaly rather than the general data that she received. Were they lying over such crucial data when they requested help? Annoyed she turned to Destrulus about to ask, but he put his hand on her mouth stopping her from speaking "Can't tell" She pushed his hand away "Fine, fine I won't ask further, for now," Then she looked up in the auditorium's balconies to see which of the upper crust personalities showed up. To her surprise to see her father.

"Why is my father here?" Camilla sounded a bit displeased after seeing her father.

Destrulus looked up "Oh, you didn't see the King. Look he's even waving at us" he pointed out.

Camilla quickly turned around towards the top left balcony; he wasn't waving. She kicked his leg as he teased her.

"Don't worry. I was trained to sustain fatal hits, even from my wife." Destrulus chuckled as she hit him.

Soon after their attention is drawn by the researcher that now finished his presentation and spoke "Those of you that were given a costume, please follow me. Those of you that didn't receive one. You will receive new data from onsite to study and analyse, this data cannot be brought outside of the military facility. Hence, we have prepared rooms suited for your stay. Please follow the safety guards assisting you."

The scientist in costumes formed a line along with their safety guards, which wore no protection costumes against the unknown. The researcher spoke one again after he stopped in front of a metallic door "Once you enter, please do not make any sudden movements or talk" then he entered a pin, swiped his ID and pushed the door open.