Three was a Crowd

"We did it..., we help you get out of jail.., woohoo!!", shouted Ni Ni with excitement.

She was sitting on the back chair with Derrick while the unhappy Dawg sat at the driver seat.

"Am I a taxi driver?!", he asked with annoyance and then he pressed a bunch of buttons. "Alright, I will join the party!" Right after he said that he jumped out to the back seat, pushing Ni Ni to the middle, trapped between the two sexy creatures.

Without a shame, Dawg licked her face to mark his territory.

Ni Ni was looking at the incredible Derhulk, his muscles turned rigid and taut, also he curled his fingers so tight to make a fist that looked like a stone while his furrowed brows gave him a vicious impression.

"Dawg? Are you a dog?!", she asked angrily, but he was indeed a very very bad dog.

Pleasant at that question, teasingly Dawg turned into a dog and without care, sat on her lap.

"You dirty dog!!!", Derrick was going to punch him but Ni Ni stopped him by shouting, " Stop it, he is only a dog! You gonna hurt him!!"

"Ni Ni..., I won't share you.., even with a dog!!"

"Derrick..., give me time.., can we just be friends with benefit for now?!!"

"I don't understand your language..., what that's mean?"

"Hmmph..., we could kiss but we stay friends until I could decide what to do in the future!!"

Derrick hissed with anger but the choice is to leave or stay and life without Ni Ni was not an option. In front of the love of his life, he was no longer a prince, he was just another dog.

Right at that moment, unexpectedly a flying military car was attacking them with laser missiles.

"Oh No!! We were attacked!!! Derrick what to do?!!"

Hurriedly, Derrick went to the driver seat to avoid the missile attack but one of the missile lasers sliced the flying car engine and the flying car was going down.

Dawg had shifted into human and wore his clothing in high-speed. "It was the skyway patrol..., how do they know?!! Your cousin was inside the vehicle!!", informed Dawg using binoculars from the car compartment to see the enemy.

"Darn!! We nosing down!! Protect Ni Ni!!!"

Derrick jumped to the back row and together with Dawg, they were hugging Ni Ni tightly, her small body was covered by two massive guys.

Ni Ni thought that 'the life as she knows it' was over. The flying car was falling fast and violently, upon impact, the loud boom sound was heard and the brutal collision was turning a four-door car into a two-door car. The front seat was totally smashed into them, but Derrick had turned on the barrier at the last moment. Like a miracle, the barrier that was made from the thick rubbery glass was not broken and it saved their life. However, the impact of the crash was causing bruised on their shoulders. Only Ni Ni was free of injury because their bodies acted like another layer of protection.

"How do we get out from the shield? They coming for us!!", Ni Ni asked with a frightened expression.

"No worry!!" Derrick was using a small laser gun to break the shield. "Let's go!!"

He pulled Ni Ni out from the shield and they got out from the back seat window. "Run!!", Derrick was pulling on her wrist and run toward the forest. They were still in the human space area and they happened to fall at the location where Derrick always took her for target practices.

Dawg was following right behind them to keep watch of the one robot and one human that was hunting them.

Dawg was shooting at them while giving more time for Ni Ni to escape with Derrick into a hiding place.

The chaser didn't shoot back, because they want the human girl to be alive. When they accidentally wrecked the flying car, they thought their target was dead. Thus, they didn't want any incident to happen again or to accidentally killed the precious human girl by using their laser gun.

"Where can we go, Derrick? Everywhere is just trees? There is nowhere to hide!."

Still running and panting for breath, she looked at Derrick..., he remained calm and full of energy, if she was not with him, he would probably fight them and risk his life. However, he couldn't risk them of capturing her to be the breeding experiment.

"Derrick..., I do love you much!! I'm sorry to ever hurt you!!"

"What?!! Stop being silly.., you confessed to me just because you thought we will die here?! They won't kill you, but worse..., I will protect you with my life, Ni Ni!!!"

Then at that instant, her ring was glistering with a very bright light and she remembered that dad had told her to use it at a dangerous time.

"Wait, Derrick!! Let's try this ring!!"

"What good can a ring do?"

But he listened to her silly request and stop while Dawg was catching up on them with an angry look.

"Move!! Fast!!", Dawg shouted like a soldier at war.

Ignoring him, Ni Ni pulled out her diamond-like ring, push the diamond button in while throwing it at the ground.

Impressively, a small vehicle appeared in front of them...

For a moment, they gaped at it...

Almost immediately, Dawg said excitedly, " Wow! Great.., let's get in!!". Dawg rushed to open the driver door, while Ni Ni and Derrick got in from the passenger door. The vehicle was supposedly only for 1 driver in front and 1 passenger behind, thus Ni Ni had to sit on Derrick's lap.

Easily, Dawg operated the vehicle and surprisingly the vehicle was flying as fast as a comet.

"Woohoo!!", yelled Ni Ni joyfully. "We alive!! Thanks to dad!!"

"This belongs to Dad?!! This technology was really advance.., turning a vehicle into a ring or visa versa required a genius technic of space manipulation, I never know that such gadgets exist!!"

"Who's Dad?!", asked Derrick with a confused tone.

"Uncle Sam!! Dawg employee!! He is my foster dad!!"

The journey was turned rough at the void space ring, the vehicle was spinning around like a drill. "Hold on tight..., just to avoid another chaser.., I am using the long route to go to another destination since they probably already track my car number to my antique store."

The whole vehicle was rotating rapidly like an tornado, until everything suddenly paused and still. But this time the void space road was shaking up and down similar like a horse carriage when it went through a rocky road, while Derrick was groaning with painful longing when Ni Ni's buttocks were slapping him up and down because of the rough road.

"Are you hurt, Derrick?!!", she asked innocently.

While Dawg glancing fast and with annoyance, he remarked , " He was aroused!"

Ni Ni face blushed as red as peach blossom and she finally felt the big bump snuggling on her bottom.

"Gawk..., Derrick.., are you kidding me?!!"

"I am very healthy sexuality and ready to make a baby with you whenever you willing, Ni Ni!"

"No thanks!! Why would I have a baby in this barbarian world where human extinct.., if we go back to my world then maybe I will said yes.., but not here."

Derrick was happy with that answer.., he was willing to go wherever Ni Ni go.

"How about me Ni Ni? Would you willing to give birth to my puppies?!!"

"No Dawg!!No babies or puppies!!"

Derrick was staring at Dawg with enmity for he was unwilling to share his only true love.

While Dawg had no option to share, after all, she was the only survivor of the human race. Draco race couldn't mate with other races but human girls. While Draco females didn't exist.., and only males born in Draco clan.

Such a dillema.

Three was a crowd...