In a small garden, you can see a child chasing a wolf cub that had a small toy sword in its mouth.

-Come back Jack, give me back my sword!- The boy shouted furiously as he tried to reach the wolf.

-WOOF! - barked the wolf before accelerating and giving the boy a mocking look, without noticing the stone that was right in front of him.


The wolf tripped; He rolled on the grass and dropped the sword as he groaned painfully.

-JAJAJAJAJAJA stupid wolf, you deserve it- the boy scoffed as he saw his friend on the floor.

-Paul stops playing with Jack and comes to eat! - a woman shouted from the back of the house.

-I'm going, mom! - I shout to the now known as Paul before turning his head in the direction of the wolf and telling him - go rest Jack we will play again tomorrow -.

-Woof- the wolf nodded as he headed to sleep in a small wooden house.

After seeing Jack go to rest, Paul ran towards his house to eat; He entered quickly and jumped down in the chair preparing to eat.

In front of her, you could see her mother Erika, she is a beautiful woman with blond hair who almost always keeps him tied in a ponytail, has eyes as blue as the sky, and a beautiful figure currently wears a dress blue that gives a quiet aura around it.

"Mom, when can I find out what kind of magician I am?" Paul asked his mother while filling his mouth with food.

-Don't talk with your mouth full- the mother admonishes before continuing –I have already told you many times when you turn 10 you can submit to the discovery ceremony-.

-But there are still 6 months left for that, I'm bored- Paul commented a little annoyed at having to wait.

-Then study, you know that if you can't pass the written exam they won't let you undergo the ceremony- said the funny mother in the face of her son's discomfort.

-That is even more boring, it is better to wait, also, Dad already taught me what is necessary to pass the exam easily- I proudly inflate her chest Paul earning an interrogative look from his mother.

-Do you know? I propose something, I will do a small exam if you answer correctly more than half I will tell you some things about the magicians and if you fail, in the last 6 months you will study at least 5 hours a day every day, what do you say? - asked his mother with a smile.

"I accept!" Paul shouted excitedly as he had the opportunity to know more about the magicians.

-Well, then first finish dinner in the meantime I'm going to prepare the exam- said the mother as she went to the living room to prepare the exam.


After dinner, Paul went to the room excited to complete the exam and claim his reward when he does.

You have to know that for Paul any information he can get about wizards is extremely valuable after all, his parents have not wanted to tell him too much for some reason.

Upon arriving at the living room he watches his mother sitting on the sofa while holding the exam that opens the door to the world of magicians ... or at least a small part of it.

-Take it, you have 30 minutes to solve it- her mother said kindly as she handed him the sheet.

Paul looked at the test and saw that it contained math, history and language questions. He began to solve it and except for some math and history questions, the rest could solve it before time ran out.

-Well, time is up, give me your exam - Paul nodded as he handed the exam, then it was sent and I wait for his mother's grade.

-Well done, you complete 75% of the exam, that will be enough- said his mother after finishing qualifying.

-Siiiiii !!! - exclaimed Paul happily.

- Calm down and listen carefully, now I will tell you a bit of the basic information of the magicians and the world - said his mother calming Paul and making him listen to her.

-Well, this world is formed by two great continents, the continent of the white dragon and the continent of the black dragon, between these continents there is an island that is located between them and people call them the island of the sacred wolf- before that could continue Paul interrupted her to ask.

-Why are the continents called that? - I ask with sincere curiosity.

-They are called that because of an old legend that says: "in ancient times before any human or beast appeared, there are two great dragons that constantly fought to decide who was the most powerful between the two until one day knew another being with form of wolf to stop their battle, something that proud dragons do not like at all so they try to kill the wolf by its interruption, but they didn't imagine that the wolf was more powerful than they thought and after a long time, the wolf was able to suppress them, in the end, the wolf proposed a way for them to choose the best among them in a more peaceful way,

He divided the continent into two and placed the dragons in command of them and the most prosperous continent would be the winner. " After that, it is said that the dragons blessed their specific continents and created life with the hope of winning one day, while the wolf watched the dragons from the island that was created when the continents separated. "- explained his mother patiently.

-wow, the wolf is great- Paul exclaimed surprised, then quickly added- But don't tell Jack his ego will only grow - Paul said seriously to his mother.

-Hahaha is fine- his mother promised with laughter -Now let me tell you about the magicians-.

-The wizards are divided into three branches that are: summoning wizards, body wizards, and spiritual wizards.- explained to his mother while raising a finger.

-Summoning wizards as the name says, summon beasts for battle, they rely on their invocations to fight which makes them extremely vulnerable if their beast is not near, although there are rare cases where they are born with the ability to fusion with their invocation increasing his powers - I finish explaining and lift on the second finger.

-Then there are the body magicians, these specialize in close combat and are masters of weapons; thanks to the magic that is stored in their bodies makes them extremely hard, this makes formidable opponents in a battle - I explain and lift the third finger.

-and finally the spiritual wizards, these unlike the body wizards have no magic inside their bodies, control the magic of the environment to create distant spells, these wizards are divided into two sub-branches: the healers and the attack ones, As their names indicate, one is dedicated to healing and the other to attack- she finished.

-What do you think I'll be a mom? - Paul asked anxiously.

-I don't know, son, all is at the destination - said his mother.


they hear someone knocking on the door interrupting your conversation, so your mother gets up and goes to open it.

When she opens it can see a tall man with a well-defined body, black hair and eyes like coal and slightly beautiful features, wearing a completely white uniform a golden logo on the left side of his chest.

Seeing the man at the door Paul's eyes shone and he shouted - DAD! - he exclaimed happily as he jumped into the arms of his father also known as Harold.

-Hi, Paul, how are you? He asked as he hugged him.

-Well, Mom taught me about wizards- I exclaim cheerfully before questions -Dad what kind of wizard are you?-

-Oh, you know that? - He said while briefly giving an interrogative look at his wife who nodded, seeing this he replied to his son - I am a powerful body wizard - exclaimed while doing a great pose to impress his son.

- Great !! Can you teach me magic? - asked a hopeful Paul to his father.

-No, we have told you many times, you can not learn until you go through the ceremony- his father replied a little irritated before continuing - but if you are so bored I can teach him to handle a sword What do you think? - He asks her son.

-Seriously? Of course, I want to learn,- Paul replied immediately to his father.

His father smiled at his answer before saying, -I hope you are prepared because in these 6 months you will wish you had not accepted,- finished with a radiant smile.

Although a little scared about it, Paul's emotion was greater than his fear and he couldn't help but get excited when he thought about training something as cool as the sword.