chapter 12

After leaving the library, Paul and Jack returned to the inn.

Upon arriving at the inn Paul asked Hilda about a place where she could buy the necessary things for a trip around the snowy forest, unfortunately, Hilda did not have much idea about the things she needs to buy for a trip but she still indicated the way to reach the commercial street of the city.

Nodding and quickly thanking Paul and Jack, they left the inn in the direction Hilda indicated.


-After reaching the place where they indicated they managed to see the shopping street, in this street you could not see any home, you could only see a variety of shops, food shops or restaurants, gun shops, book stores, etc. Naturally, as you could imagine this street was full of people who managed to intimidate Paul and Jack a little because this was the first time they saw so many people together.

-It's kind of impressive to see so many shops and people together- Paul commented absently as he surveyed the place.

-Woof- Jack nodded, supporting what Paul said.

-Ok, let's not get distracted and we are going to buy things quickly- Paul commented after observing a while.

After saying that, Paul began to walk in search of a place where he could buy rations of food and adequate clothing for the trip.


After walking around for a while Paul found a place that seemed adequate to buy what he needs after all the name of the store is "traveler's paradise".

After entering the store Paul observed how it looked inside it and was surprised, he was not surprised because it was large or because it was luxurious, on the contrary, he was surprised because in the place you could only see who was probably the worker from the store behind the store and nothing else, you couldn't see armor, food, or anything you could buy, this left Paul puzzled so he approached the employee and asked him.

-Hello good afternoon, in this place they sell the necessary things to make a trip around the snowy forest? - Paul asked the employee as he looked puzzled around.

The employee gave him a sympathetic smile and replied -Yes, in this place you can find what you need to make your trip-

After hearing the employee's words, Paul breathed a sigh of relief but still looked confused around him. The employee noticed that and quickly clarified.

-We do not show our merchandise at the front of the store to avoid thefts, they are all protected elsewhere- said the employee while handing Paul a small book.

Paul nodded in understanding as he accepted the book curiously and began to read it.

Inside the book were different images of objects with their characteristics written on one side and the price below them.

Seeing Paul reading the book, the employee began to explain - therefore to make sales we give these catalogs to our customers and then bring what they want to buy –

After listening to what the employee said, Paul understood everything and found no problem with it.

Without thinking much about it, Paul started looking for what he needed in the catalog.

After searching for a while he couldn't find anything so he asked the employee.- Can you show me the necessary items to make the trip to the snowy forest? -

Hearing his question, the employee nodded and began to speak - of course, to make a trip to that place, the first thing you should buy is an outfit suitable for that, I recommend buying the outfit made with polar bear skin, this suit is engraved with runes against low-level cold and the polar bear's skin is very thick so it will give you a great defense-

The employee said as he showed Paul the picture of the outfit.

The characteristics of the outfit said the following:

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Polar bear outfit:

* Armor + 15

* cold resistance + 15

* low-level cold runes (cold resistance + 20)

* Agility -8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After looking at the characteristics of the outfit, Paul got confused and asked - sir, what do those statistics mean-

The employee stared at him in confusion a few seconds before the realization came to his gaze.

-Since you ask that then you should not know about the newly invented technology- said the employee after thinking a little about Paul's question.

Hearing it, Paul simply shook his head.

Seeing that, the employee nodded and began to explain - recently an object was created in the kingdom that measures the statistics of objects and people - the employee explained before being interrupted by Paul.

-Statistics?- Paul asked.

The employee nodded and replied - yes, this object somehow manages to scan your muscles and internal energy to approximate your statistics, for example, they measure things like your agility, your strength, the amount of internal energy you have. As for how they manage to look at the statistics of the objects, I have no idea but when you equip yourself, the object accumulates its statistics with yours- the employee finished explaining.

-Wow, that's great, how do I get one of those objects?- Asked a surprised Paul quickly.

The employee just let out an awkward smile before saying -I don't think you can get one, they cost around 100,000 gold but since you're doing this trip and seeing how young you are then I suppose you're heading to a magical school right now-

Though disappointed at how expensive the object is, Paul nodded at the employee's question.

Seeing the assent, the employee continued - so if you manage to enter one of those schools, chances are they will give you one if you manage to enter among the best - the employee finished.

Hearing that Paul was excited and thought that his probability of having one was high, after all, he is going to the school of the black tiger where only the elites enter so it was likely that everyone in that school had their object to measure your stats.

Seeing the boy so excited, the employee smiled before interrupting Paul - so you must work hard to become an elite and get one, okay? - The employee encouraged Paul.

Paul just nodded absentmindedly before remembering that he was buying the outfit.

-Lord thank you very much for the explanation, but now that I know this I don't think the outfit is suitable for me, my fighting style is based on agility and an outfit like that would restrict me a lot, don't you have another one? - He thanked and asked Paul.

The employee just came in and said -it's nothing, and now that you say that then I think I know what the perfect outfit would be for you- said the employee as he flipped through the pages of the catalog before showing Paul.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Snow leopard outfit.

* armor + 6

* cold resistance + 8

* low-level cold runes (cold resistance + 20)

* low-level wind runes (agility + 10)


-This outfit is made with snow leopard skin and although it will give you less armor than the previous one, it will not decrease your agility, it will even increase it thanks to low-level wind runes on it, of course, the outfit also has its respective runes Against the cold- explained the employee with a smile.

Seeing all of this, Paul was left to think a bit before nodding and saying, -Okay, how much does that outfit cost?- Paul asked.

-The suit will cost you 80 gold- replied the employee.

Paul was surprised when he heard the price, the employee saw that and explained - normally the outfit would not cost as much but the fact that it has 2 types of taxed runes causes its price to increase - the employee explained.

When Paul heard his explanation, he nodded and said a little resigned -it's fine, I'll take it, but I also want the rest of the things necessary to make the trip-

Hearing that, the employee smiled brilliantly and said, -There are no problems, you will only have to buy the basic travel kit and you will be ready, by the way, the kit costs 3 gold-.

Paul just nodded and said, -Okay, so I'll buy you the basic kit and suit.-

The employee nodded and said –with pleasure,… by the way, aren't you going to buy the little wolf next to you? - asked the employee.

Hearing that, Paul got confused and asked - should he? Won't he naturally resist the cold?-

The employee smiled and said - normally that would be the case if it were an adult wolf but since the one next to you is just a cub it could be in danger if it has nothing to protect itself-

-really? Then should I also buy him a suit? - Paul asked confused and a little nervous at the idea of ​​Jack getting hurt.

The employee smiled brightly and said -no need, for pets there is a special object,- said the employee while showing the catalog to Paul.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cold collar

* low-level cold runes (cold resistance + 20) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-This necklace is perfect for this moment, it costs 30 gold What do you think? - asked the employee.

After hearing the price, Paul frowned and thought, -My mother gave me 150 gold for the trip. If I don't count the registration and if we add it with what I took from those people, then I would have a total of 180 gold and if we subtract what I have spent so far and buy them today then I would have 64 gold coins and 5 silver, I think that will be enough for the rest of the trip -

Thinking about it, Paul did not hesitate and said -Okay, so I also bought the collar"

The employee attended and left for the back of the store.

Strange sounds were heard before the employee returned with all the things he had asked for.

-Well here you have your purchases, they are 113 gold coins- said the employee while handing the items to Paul.

Paul attended and paid the exact amount of coins and started going through his things.

The outfit was really simple, it had gray fitted pants and long sleeve shirt with some of the leopard fur around the neck, arms, and legs, some boots that looked sturdy, a hood made with the fur of the leopard and finally a layer that covered it entirely.

The collar was just that, a collar.

The basic kit brought things like dry food, a knife, a lighter, a compass, and a map of the forest.

Satisfied with his purchases, Paul thanked the clerk and left the store for the inn.


After arriving at the inn, Paul decided not to leave immediately and stayed the remaining 8 days of his license to practice magic and the sword along with Jack.

... ..

-Well, Jack, it's time for us to go on a trip- Paul said to Jack with a smile full of emotion.

-woof- Jack replied just as happy.