Aria and I made it to the woods that I had previously hunted the deer in, I was fairly sure that the hunters were here. Sniffing around for the definite smell of demigods, a kind of burned toast smell, I found what remotely reminded me of Thalia being burned alive.. not pleasant.. I followed the scent towards a nearby bush before telling Aria to hide and wait by a nearby giant tree. Getting a little closer I heard a voice that I hadn't heard since the last war.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S STILL MISSING?!?" oh boy. I know who that is. Thalia Grace. Dam she sounds like she wants to fire a 1000000V into whoever's missing... well Sucks to be them... Wait... I'm the missing one... well I'm dead. Make sure to put 'died from Thalia's dam lightning' on my gravestone ok.
I decided to move closer to better hear what they were saying. "Yes Thalia, Percy is still missing. Why are you so worried? It's only been a few days, he's been missing for 8 months in the past" replied what sounded like Artemis. Dam, I'm surprised she didn't say boy, like it's a disease, instead of my name much less my preferred name.
"That is why I'm worried, knowing that kelp head, he's probably gotten kidnapped, cursed, memory wiped or even better all 3" wow. It hurts how true that is, well at least Thals got the memory wipe bit wrong... this time.
Figuring this would be the best time to take my leave (I'm not a fan of being a fried percy wolf), I turned and slowly crawled away through the bushes. The bushes rustled and creaked telling them I was there 'Note to self, Bushes make noise, don't crawl through them when sneaking' I thought to myself.
"COME OUT NOW!" commanded a certain man-eating goddess. Welp might as well show myself, I mean I'm a wolf now so it's not like they'll recognise me anyway. After a few awkward seconds I popped my head out of the bush to be met with the women clad in silver and arrows at my face. Dam I'm screwed. Well no better way to ask a man-hating goddess to stay in her hunt, than to be caught hiding in a bush listening to them. I'm screwed.
"A wolf? What's a wolf doing here? And why on earth is it crawling through a poison ivy bush?" Poison ivy huh? Now you mention it, it is a bit itchy... POISON IVY?!? Of course it is. This bush is sucks. Seriously. Having heard Thals statement I leaped out off the bush itching myself like a maniac.
"Hahaha. Come wolf, I will heal you" Artemis said and in a dare I say it, caring tone. I guess she doesn't know I'm a guy which, for my sake, is hopefully a good thing. I then ran towards Aria location, initially confusing Artemis, who still was still somehow unaware of her presence. Perhaps a child of Iris thing? Then again she couldn't tell I was there either so could also be me.
"Dad? Who was that lady that shouted so loudly?" Asked my overly intelligent daughter and absolutely perfect daughter. Did I mention I'm not a bias person?
"That's lady Artemis, the maiden goddess of the hunt and fert... nevermind shes hopefully someone who can help me look after you" I said in response. I motioned her to follow me, gaining a gasp from Artemis once she entered her sight.
"Wolf, who Is this young girl you have brought with you?" She asked me probably still shocked at a me a wolf seemingly caring for a child, a demigod child at that.
"Lady Artemis, she is my adopted and blood claimed daughter. She was abused by her sperm donor scum bag whom I killed. As I'm a wolf, I can't look after her as well as I'd want to soo.. I was hoping you'd help me as I still wish to remain involved in her life" my words were as honest as I could be without revealing who I truly am. I think it would get in the way of protecting my daughter for now. Not to mention the zaps I'd get from Thalia. Fried wolf percy does not sound appetising. Unless you're a hellhound.. or a cyclops.. perhaps kronos when he was alive, he did eat his kids after all... dam This ADHD.
Artemis gained a thoughtful expression before shockingly agreeing.
"Very well, but only since you are a wolf and with a girl. Else I'd have filled you with arrows. You will, however, stay well away from my wolves if you know what is good for you" she said with a stern tone. So she does know my gender... besides like hell I'd cheat on annabeth especially with an wolf not that its be that bad.... dam wolf instincts.. anyways I'm sure adopting a child doesn't count as cheating.. even if she is technically mine fully now. Do demigods even have DNA from their mortal parents? Cause if they did, that'd make this much harder to explain.
Aria climbed on my now very sore back and I, while Whimpering and limping from the pain, followed the two to the aunt's camp. On the way there, I listened in on their conversation which was of course about me. Well human me.
"So how did you even find out about percy missing thalia?" Queried Artemis. After quickly telling Aria not to react, I listened to Thalia's response as I was also curious having only been gone for 2-3 days.
"Ummmm... I kinda heard you talking to yourself about it in your tent.." she replied back, owning up to her eavesdropping. What surprised me was the blush on Artemis face, golden and all. Aria obviously looked at me with a knowing look that almost tricked me to believe her as a daughter of aphrodite.
"And what exactly did you hear?!?" She asked back almost too quickly. At this point I told Aria to stop listening as her glare was telling even the supposedly dense me some very dangerous messages.
"Just that he went out of Chb to check on something and not coming back, I ran off straight after that to not get caught" artemis visibly relaxed at that causing me more confusion. Perhaps she was worried Thalia overhead her plans to turn me into a jackalop or something, she is a man-hating goddess after all. After that an awkward silence befell us all, Aria fell asleep upon my back and the rest of the journey was completed within the pain filled hour signalled by the sight of silver tents and silver clad hunters ready to fill me with arrows.
"Thalia, as punishment for your eavesdropping in. I expect you to clear the wolfs den for the rest of the week" Thalia looked as though she was told the world had ended. And for her that may have been the case. Wolf crap.. IS SERIOUSLY BAD I TELL YOU. don't ask.
"Wolf. You follow me to my tent with your daughter, I have to fix you up and check the little one for injuries" Artemis beckoned me to follow. Walking through the hunt, I couldn't help but imagine a stereotypical thug hangout from all the glares the hunters gave me. One was even doing it while sharpening arrows on a grind stone. Like dam girl this ain't a movie, book or book about a book. I don't see super a handsome author or a significantly less handsome director nearby. Stupid ADHD.. we came across her silver tent and went straight inside where I laid Aria on some nearby cushions, I carefully nudged a few stray strands of hair away from her lips.
"Right. Let's clean you up, poison ivy from this forest is one horrible thing to experience. She spoke while gathering up herbs and ointments and applying it directly to the skin under my fur. At first it was cold and enraged the already blaring sting. I hissed in pain and discomfort, then I relaxed into the relief it brought afterwards. It was strange, here I was having my wounds treated by lady Artemis herself. Sure I wasn't on her to kill list and some would say she even held a level of respect for me, but I am still a male nonetheless ya know. Wait I am right? Yup male, thank hades.
"Lady Artemis, not that I dont appreciate it, but why are you being so catering to me? I am a male and I'm sure you know that seeing as you're a hunter and all" she looked at me as if my words hurt her. Why was she offended?
"I care because you remind me of someone I care for. He may very well be the only decent boy on this planet. You and he have the same feel. That is all there is to it" I couldn't help but wonder who this boy was, lady Artemis was one of my favourite of the gods. Hestia being my number 1 of course. If Artemis had an interest in this male I'd need to ensure this isn't another Orion incident. My wolf instincts seemed to agree rather aggressively at this, well more like suggesting I outright maul them to bits instead. Dam protective instincts.
"Lady Artemis, who is this male that caught your interest?" I spoke before my mind could shut my mouth. I was so dead.
"Watch what you ask and to whom you ask it wolf. fine. His name percy Jackson. The demigod that took the weight of the sky from me as he knew his own short comings... while he is a male, I have developed an interest in him." To say I was shocked was like saying I was bad at archery. Lady Artemis. THE MAN-HATING GODDESS. Was interested in me. A male... what kind of 'interest' does she have?!? Does she like me. I mean I have had a small crush on her for a while... NO. NAUGHTY PERCY NO CHEATING. Well seeing as she doesn't give off any desire to kill me or turn me into a jackalop, I might as well tell her who I am.
"Wel.." of course I didn't get my chance
"He is also the one that keeps going missing for hades sake! Oooh when I get my hands on him imma turn him into a jackalop this time, then send him to Thalia for a month!"... yeah let's just keep my identity secret. Like I said.. being a wolf is much much better than being a fried jackalop.
"What's was that you were gonna say?" She asked me. If I was human not only would I be dead or a jackalop but also sweating bucket loads.
"Oh I was gonna say... That this percy guy sounds alright for a demigod" I smoothly escaped the situation if I do say so myself.
"Ah, ok. Well seeing as you'll be staying with us I need to know your name" ... crap how do I answer, can't just say oh 'hey I'm percy'. I'd be a jackalop before you could Yelp.
"My name is Damian. It is nice to meet you Lady Artemis" I said as polite as I could lowering my head in a bow. Despite some of the evil she has done, she has done a lot of good as well. Having finished talking I plodded along to to my daughters side before laying besides her and wrapping my tail around her frail body. Once again I let sleep take over me.
The following morning was the same as the first. Aria was woken by tickles. I hear a giggle in the background and suddenly all my senses sharpen as I coil my body around her proactively while I let out a low defensive growl. Artemis already knew it was paternal instincts and so, luckily for me, paid no mind. I left the tent so Aria could properly dress, when she came out I was pleased to sea she had picked the seahorse t-shirt. Aria looked around for signs of anyone nearby before looking back to me.
"Why are you using a fake name dad?" She asked curiously. This was gonna be a tricky explanation.
"Well, these people know me and... tend to overreact whenever I go missing. It's just easier this way" I answered back being able to speak to my daughter was a beautiful gift.
"Oh and Aria, I want you to listen to what Lady Artemis says, but do not take her oath unless you truly wish to yourself. I am here, so if anything at all happens, come to me and I can 'sort it' " what she didn't know, is that my version of 'sort it's involved us either leaving, me mauling the life out of them or both. After explaining how the hunters worked and what to be careful of, we began walking to the breakfast table, how they take this with them on long trecks I don't know. Once we arrived at the table, I motion Aria to sit near Artemis. I laid nearby.. incase any stray food where to.. stray... Wow. Wolf instincts 3, percy brain 0. Aria ate so much cereal that I began questioning if she was actually child of demeter, another favourite goddess of mine. Most of them are to be honest hera included, she's just misunderstood and bitter as any person in her position should be. A 'stray' piece of bacon found it's way knocked of the breakfast spread and of course my instincts won again, forcing me to dive for if and yap it up. Still not as tasty as raw food but it was so worth making it 4:0 to the instincts... I'll win.. eventually... maybe.
After Aria had finished her 5th bowl of cereal and the rest of the hunt finished the first bowl or plate of food, Artemis started giving out chores, tasks and training schedules. Hunter by hunter left to do their designated job. Till only we remained.
" you will be training with me, I think you should learn how to fight and defend along side one another" Now I agree she needs to be able to defend herself... but she's only 4! She supposed to be playing with dollys or action figures not with bows, swords or worse!
"Isn't she a bit too young for that Lady Artemis?" I asked feeling the necessity of protection outweigh any fear of jackalop-ation. She looked at me confused, until a look of understanding replaced it.
"Oh she won't be fighting, you will. She will learn how to defend herself and use you as meat shield" my fur was stood straight after that comment. There's the Artemis I knew and was absolutely terrified of. This was gonna be fun.
For her at least.