Chapter 29: Don’t You Touch My Babies!

[Percy's POV:]

Why does a monster, sorry hostile monster, decide to show up AFTER everyone is cold and weakened? Though she also looked freezing and weakened.. Is she hostile? Or have I just been assuming things.

"Gimme the children, I'm hungry!" definitely hostile!

"Sorry! No children on the menu today! How about a wolf instead?" I let my passengers off of my back and got into an intimidating pose, ready to attack at a moment's notice. It had started snowing hard and visibility had all but vanished, quite literally, I couldn't even make out what kind of monster she was.. Only that she was one and female if the deformed looking boob shaped shadow of a figure was anything to go by. Which they had to be right?

She screeched in an ear rupturing manner, medusa and the others covered the kids ears whilst theirs and mine were exposed to its curdling sound threatening to draw blood from my paw sensitive ears.

She seemed to run at me, fast.. faster than I was expecting. Was she not affected by Alaska as I thought? It was then I realised she had no legs but a long smooth tail winding through the pearl white snow.

"I SAID GIVE THEM TO ME NOW!" Ok enough thinking.

I snarled viscously at her and willed my fur to turn bronze before leaping to meet her attack head on my mouth wide and teeth bared ready to rip flesh from bone. No one hurts my babies. NO ONE.

We collided and immediately I realised how hard her.. Scales? were.. a snake lady? What was she doing out here?? Surely she's freezing. My bronze fur was ineffective against her, not even doing so much as a scratch.

"I will not starve again you hear me! NEVER!" she kept shouting in a blind rage, coiling around me so tightly that I couldn't move a muscle, tail an all. she continued on past me, ensuring her tail kept me trapped in her wake and pin to the velvet white snow.

The others tried to run away, but this far into Alaska had made such a feat impossible for them all. They could only lay at her mercy.. I felt pathetic.

"No.. you stay away from them!" I cried out feeling helpless for the first time in this life, the cold kiss of the snow doing nothing to soothe my despair. I couldn't help thinking, I have to do something.. Anything! This can't be all I'm capable of!

Moments later I came up with a plan. A Simple one. Grow. I had never tried to grow bigger than my natural size, as big as that was, but if I could just get a bit bigger.. Just maybe I could make a stalemate between us. She, unable to reach Reyna and the kids.. And me, trapped in her monstrous grip.

I needed the power to pull this off, I couldn't hold being small for long and that compressed what I already had; so I used the only source of power I could feel. The snow.

The power was faint, but there nonetheless, I focused deeply as the monster inched her way to Fidi, each Inch made me more and more desperate for this to work and just when her outstretched claws made contact, drawing a thin line of red thick blood on her once unscathed cheek, I snapped. And so did the Earth.

My size almost quadrupled, the storm tripled and my anger had all but doubled.

Around me the very Earth itself started to heed my subconscious call, the snow reaching to become her wrist shackles, branches of trees long dead and buried rose through the ground to restrain her body. I took no notice of it, my anger purely focused on the monster who harmed what is mine.

"How dare you harm my children?" I spoke with a deadly calm Gravely tone, the skies darkened at my words. The earth trembled and the shackles tightened Forcing the rest of her tail to the ground. She was face to face with me pinned down by my paw, I felt how easy it would be to simply crush her entirely and looking at Fidis now scar marked cheek made resisting the decision that much harder. I wanted her death. And the earth wanted me to give it.

"I- I'm starving! I want to eat! Get- Revenge on the.. Gods.." I relived the pressure under my paw to let her breathe and therefore speak.

"Why should I not just kill you now?" All I needed was a reason to reign in my anger.. I felt like I was more wolf than Percy, more monster than not. I wanted to shred her for harming Fidi. for hurting my mates and pups. I felt compelled by my rapidly maddening mind.

"You-you'll kill me anyway! You're all the same! You wrong us and then take the moral ground when we return the favour!" Wrong them? I've done nothing to her! I think. Hope old me didn't eat her kids once... or any kids for that matter.

"Wrong YOU!? I have done no such thing!" she grimaced under the increased pressure. I was about ready to kill her.

"HERA- KIL-ED .. Family.. Curs..Hu... r" Just before she asphyxiated, I released my paw, ensuring my enormous body was a barrier between her and the group. Her shackles kept her mostly in place as well. Reyna and the rest seeked shelter from the weather in my fur as I laid on my enormous side, Medusa once warmed tended to Fidi's cheek cradling the trauma she'd endured.

"Explain and I may let you live" she looked sceptical, but I suspect most monsters would be In a situation like this. After regaining her breath she went to approach me, a tightening of her restraints stopped any further progress and so she sat? Perched? in front of me, shivering in turbulent cold winds. I almost pitied it.

"I'm waiting. Speak." I commanded, patience thin.

"M-my name is Lamia, Marian Lamia and I was a demigod.." Ah shit, here we go again.

[Karla's POV:]

"What do you mean we're lost? We're wolves, how can we be lost? Artemis would look at us in shame if she knew we, the wolves of the hunt, were lost." I pray Lupa and Artemis never find out about this shame.

"It's all the smog, I can't smell anything but it!" true these mortals have really ruined the smell of the air here, it's so... heavy and clogs my snout in the worst way possible.

We had not long departed from the metal box on wheels and were in a place called Fresno. I don't like it here. Too much city like that New York place. We needed to find a forest of some kind to get some sort of sense of direction. And this walkway gap between the human habitats was definitely not a forest even the weeds found it hard to grow in whatever they line the floor with.

"How do we find the forest when I can barely smell my own behind?" asked Anya who was starting to panic, it probably reminded her too much of her time with lycaon all this.. City stuff. I don't like it myself either. Gotta somehow block out the horrid smell and find a way to the wolf House...

"Oh I smell something foresty!" spoke Anya Without further delay or elaboration we all latched onto the sent and took off in its direction.

It was a small mountain range just deep enough to clear the horrid polluted scent those cities gave off. Humans always did really love burning stuff...

With our snouts clear and the grassy earth beneath our paws, we began our attempts at locking on to Lupa or one of her pups' scents. The trail would be faint if there at all due to the wet rocks and moss everywhere but it was easier than the city.. not that I'd expect any of them to have been in the city anyway.

"Spread out and look for cl- scents" don't sue us. The triplets went west, Anya north and I went east. There was no point checking the way we came from. That alpha of ours better appreciate this... I expect at least two litters. Ok three... might as well make that four.. what? I'm an active wolf, I deserve some attention.. I hate heat cycles.

[Annabeth's POV:][day before boarding the bus:]

"What do I do? Where could that kelp head be?!?" I shouted to my bedroom walls, the prophecy hadn't helped in anything but fuelling my anxiety of losing Percy to the mountain of women that wanted to bed his fine ass!

I need a plan, I need to think of what Percy would do.. Why does he have to be so predictably unpredictable?

"I don't know what to do.." As I spoke the unfamiliar words a flash of light illuminated my room from behind me.

"And prey tell why is one of my daughters, the smartest one at that, saying such a ludicrous sentence?" mother, her voice as calm as it was wise.. maybe she could shed some light on this.

"I- I need to find him mother. I miss him so much it hurts and now there's all this competition.. And I have no information on where he may be and the Hunt itself is after his affection hell i've seen how dreamy eyed everyone is getting at just his name!" I don't know if it was the unfamiliar look of care or the fact I was stressed beyond limits, but I cracked and broke down in front of my mother.

"Oh Annabeth, I see some things have passed on" What could she mean by that?

"Like what? I don't feel very smart right now ok" I spoke, wiping the tears stains from my face.

"Long ago, I dated a man with as many romantic admirers as your Percy does, well almost as much, that Percy of yours is a real charmer... It ailed me to no end to the point I had Aphrodite curse them all with unrequited love" Great so I have her jealousy and bad luck with love.

"But I soon realised my mistake-" whoa whoa what!? Did I hear that right? Mother NEVER admits her mistakes! "-watch your thoughts daughter.. Anyway yes I made a mistake, I realised he loved them as well as me. He swore in his heart he would only love me if I so wished for it, But I could tell his heart stretched beyond me, to this day I regret it" is she suggesting what I think she is suggesting?

"Annabeth, you are a smart girl. You know where I am going with this. Tying him down to you will only hurt you and him and I don't need to be Aphrodite to see the competition isn't what you fear" what I feared? What do I fear?

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HIM!" I shouted for the first time at her.

"And you don't have to. Think." was all she said before walking behind me and flashing away. I leaped onto my bed hoping for it to engulf me to Morpheus. Her words lingered on my mind for hours sleeplessly. Could I really share him? With all of them? The idea didn't hurt as much as I thought.. Was I just scared of losing him? Or scared of sharing him.. Either way one things certain.

I won't be second place in his heart.

[Mature content (skippable):][present:]

"Why are you hiding in our luggage?" asked Thalia like she wasn't currently half naked and surrounded by masturbating hunters. I can not believe I just had that thought... Nor that I find it so hot.

"Errr.. why are you masturbating to my boyfriend?" not my smartest comeback I admit. Being around Percy does that to you.. God this makes me horny though..

"It's no secret we like him Annie, and judging by that deeply buried hand of yours, I don't think you hate it as much as you let on" shit I forgot I still had my hands down there.. Reluctantly I removed my hand from my needy pussy to address the weird situation I was in.

"W-well It's a sexy picture! And I haven't had his dick in 6 years now! Cut me some slack, I got horny ok!" I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that..

"Oh? My cute little Annie has an itch to scratch? But I wonder what you've been flicking that bean to? Cause I can't really see the painting to well from here." shit shit shit shit shit.

"Just the thought of him is enough. Ok!" I really need to stop talking.

"I bet, say you wanna join us?" did she jus- wha.. the fuc- Why have I not said no yet? Am I considering this??? I mean it couldn't hurt right? Not like I'm doing it to them just to my boyfriend.. Like they are.. Together.. Oh, I'm getting wetter. I hope they have spare underwear.

"Mm I see that waterfall you're brewing, come take a seat, I think there's a dry seat at the front with me". She left no room for debate and I felt strangely compliant with it.

Walking through the Isles I noticed the various hunters fingerbanging themselves to my boyfriend. I should be repulsed, I should hate this. But I don't, strangely I feel.. pride and wet beyond comprehension. My Percy is desired by so many and yet I was still his first choice. I felt Powerless yet empowered.. But most importantly I felt horny as Aphrodite On valentines.

"A little overdressed there Annie.. Why don't you get a little more comfortable" I knew she was manipulating me. But the enticement was there.. the sent of sex, the sight of Percy's marvel inches from view.. I sat down, trousers already gone. And sank my hand down under my panties, I may be horny, but Percy is the only to see me directly till all this is sorted..

The euphoria was instant, my fingers danced along my moistened slit that could only get wetter, tracing the folds and prodding the slick entrance I so wished Percy would ravish, my mind played a scene of Percy serviced by many women of my approval. Suckling on his cock while I watched fingers deep like I am now.

"Mm yes Annie I see your switch has been finally flipped" Thalia moaned in ecstasy as her laid bare pussy was assaulted by her fingers right next to me, she was gushing and her other hand busied itself groping her perky breasts. Artemis was busy driving, but that didn't stop the minx of a huntress from eating her out from below the seat, the view only spurred my hungry fingers on.

"Uh.. Cu-cumming" spoke phoebe first, calm yet seductive but the steady spray of her juices flew down the busses aisle.. I too felt my core reaching its climax. I focused back on the painting wondering how Percy would fuck me next we meet. Would it be like this? Surrounded by the hunters as they prepare themselves for him? Getting ready for his cock to penetrate them all as I watched.. The Thought was enough to break the dam and soon enough I was painting the seat with my sweet juices. As were the rest of the hunt. Thalia being the loudest of all as she power squirted fingers deep to Percy's name: a bit even landed on my knee.

Last was Artemis, or well first and last as she was on her way to her second climax in the hunters awaiting eager mouth. The sight made me want a second round... but no this was already enough without Percy and I wasn't sure my panties Could handle another soaking.. Please Hera say they have spares, Alaska will freeze my mound as is.

[mature content over:]

After the.. err, tiring activity. I recomposed myself, redressed and focused on finding out information. Our actions had basically cemented my acceptance of their crush on Percy.. But for now I decided not to think about it in case a repeat ensued.

"So umm where are we heading? I heard that you have an idea where Percy may be" I was too tired to analyse it myself, no need when they already had the answers.

"Based on the prophecy I received, my hunters and I believe he is somewhere in Alaska and so we've decided to begin our hunt for him there" Alaska huh. Why would he go there? I need to find out what this prophecy was.

"What prophecy?" Artemis thought for a moment before telling me what Rachel had told her. A 'cold promise'.. it definitely made sense to check Alaska, though I believe it could also refer to the titans that were never given the proper life.. Perhaps that Is why he is there.

"We're not too far from Alaska as it is" true, I could already feel the temperature falling as each mile passed by. We were going the speed of the moon through the evening sky after-all.

"So Where should we la-" a large shock wave shook the bus violently, throwing some of the luggage around and a vicious storm broke out. One even Poseidon could never hope to conjure. The sky seemed to pivot around a distant location obscured by rampart wind storms. The air became stagnant yet buzzed with angry life as if trying to smother anyone in its domain.. I then felt a presence that I hadn't felt in years.. one only one man or wolf I suppose could ever give off. Artemis and I shared a knowing look of concern.

"Someone pissed off Percy"