Chapter 34: Would Everyone Just Shutup!? Please?

[Percy's POV:]

Here I was hiding some of the most feared monsters from a man-hating Goddess that made a hobby hunting them; one which I apparently used to serve or something and left before losing my dam memories, seriously fuck amnesia, 0 stars. Oh did I also mention I contain some kind of ancient angsty wolf deity that may or may not be from my 'made up' story lives in me? Or that I just revealed to Artemis I kinda remember her and my ex? Or not ex.. that I have hidden from? for the last 6 years?

Yeah I am getting a little, super, very overwhelmed here.

"DAMIAN HURRY UP AND EXPLAIN YOURSELF" ok that's it! I miss the days I was hanging my tongue out the window and slobbering cars, whilst annoying Reyna.. Good times.. Anyway, back to angry wolf mode.

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK! Please." The last 5 minutes had been completely overwhelming, Artemis demanding answers I don't have and Reyna trying to placate her whilst asking her own questions. Fidi and Emily were stirring and cold, even whilst enveloped in my fur.

"Don't you dare tal-" oh no you don't little huntress you and your goddess can shuttit, I could see Reyna about to chastise me as well and I was not having any of it.

"No.. DON'T YOU DARE. All 3 of you. I have sat here quietly, anxiously and exhaustedly for the last 5 minutes listening to you all bicker about me. Lady Artemis, as I Said, I only remember snippets. Nothing specific so stop asking me questions I cannot answer. Reyna, I thank you for trying to diffuse the situation but they might as well know now, because frankly I feel like Apollo just rose from the west instead" Catching my breath I took a breather in their shock. Secrets.. Don't work. I learned this the hard way and I don't want to learn it again. That said, my human form was probably a secret best kept for another day, I do want to survive this day moderately warm after all, and more importantly stay paperwork free, paws equal no papers.

"I might as well know what?" asked Artemis, calmer but no less stern, perhaps my enraged response had actually gotten through to her.. But the murderous look in her eyes suggested otherwise. It's quite unnerving.

"Damian what abou…" I gave her a look demonstrating I cared not.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked once more. I simply nodded before turning back my attention to the growingly impatient deity and her huntress.

"Lady Artemis, I apologise for my outburst, but I have learned a lot about myself in the last day with no time to process any of it at all. First things first, I suspect you already know it, but I am Percy Jackson, yes the weirdly important one, no I don't remember being him, and no I have no clue about why I turned up at Lupa's doorstep. Secondly, I currently harbour friendly monsters on my back which you'd probably have once shot on sight, and if you want this to end peacefully then no harm will befall them or my- their kids. Thirdly we are on route to help the peaceful titans that were wrongly treated despite my apparent old selves wishes. Finally I seem to have some sort of ancient deity dormant inside me that I have NO clue about. Any questions, anyone?" Everyone looked at me mouth agape, getting a slight taste of the confusion I had that last few weeks. It made me smile, just a little bit. Didn't last too long.

"So it is you Percy? Fuck me you grew." Spoke the hunter, I'm sorry what? That was her reply to everything I just said? Nothing about oh I don't know the monsters on my back? The fact we are freeing Titans? Why am I the only one ever stressed by these things?!?

"Wait, you both knew?" asked Reyna, who was as confused as I was, probably more. It oddly comforted me a bit. Artemis thought for a few moments while her hunter that was painfully familiar just stared at me. It was quite unnerving. I could feel her urge to hug me for some reason and the fact I could tell unnerved me more. I kinda want to let her.

"Well, Percy was my guardian for almost 6 years. Of course I'd recognise that sea coloured wolf fur cladded smart idiot of a wolf anywhere" I don't know whether I was just insulted or praised. Honestly hoping for both, which kinda proves it in a weird way.

"Wait, I was with you for 6 years? Wasn't I like missing for ages?" Finally, some information about me.

"Well, that was.. Complicated, you couldn't enter camp and well erm you were being protective of your.. Daughters" right my daughters that makes sense.


"Reyna, I think Alaska is affecting me after all, did she say daughters?" never hurts to check right? Surely I misheard.

"Yes Damian, she did" she confirmed. Maybe there's like a different meaning or something? Oh maybe I have a Baby Goat! Ok that'd be weird but I mean I'm not the smartest wolf right?

"Yes she means kid. Child. Daughter. Offspring. Spaw-" so much for that.

"OK! I GET IT!" fuck I'm a Father. Shit I'm a deadbeat father that left, maybe I should bring back some milk, that'd be funny right? Eh, probably not.. Wait so I'm not a virgin, at least I know old me wasn't/isn't impotent.. I'm still not right?

"So I'm a dad.. Am I err, was I at least a good one? Forget that, what are they like? Are they here? Can I meet them? I want to meet them! Let me meet them!" By the end I felt tears pricking my eyes with rage. I thought all this would reduce my confusion but it only increased it and hurt twice as much. I could nearly picture them. A rainbow of emotions, two kids one rainbow meets silver sea? The other.. More like the burning coals surrounded by coral.. The picture in my mind is so vivid yet unclear. They were right in front of me yet my mind refused to show me.

"Percy, calm down. They're with de- er your mother" my mother? Lupa? No, she adopted me.. So I have another mother huh? makes sense I guess, just add it to the list. I bet there's so much more information dump waiting for me. The fates must love my confusion and pain don't ya?

[Fate's POV:]

"A little yes… Sister, any chance I can have another go cutting that one? I think I can finally do it" said one, cutting various strings with speed.

"Sister come now, don't you feel a little sorry for him? And no point, this Damn string is practically endless! Feels like a millennia" spoke another who was busy measuring a certain strings' length.

"Ah what a shame and Not really, what about you sister?" The first spoke again, still eyeing up the string in question.

"Him.. I feel he has more in store for us as we do him. And I agree sister, this string is a rather annoying one, so tangled and frayed forever starting and seemingly never ending" spoke the final one who was spinning a seeming web of string.

Even if we have no idea what you truly are nor the pain yet to come, we can at the very least enjoy it.

[Artemis POV:]

"Crap I made him cry" Percy was in tears after I told him about his daughters, did I have questions for him? Thousands, did I have questions about these monsters? Millions, but for now he needs a rest and frankly so do I. I still haven't recovered from that crash.

"How about a truce of sorts? No questions.. mostly. no attacking whoever you have unless they pose me a direct threat. Just find a place to rest nearby" I was reluctant to bring them back, this isn't entirely my Percy afterall plus explaining this to a group of hormonal angsty girls? Thalia? Not a chance.

"Sounds like the best idea of the day. Know anywhere close? I don't want to stray too far from Acanthis' scouting range" Acanthis? The bird? I fear tomorrow's chat.

"Should be somewhere near.. So gonna tell me who our companions are or is that a truce breaker?" Percy or not, I'm not about to rest in the company of entirely unknown monsters, especially not while I'm this weak.

"Hmm.. ok I'll allow it.." yup it's Percy alright. "Well, we have the ever cool-sweet and skilled at tailoring Arachne, the sensational and food artistic Queen Medusa and her sweetie of a daughter Fidi. we also have a newer member that's in a.. Bit of a time out. Though I can vouch for her oddly modern humour and vast appetite, Lamia. Finally we have another demigod, my disciple actually, from Venus, nothing much like her half siblings and has the CUTEST daughter, asides from Fidi, Anna and Emily." Right. He just said Medusa, Arachne and Lamia right? Yup he did. Starting to regret this truce thing already.

"You know what, I'm going to pretend their names are Madison, Arietta and their kids. Yup. That's their names until tomorrow ok?" Even a Goddess uses denial sometimes. Ok a lot, bite me.

[Piper's POV:]

"Wow I love this dress" kill me now. Why is a daughter of Hecate worse than even some of my sisters! We have been to every. Fucking. Store. In this mall. Twice! That is not normal right?? Then again I did find a nice t-shirt and jeans. For half the price thanks to it.

"Are you actually gonna buy this one or are we gonna start price hunting that one as well?" Yeah safe to say this isn't what I had envisioned when I suggested this. not sure what I picture to be frank.

"No I think I'll get this one, not sure how much more of this you can handle" this was one of the reasons we were friends, she could read me like a book yet was never offended by what she saw. Kinda like Percy at times minus the sweet bod and constant puns… Actually mostly the latter.

"Praise all that isn't Godly! It is a nice dress though." it was a green embroidered dress nothing too showy but would flow over her baby bump much more comfortably than any trousers. Personally I'd have chosen some Joggers.. But I see her reasoning, plus I'm not preggo. We went and paid for it at the till, as usual the cashier was gawking at me like an art exhibit, something I don't care for.

Leaving the shop we navigated the mall to the taxi station planning to hitch a ride to JFK Airport in New York. The car smelled like something had died in the middle of sex while eating a sub or 2, one of them definitely had pepperoni and cheese looking at the stains… not a pleasant ride, and I could tell Chloe agreed since she couldn't resist puking into a few paper bags.. I'm never getting pregnant nor getting in one of these again.

After departing the horrid taxi, I charmspoke the driver lacing it into my voice, thickly instructing him to clean the filthy car 20 times over and then continue until it smelled better my ass, a feat harder than it should be… man that car stank.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" Flying was something I rarely did, since most my friends would quite literally be killed for doing so, but it beat driving.

"Oh, err two tickets to San Francisco please.. First class with a table." It pays to be a kleptomaniac rich kid sometimes.. Not proud of it, but can't argue with the results, plus I don't want Chloe sitting uncomfortably with that baby bump of hers. The lady eyed us closely, provided the next flight that'd be available and we paid for it. All that was left was a 2 hour wait in a noisy airport with an insecure pregnant girl that fucked my ex. Not too bad actually, Chloe has this childlike wonder you can't hate, yet none of the stupid naivety.. mostly.

"Woah, how did you pay for that? Never flown before let alone first class!" see what I mean? Curious and happy about everything. It was cute in a way, I may be bitchy to her sometimes, but it's hard not to be when she carries his child.

"Well, my father is a movie star, so money was never really a problem for me.. Still money can't buy everything.. Especially not a parent's attention" sore topic.

"I see.. Yeah I know the feeling, I was poor my whole life, yet even when I had money, I never felt happy for it" shit that was insensitive of me. Got to pay more attention to what I say.

"Sorry Chloe, I know I've been in a mood all day, but with everything that's going on, it's been hard staying positive. Thank you for being here with me, seriously it means a lot to have a friend I can travel and talk to." I meant every word, and more. After that, we settled into comfortable chatter for a few hours, speaking about random things such as the whys and the hows of our respective demigod lives.

"flight number xxxxx is ready for boarding, please can first class passengers make their way to the gate" gotta love early boarding.