Chapter 2: The New Members

"Shhh!!! You moron, you're going to cause her poor head to explode" - Holly

"And I care why?" - Samuel

"Grrr...Go annoy someone else Samuel what about my brother? He probably got something less life risking to do than me. Anyway I got to clean her bandage so leave already" - an angry Holly

"Whatever Holly... Hey Conor what you doing..." - Samuel

"Trying to avoid my most annoying cousin..." - Conor

"To bad you failed" - Samuel

Holly got to work changing her bandages on her leg, the blood had stopped finally but had left a large spiral scar around her leg from top to bottom, she looked flustered red and tired though she had slept for three days straight. She would have to wake up soon for her body continued to shudder and shrivel under the intense pain of hunger and thirst, she would not last long under these circumstances she needs to replenish herself.

Hours later of driving in the same direction they came across a hospital which Holly recognized, the placed had signs that it had been bombed the night before but remembered the underground wards and was betting it was still intact, she intended to find any equipment that could help towards her new friend's recovery whilst Conor would look around for any lucky survivors. Holly came across a small room which seemed to be completely unaffected by the bombs inside lay a pile up of equipment more than she expected to find she would return later with the trolley to retrieve the medical goods. Conor wandered around in search of a medical ward to see if anyone survived when he remembered that one of his childhood friends had recently been hospitalized here, he frantically searched around for her no longer caring about the rest, though he found no one else anyway, he was focused solely on finding Jessie his first ever friend and crush he came across a double door blocked by fallen debris without even thinking whether she was even there or not he got to clearing it hauling the tonnes of concrete and wood that blocked his way. His fingers had been shredded of its skin but it had done the job the door was clear of obstruction, without a moment's notice he kicked down the door and rushed in only to be repelled by the sight of crushed bodies under fallen debris he slowly continued his search inside checking for anyone who may still be alive he heard a cry for help a faint one it stemmed from the very back barely audible he ran towards the sound calling out to her it took him to a big slab of concrete blocking a small cabinet too big to move by hand especially a shredded one. He looked for something to lever it out of the way and grabbed a pole from the debris the cold metal stung against his skinless hands as he slid it behind the slab pulling with all he had as he reassured her, it wouldn't budge no matter what he did he finally gave up and grabbed the slab itself cutting deeper into the already blood oozing hands of his he pulled the giant slab, it finally moved but not enough he could only see it now but it was progress and now he could see her face.

"Jessie..." - Conor

"Conor?!? What are you doing here?!?" - Jessie

"Saving you what else" - Conor

"Ohh...right..." - Jessie

Conor smiled as she blushed and continued to move the slab it finally jolted and fell away leaving nothing between the two friends his face concerned but she had been lucky and only had a few scrapes and bruises nothing serious she had with her a bag with her spare clothes that she changed into he then lead her past the minefield of bodies that would decimate any child's mind and sweep them into darkness. The journey seemed longer yet there was no obstacles to slow them down, everywhere lay a sign of pain and suffering from the silent watching bodies to the long corridors that bleed a thick red blood from its walls.

the light of day was gone only a starless sheet of black remained both were walking side by side Conor propping her on his shoulder as she limped to the camper van, where she had no physical injury she had been too scared to sleep and hadn't eaten for nearly a day. He reached the camper van and helped her inside.

"Who's this Conor...? Hold it.. isn't that Jessie?" - Holly

"Yes, I didn't think you'd remember me" - Jessie

"Who is this 'Jessie' cuz? Is she your girlfriend hmmm?" - an even more annoying samuel

"Oh shut up ya moron" - Conor

"Can I sleep for a bit I'm so tired" - Jessie

"Yeah you can use my bed" - Holly

"Thanks Holly" - Jessie

she left for the bed at the rear of the camper van where she fell asleep faster than she could lie down, the rest just stared at him and burst out laughing he couldn't contain his emotions and was redder than blood he simply dropped his head and joined in the joke. They planned to remain at the hospital site for another two days just to rest up holly was busy treating her unknown friend whilst Conor was busy fixing the camper van radio as his dad modified the vehicle he finally got a signal... an emergency broadcast signal set to repeat itself


At this he left the driver's seat in a rush to alert the rest.

"Australia? How are we going to get there?" - Emily

"There sending rescue helicopters to nearby cities!" - Conor

And with that the motor home fell silent, a positive yet sad silence as although they would be rescued there were many that didn't even have the chance to see such a possibility, but it was reassuring. Ryan revved the motor home and it growled a unearthly growl it's wheels screeched on the tarmac and set of in search of a city, London was too unsafe to return to so for hours they drove seemingly without a clue as to their location no motorway in sight only suffering homes and families screaming for mercy and pleading for help. They would stop occasionally to treat the sick and injured but had no space for anymore. They had tried everything to wake up their unknown friend from her slumber but she wouldn't budge, she was surviving on the liquidated food that was fed to her via a series of tubes found at the hospital, she had been asleep for nearly 3 days now and the family started to worry that she may not wake and she showed no signs of hunger or pain anymore. Holly would just sit there with Conor for hours trying to wake her up or even get her to react for hours they would fail time after time again, Holly would check her medically as Conor would repair any damaged medical equipment.

"Let's try scaring her" - Conor

"Err no that could cause a panic attack or make her cause her to become aggressive ya idiot" - holly

"Ohhh... Point taken" - Conor

She sighed a mocking breath of air she continued to talk to her telling her all about their journey so far, the families they had saved and stores they had resupplied at and there new family member Jessie. She finished her story at the current time with a tiring sighed, she noticed a faint but distinguishable smile slowly appear on her face and an eye flutter open showing her lush green eyes to her for the first clear time and she perched her lips to speak but no words escaped her, she had finally awaken she stared at her new surrounding pausing at Conor where she planted a solid punch right on his unsuspecting face he staggered shocked as though it wasn't that hard but it was still solid and left Conor speechless she apologized almost immediately after she had hit him. She was up finally and the question everyone was waiting for could finally be answered, her name... she replied with a fear in her eyes as she spoke her name.

"Is... Isabelle"