An eye on her

"How is this even allowed to happen in our school? Surely there are rules for a reason" she scolded with a furious look on her face.

Morgana who was sitting with Anberine held her hand gently as to not aggravate or create anymore injuries, just seeing the helpless look on Morgana's face and badly injured Anberine was from her attack had left the prince feeling guilt and resentment fill his system.

He had also had a hand in this, it stung that he had even allowed it to get this far. Sure he had hurt her before but... did he at times truly go overboard to the point he left injuries?

The very thought left him feeling that someone was squeezing his heart too tightly, it made him sick and bitter about how he acted. What was worse was that she had done nothing to provoke it.

"Some noble girls were bothering her" Prince Skye said softly, not truly processing that he had even spoke a word as it sounded like a dull echo to his ears. Soon his ears caught the sound of a low dark huff to his left.

"And last time I checked, you did so as well at one point... sire" the physician spoke in a cold tone causing him to wince, placing a bottle down she frowned at him.

"She won't be allowed to leave the wing until I see a full recovery which would take days I fear, I do that hope you understand this" the physician added as she folded her arms stiffly. Hearing this the prince's eyes went wide showing disbelief as it became more visible with each second that went by.

"I don't know why you're acting like this" she huffed coldly as she folded her arms tightly causing her green and blue bangles to jingle from the sudden movements.

"The amount of times she's had to come here because of you astounds me. So why don't you leave now before her friends come here?" the physician asked darkly as she went to sort out some bottles on the counter by a row of beds.

"I'm staying" she paused from hearing the firm tone in his voice, turning to look at the prince she saw to her surprise pure worry in his eyes despite the determined front he was giving off.

"I know I caused this by allowing them to think it was okay to hurt her, but that will stop. I will not allow this to happen again" Prince Skye said as he looked at her from the corner of his eye, her eyes narrowed.

"Good luck... sire, you caused a lot of anarchy thanks to your attitude towards her. Please excuse me sire, but I refuse to be kind to someone who makes my work a lot harder than it should be" the Physician said in the same tone only to see him remain unphased.

"I understand" Prince Skye said before approaching Morgana who was beside herself, sadness continued to leak from her expression which tugged at the prince's heartstrings but not as much as seeing Anberine in the state that she was in now.

"I... I need to tell the others" Morgana said before moving her head quickly the moment she felt his hand touch her shoulder, her eyes went wide from seeing his sad expression.

"Go, I'll keep an eye on her" the prince said softly but firmly as he sat beside Morgana who in turn was left uneasy, seeing this a ghost smile formed on his face as he kept his eyes on Anberine's sleeping form.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one bothers her" the prince vowed as his eyes never left Anberine's form.

"How do I know you won't do anything to hurt her?" Morgana asked now feeling suspicious and weary of the prince, hearing this the corners of his lips twitched bitterly.

"I give you my word as Prince of Camelot that she will not be harmed, not unless they want to deal with me" he said with a cold smile that left her startled at how serious he was being.

Swallowing she nodded before getting up causing the jagged ends of her greenish-black dress to jump due to how she shot up from her seat, as she stood up she made a mental note to find out why the potion wasn't working despite the fact she had done everything required.

Right now her friend was more important than a stupid faulty potion.

"I will hold you to it" she said and with that she left briskly in order to find their friends, once she was gone did his shoulders finally slump dramatically. Prince Skye's right hand soon went to his face before a low shudder left his lips.

'I can't even do anything right... she could have suffered more injuries or worse... what am I going to do now?' Prince Skye muttered wearily as his eye peeked from behind his slightly open fingers, seeing her sleeping left him feeling more guilty from knowing that he had started this.

Slowly he removed is hand from his face and took her hand, soon he placed a tender kiss on her fingers near the tips before leaning back on the chair.

"Get well soon... get well soon" Prince Skye murmured softly, meanwhile his ears soon caught the gentle clinking noises of jars and pots being moved from time to time thanks to the physician who was immersing herself in work.

Something that helped take his mind off things given what had been transpiring.

Eventually he spotted a bowl from the corner of his eye and turned his head to the left, seeing the physician standing beside him with a bowl and cloth the prince nodded his thanks before taking the items. Only the physician took the cloth back and gave him a frown.

"Place the cloth in the bowl like this and dab her head lightly" the physician said in a calm tone as she watched with soft fae grey eyes, startled by how she was now allowing him to help tend to Anberine who remained sleeping. His eyes lit up before taking the cloth gingerly after placing the bowl on his lap, lightly soaking the cloth he dabbed it lightly on Anberine's head. Immediately the sleeping girl winced from the cold item causing the prince to recoil in worry before feeling the physician's hand on his right shoulder.

"She's gaining a fever, it's natural that her body would react in this manner" she explained causing Prince Skye's face to flush, seeing this the woman chuckled lightly from seeing his reaction. "I'm going to check on her ribs" she now added causing the prince's face to go more red to the point he stood up.

As he did that the bowl fell from his lap and smashed on the floor resulting in broken pottery and water staining the floor.

Wincing he turned to see her reaction did not show she was either amused or displeased by what he had done.