Ch 19: making Mr. Lilith lose everything

After we all cleaned ourselves up again, we were setting in the dining room and Avery started speaking. "Are you girls positive you don't want to go back to your father?"

"yes, we are sure! Why would we go back to a house like that?"

"He messed with the mafia. It is your girl decision do you want him to suffer?"

This is the first time Erica heard we were the mafia, but she took the news well.

"what do you mean to suffer?"

"We have it plan for him to lose everything… his house, his job on the city council, all of his money will go to your bank accounts that we provided.

"I agree"

"I agree also, how dare him to beat us like this…"

"very well. we will start work as soon as Ayla and Lucas take you all back to your old house for the last time to get the things you want."

Their faces went pale I grabbed their hands. "don't worry he won't do anything to you all"

We went back to their place and their father was gone. We loaded everything they wanted into a van and drove back to the mansion.

When we entered the mansion Colette and Avery were on the computer's typing away. I went up behind Avery to see what she was working on and it was a newspaper article that had a picture of Aria and Erica naked but blurred out. Above it was a picture of the girl's father titled *The city council chairman loves to spy on his daughters. *

I went behind Colette to see her working on 3 bank accounts. One of the accounts had millions of dollars in it. She was taking small amounts at a time and putting it into the other 2 accounts.

Ayla also grabbed a laptop and went on a real estate website and added the house to it the headline was. *nice big house for sale $20,000*

The house was worth over a million dollars, but they had it up for $20,000.

Ayla got off the computer and made a phone call to a lawyer and somehow got the deed to the house.

Avery looked at me and then Suzuki. "can I get a picture of you groping Suzuki and photoshop your head as his?

I nodded my head. "I won't hurt you and I promise you this picture won't show you naked"

Suzuki nodded her head and I grabbed her breast through her shirt.


Avery uploaded the picture. *The council chairman gropes schoolgirls. *

By the end of the day, he is going to lose everything, and the FBI is going be looking down his neck…

Colette handed the girls a debit card each. "I am still in the process of transferring the money over to you 2. I will be your overseer until you both turn 20 but you can use it anytime you all want."

The girls accepted the cards.

"right now, you both have a million each. But by the end of the day, you all will have about 50 million each!"

The girl's eyes got big. But Colette continued. "the daily spend limit is $50,000…"

The girls kept working and it was time for the news Avery turned it on.



The council Chairman was suspended from his duties following an investigation of some felonies!

Some of the charges are… Raape, Invasion of privacy, Endangerment, and lying under oath!

Colette looked up from the computer. "it is done… he has no more money and it can't be traced I made it look like he is money laundering it.


Ayla also said that the house is sold.

Good, now he has no money, no job, and no home…

I smiled at Ayla and Avery should we go and pay him a visit?

They nodded their heads and we made our way to Aria's old house.

When we got to it he was sitting on the front steps we exited the car.


I just laughed at him. "how does it feel to lose everything? I told you that you messed with the wrong people. I wanted to say that we did enough, but you see my boss and one of my women thinks I let you off too easy!"

Avery stepped up from behind me. "you hit 2 of my sisters and then you cursed another one of my sisters… and then you even cussed my cute little brother… I think we are still letting you off too easy! But if you come around Erica or Aria again, we will go with another plan and I can swear you won't like it!

Avery pulled out a row of cash and threw it at him. "take it and make it work for you we will never have contact again I hope!"

We loaded back in the car and headed to the mansion.

When we entered Erica and Aria hugged us and kept thanking us. Avery just put them both in her embrace. "you are both my cute sisters and I promise to always take care of you. You guys are kind of rich now so you can do whatever!"

"We don't care about this money! we want to share it with you all!"

Avery just laughed at the girls. "don't worry about sharing your money with us. I don't want to brag but we are filthy rich. If you want to do anything just make our cute brother happy!"

The girls nodded their heads and came up and kissed me…

Aria looked around the room at the girls and looked down…

Avery noticed her looking. "What is it you can ask us anything."

"can you all teach me to drive? I want to buy a vehicle."

Avery laughed at her. "Yes, we will teach you how, but I won't let you buy a vehicle unless it is nice I will help you pick out one after we get you your license!"

"big brother, can you drive?"

"no, I can't"

"learn with sister I want to get you a vehicle as well…"

I patted her head. "it is fine I don't need one!"

Avery looked at me. "no, she is right. You need to learn how to drive as well we will all put money in and buy you a car as well!"

Now that is done it is time for me to fuck Logan up, I have some plans for him…