
Blasting his observation haki he could see the figure in his house was Naruto. Eric sighs as he gets out of bed. He decided to teach naruto a lesson.

Naruto: "I'm gonna prank him so hard hehe."

Eric already has his house littered with strings that are nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. As Naruto walks to Eric bedroom he is flung back into the door.

Naruto: "Ow what the hell was that."

Eric uses his strings to slam Naruto to the ceiling then the floor multiple times.He activates is observation haki to make there is no one in the room below his but feels a kunai coming towards him

Eric moves his he to the left quickly to dodge a kunai before using his strings to throw it back into the shadows.

Eric: "You know it's rude to attack someone in their own house. Come out already I can sense where you are."

3 anbu walk out nodding to each. 1 grabs the unconscious Naruto and the other 2 get ready for battle.

Eric: "I have been looking to test my new abilities."

Eric dashes and appears in front of the anbu with white hair he kicks him in the stomach sending flying out of the house. After getting up the white haired anbu looks up to see his partner getting thrown out the room as well.

Eric: "Now the my house is safe let's have some fun."

Kakashi sighs and appears behind Eric to knock him out. Eric moves his neck barely dodging the kakashi's strike before kicking him up in the air.

Eric: "FALLBRIGHT" he sends 5 strings down from the sky stabbing into kakashi but he turned into a log.

Eric: "substitution huh is that the best you can do kakashi."

After hearing his name get called kakashi got serious.

Both anbu: "Fire style-Great fire ball jutsu!"

Eric sees two massive fireballs coming towards him and does his trademark devilish grin.

Eric: "Spiderweb." Suddenly a massive spiderweb appears in front of Eric. Both fire balls crash into the spiderweb but can't get pass it and blow up.

Using the smoke from the explosion as cover Eric attacks the weaker anbu first.

Eric: "Bullet string."

Anbu: "Earth style: Mud wall"

A mud wall comes up to block the attack but the high velocity strings blast through the wall striking the anbu and injuring him.

Kakashi: 'I need to end this' he thought to himself

Kakashi activates his Sharingan and looks at Eric.

Eric looks up to and sees the sharingan getting placed into a genjutsu although he breaks out of it almost immediately kakashi still gets behind him before hitting the back of his neck knocking Eric out.

Kakashi:"How am I going to report this" he grabs Eric and his injured teammate and goes to the Hokage tower.

(5 minutes ago)

Hiruzen is sitting doing a mountain of paperwork when an anbu jumps in with naruto over his soldier.

Hiruzen: "what is going on why is naruto like that."

Anbu: "Naruto broke into a fellow kids house in an attempt to prank him but the kid noticed him and put him in this condition."

Hiruzen:"Where is the kid at."

Anbu: "Fighting dog and bear."

Hiruzen:'good so kakashi is there' "Stay here I'm sure they can handle it."

Anbu: "Yes Hokage-sama."


Kakashi walks into the hokage's office with Eric and the hurt anbu.

Hiruzen:"kakashi what is the meaning of this."

Kakashi: "The kid is far stronger than we thought and bear underestimated him getting injured." Kakashi places them down

Hiruzen: "So this is the boy huh. How did he injure an elite anbu member."

Kakashi: "His senses are very good and he uses strings to attack. I didn't sense chakra coming from these strings so I think his body can produce them. To hurt bear he used a technique he calls bullet string to sends strings moving at very high speeds toward bear. The string pierced through his mud wall and leaving him like this."

Hiruzen:"hmm so he body can produce string and he seems to be able to manipulate them well. We need to keep him on our side. Come out."

Three anbu come from the shadows and kneel in front of Hiruzen.

Hiruzen: "You three will watch this boy from now on."

Three anbu: "Yes Hokage-sama"

Kakashi: "Don't get to close to him this kid might be a sensory type as well his senses are good." Kakashi leaves the office.

Hiruzen: 'We need to make sure this kid stays with us, he will be a power asset later.' Hiruzen think to him self. " Take the boy back to his house and repair the damages. And take bear back to Hq."

Anbu: "Yes hokage-same"