Eye transplant and training

Eric and Anko rush to Hiruzen. They find him in a massive crater with Danzo coughing up blood. Hiruzen is trying to talk to Danzo but Eric won't let him get away.

Eric jumps in the air and cocks his arm back.Gae Bolg starts to shine and releases a red aura with energy going to the tip. After it reaches its limit it shakes and Eric throws it as hard as he can.

Eric: "GAE BOLG!"

The spear gets thrown towards Danzo and breaks the sound barrier producing a shockwave. Danzo looks up but can't doing anything as Hiruzen beat him up badly.

Hiruzen watched the spear pierce throw Danzo's Heart dragging him 30 meters into a tree. Hiruzen has heard the power of this attack from the reports but didn't think it was this strong.

Hiruzen: "So it does always hit the heart."

Eric walks up to Danzo and grabs the spear from his heart and takes Shisui's other eye. Then he grabs another pair of eyes for Anko.

Hiruzen saw Eric and was furious he realized Eric used him to take down Danzo.

Hiruzen: "What do you think you doing taking those eyes."

Eric: "I took this eye because I already got the other from Itachi's crow and I took these 2 to implant in Anko's eyes. You can do whatever you want with the rest. I will take this as a reward for helping stop a corrupt village elder."

Hiruzen: "Do you think I will just let you walk away with those eyes."

Eric: "Hiruzen I will only give Anko these eyes and myself Shisui's nobody else can get these. This is no different from Kakashi. Besides we won't use them a lot to keep it secret."

Eric: "People won't even know me and Anko we're he you can take full credit for bringing down root. I'm pretty sure people wouldn't be happy with their hokage if they knew what he let happen."

Hiruzen: "Is that a threat."

Eric: "No I'm just asking you to let me and Anko have these eyes and we can be another power for this village. Although I am not from here you guys took me in and raised me so I will not betray the village and Anko is also loyal so what's the problem."

Hiruzen: "Fine but no more then you too."

Eric: "Of course."

Eric and Anko leave back to the village. Hiruzen takes down root and is praised by the village. When Eric gets back to his house he looks at Anko.

Eric: "How about I move into your house."

Anko: "What well there are a lot of bedrooms I guess you could."

Eric: "Great but I will be sleeping you in room with you. Now Anko I want you to have these." Eric holds out to sharingans and shows them to her.

Anko: "Eric I don't know." She thinks back to how weak she was and how he had to save her. "If they can make me stronger then I will take them."

Eric then takes out both of Anko's eyes and puts in the two sharingan. Anko eyes starts hurting and she screams in pain.

Eric: "They will take time to adjust to your body. So this will happen a couple times a week for about a month."

Eric then takes Shisui's eyes out of the ring but when he went to take out his eyes Shisui's eyes darted to his skull and merged with his eyes. The pain was immense like a needle stabbing your eye over and over.

(30 minutes later)

Anko stopped screaming a while ago because she passed out from pain and Eric's eyes finally stopped hurting he went to a mirror and saw his eyes were the same crimson color as when he was born. Then he activated the sharingan and saw three tomoe spinning around.

Eric: "Hahahaha." Eric's laughs woke up Anko and she went beside him in the mirror and look at her eyes and sees 2 tomoe spinning around. After that Eric moves into Anko's house and starts to train his armament haki.

Anko asked Eric to help her get stronger so he let her train armament haki with him and showed her observation haki. Soon they start to train then days pass then weeks then months and like that 3 years pass and it's Graduation day at the academy.