Team 14

Eric tells Anko that he wants to get a tailed beast sailed inside of them so they can use their power to the fullest. Anko gets scared but decides to trust Eric.

After they talk they head to the academy for the graduation Ceremony. After Hiruzen's long speech the kids go back to the classroom and wait for there captains.

Anko: "Alright Eric goodbye I will see you after school and tell me about your new teammates and captains."

Eric smirks and walks in the classroom.

Hiruzen: "Anko will be the Captain of Team 14 consisting of Eric Lancer, Henry Hoan, and Alex Camper."

Anko: "Wait what!" She looks at Eric who is still smiling and notices he did something.

Anko gets the 3 students and go to a dango shop. While walking there she asks Eric what he did.

Eric: "Remember when Hiruzen sent me on that mission and you asked why I took it."

Anko: "Yeah."

Eric: "I took it in exchange for you being my captain when I graduated."

Anko: "Why would you keep that from me."

Eric: "I wanted to surprise my Ankobear."

Anko and the 3 kids sit at the table and order dango.

Anko: I guess we should get to know each other my name is Anko I like messing with people and eating dango. I dislike when my husband keeps things from me and my hobbies are training and eating dango. My goal is to be able to stand by my husbands side and fight with him till the end."

Henry: "Who's your husband."

Anko: "None of your business."

Henry: "Whatever I guess I will go next. My name is Henry Hoan I like woman and icha icha paradise. I dislike people who lie and my hobbies are looking at woman and training.

Eric: "My name is Eric Lancer I like my wife and eating dango. I dislike people who try to hit on or mess with my wife and my hobbies are eating dango and training."

Alex: "My name is Alex Camper I like reading and playing with my friends. I dislike people that bully the weak and my hobbies are having fun with my friends and talking about books."

Anko: "Ok I have something to do this week so meet me at training field 14 at 7:00 am in a week."

Kids: "Ok."

(Hokage Tower)

Hiruzen: "So you want to go and get a child that can if trained can deal a tailed beast in you two."

Anko and Eric: "Yes."

Hiruzen: "Fine but I will only give you a week no more."

Both: "Thank you hokage-sama."

Eric:'This old man has done a lot for me when the snake bastard attacks I will be sure that Hiruzen survives.' Eric thinks to himself

Eric and Anko leave immediately and head off to get the mysterious child.