Team 14 C rank mission

Eric and Anko leave to go to the training field and Karin stays at home and starts training fuinjutsu and medical ninjutsu.

Eric decided to not give Karin a sharingan as he wants her to focus on support and healing. He wants her to get a summon animal that deals with healing.

Eric and Anko make it to the training field and see Henry and Alex waiting.

Henry: "Man I'm jealous you get 2 beautiful girls around you."

Eric: "Two?"

Henry: "I saw you come into the village with a red haired girl and captain Anko. I also figured out that you guys are married well not actually married but you know what I mean."

Eric: "We we're moving pretty fast how did you see us."

Henry: "You know..."

Henry disappears from his spot leaving only a lighting trail as he appears behind Eric.

Henry: "I'm pretty fast myself."

Eric: "Good you will be a good asset to the team."

Henry: "Of course to get women I need to become famous and strong that's why I train hard."

Anko chuckles and tells them to get ready for a mission.

Anko and the three kids go to the mission room where the hokage and Iruka are.

Iruka looks at the team

Eric is 5'7 and now looks exactly like lancer for fate stay night expect for a little shorter

Alex is 5'0 with short black hair and brown eyes and isn't out of shape but has almost no muscle wearing a brown shirt and black pants. He is basically looks like your everyday normal person

Henry is 5'5 with hair like mikoto suoh from k project expect it is purple matching his purple eyes he is slim and has a chiseled like body with muscle not too big and not too small. He is wearing black joggers black close toed shoes with no shirt and purple lighting bolt earrings hanging from his ears.

Iruka: "what rank mission do you want."

Anko: "D rank mission."

Eric looks at Anko.

Anko: "We need to get to know each other's fighting style and build chemistry before we do anything better."

Eric looks and sees Alex with his nose in a book and Henry getting beaten by a group of girls and sighs.

Anko: "Alright let's go."

Henry: "No offense Miss Anko but pulling our weeds won't get us any girls."

Anko: "You said your fast right. If you get 10 D rank missions done in a week we can go on a C rank mission."

(The next day)

Anko's team goes to the board of missions

Henry: "Which C rank mission are we going to do."

Anko: "I said 10 D rank missions first."

Eric: "I did 10 D-rank missions yesterday."

Anko: "Fine."

Iruka gives Anko a C-rank mission and they head to the gate.

Henry: "Well what's the mission?"

Anko: "We have to guard a man till he gets to the hidden rains village."

Henry: "Ok where is he?"

Eric: "I think he is that old man right there."

Sinzo- "Hello I will be the one you protect. Please climb on the carriage."

The team gets on the carriage and set off towards the hidden rain village.

Henry: "So have you gone all the way with one of them."

Eric: "No not yet Karin is still getting used to being around a boy but I have had some tongue battles with Anko."

Henry: "Really how was it was she aggressive."

Eric: "Yeah our of nowhere too one night after we made out she got really excited and agh."

Anko punched Eric in the mouth.

Anko: "What the hell were you saying."

Eric: "I don't know I just feel like I can talk to him so I kept rambling on."

Henry: "I have that effect on people that's why the ladies love me."

Anko: "Shut the fuck up Henry I have never even seen you with a girl."

Henry: "Just wait I will have 20 wives one day and open up a place where you drink and watch women."

Eric: 'This fool wants to open up a club probably a strip club.'

Eric: "That's a mighty fine dream remember me when you open it."

Henry: "don't worry you will have a vip seat and everything."

Anko starts beating the shit out of both of them.

Anko was about to hit Henry again but senses a lot of chakra.

Anko: "Everyone get into formation."

????: "Mother wants your blood."