
~ The Knight Captain POV ~

My name is Harris Floyd, The knight captain of Blue Dragon squad. Me and my men currently riding through the wood to Gortneas Village where the flood happened right now. They continue to ride their horse in a hurry, and 2 hours later, they arrive at the Gortneas Village and see that a man Fight a Giant Chief.


After giving an order to my men, Larry and I then began to help the lone man to fight the Giant Chief. As we got closer, I use my Scan skill to know who this man and to my surprise, this man is Lord D'Arc, the new baron that Lord Arthur informs him. After getting closer to Lord D'Arc, Larry and I then began to help him dealing with Alekos, the Giant Chief, if his scan skill was right.

"Sorry for the wait, My Lord."

While technically, I'm a better rank than him, but currently, I'm a knight and not a Son of Earl. So he must use an honorific to greet him.

"No, You guys arrive just in time, now help me kill this b*stard."

I got shocked a little as Lord Arthur says that this man is polite and didn't use a curse word, but I guess the stress of fighting makes him do it.

"Very Well"

After saying that, Gabriel, the young lord, began to swing his weapon toward Alekos, who blocks his attack, but with Larry and me, we began to overwhelm Alekos. Larry and I began to distract Alekos while Lord Gabriel do the damage. Little by little, I can see Alekos HP began to decrease, and its armor began to break because of Lord Gabriel's attack. As Alekos HP reducing to a half, something happens. Alekos began to roar.


The roar is so loud it created a shockwave that makes the smaller monster thrown off the ground. After finished roaring, Alekos began to change, while it doesn't have a massive change, but right now, Alekos has an Aura around its body and Weapon. Immediately I use my Scan skill and see that Alekos HP is Full once more, and almost all its stats are doubled.

Alekos then look toward me and start charging at me. Alekos got in front of me and then raised its sword and swung it down to me. Seeing the sword, I then dodge it, but Alekos swing its sword to the side, so I block it, but as I block the sword, my hand began to tremble as the sword force is powerful enough to make my hand shaking.

"Oi!!! can you hold this ba*tard for 5 minutes?"

Wait, What? Hold Alekos for 5 minutes? only the two of us?


While I and Larry can hold Alekos for 5 minutes, probably. He wants to know the reason why he wants us to hold him down, is he able to kill it in one shot? so I asked him about it.

"I have an idea of how to kill this Giant"

Seeing his face, I know that Lord Gabriel knows the way to kill Alekos or at least make it weak enough for us to finished it.

"Very Well, 5 Minutes no more."


I looked toward Larry and nodded at him, seeing my massage Larry then charge toward Alekos with his shield and block all Alekos attack with his shield while I attack him from behind and do as much damage as I can. As 5 minutes pass, I could see Lord Gabriel's hand began to glow, and coming from the light is a weapon that looks like a lance, but I have a feeling that it was not a Lance.


What? Didn't he need us to finish Alekos in case his attack failed him?



I hesitated a little but follow his order and order my men to retreat and go to the village. As we arrive at the village, we then hear Lord Gabriel's voice coming from the battlefield.




Lord Gabriel's voice is like a Judge that sentences people to their end in the court, and all the people inside the village able to hear his voice as if he was some sort of God or Spirit. After he finished his chant I could see that Lord Gabriel jump to the air and Throw his weapon to the ground.

A second later a massive explosion happened, I could see that the blast has a rainbow color and it keep growing but stopped just a few meters from the village wall.

After the explosion comes to an end and leaving a massive crater while also leaving nothing behind its explosion, I could not see Alekos anywhere, and the Monster following Alekos even disappear. My Men and I then began to run toward Lord Gabriel as he falls to the ground.



The Villager that help us against the flood and I stood next to the young lord and bring him to the village. My men and the Villagers help to secure the area for us, as I take Lord Gabriel to the village. After arriving at the village, I began to put Lord Gabriel down inside the barrier that Lord Gabriel created to protect the villager. I then began to use my scan to see if he is alright, seeing that Lord Gabriel only have Mana exhaustion I sigh in relief.

"Lord Gabriel only have mana exhaustion, here let him drink this, and he should be awake in a few hours."

After saying that, I began to walk toward my men who killed all the remain monsters. Seeing the monster already been killed, I sigh a little because, in the monster flood, we don't get any level up killing all the monster. That is also the reason why many Adventurer will go to the Dungeon and destroy the Dungeon Core before it creates a flood like this one. I know why Lord Arthur doesn't want the Hero clearing the dungeon. The hero will demand many Knight to come with them and then use them as a meat shield for them. I still remember when the wave happens, and one of the heroes use my men as a meat shield and even spit at them after using them. When I talk to them, they keep saying that 'NPC' should not talk back to the 'player.' From that day, I began to avoid any of the heroes, and to make it worse, the church keeps covering their wrongdoing and makes it as if they are the ones that saved the day.

I know why Lord Arthur doesn't want to get involved with the heroes group, but they are the only ones that able to level up from the flood. Even though I don't want to admit it out loud, The hero is their only hope to stop this monster wave once for all.

As I arrive at the crater where Lord Gabriel kill Alekos, My eyes then see a sword that stuck to the ground. As I use my scan skill, I'm shocked seeing the weapon Description and its rank.

~ Caladbolg (Sword)(Myth) ~

*Caladbolg: The Rainbow Sword is the magic sword of Fergus mac Róich. The sword also named Spiral Sword. it is a high-power and wide-range attack that makes even destruction of the landscape possible.*

This is the first time I see a Myth Sword that is not in its worse state. I able to use my scan skill at another Myth sword inside the church, but the sword is at its edge of breaking. The reason why the church safe it inside their vault is because they want to use it to kill the 'Demon Lord', the one that caused the Monster Wave.

This sword, on the other hand, is flawless and without any crack or damage even after the explosion. Another part of me wants to keep this weapon as my own, but I know that Myth weapon will not accept me as its master. So I take the weapon from the ground and bring it with me to the village.

As I arrive at the village, my men then walked toward me and saluted before saying.

"Sir, Lord Gabriel has awakened"

"That fast?"

"Yes, sir."

I walked toward the building where Lord Gabriel stay. As I arrive and open the door, I'm greeted by Lord Gabriel, who smiled at me.

"Thank you for the reinforcement."

Seeing him smile, I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this man is the one that should be the hero. Polite, Kind, and Brave is the attitude that a hero should have not to like the people that the church summoned. I am only able to smile back and say.

"No problem, Sir"

Maybe with this man around Humanity able to survive and sees another day, I could only hope for the best.