Royal Family

Gabriel, Harris, and his squad ride for one and a half-day before they arrive at the Dragon Peak City, and after arriving there, Gabriel then began to search for an Inn. After finding the Inn he wants, Gabriel then rent a room for one week.

"My Lord, Me, and my squad must go see Lord Arthur."

"Ahh, Then let us meet again sometime."


Gabriel stands there for a few seconds looking at Harris and his squad, leaving before he walked toward his room and has some rest after a long journey. Gabriel continues relaxing and not doing anything for the rest of the day then goes to sleep when the night has come.

~ The Next Day ~

The next day, Gabriel wakes up and have some breakfast before going to the Adventurer Guild. As he arrived, Gabriel then asked the receptionist about the mission he could take. The lady then takes him to the guild board where he could choose his own quest, not like Akrok city, where the Desk Lady will give him the quest that appropriates for him according to his exploit and experience that the guild card shows him/her.

Gabriel then takes a quest to kill an Orc, The minimum for the quest completed is 3, but he can also earn extra Two Silver Coin for every Orc he kills. The Orc Location is near the village, where he helps the villager solving the problem they have at times.

He then began his journey to the Belfair village. The village where the first plague he ever encounters in the new world. He arrives at the village when the sun high above his head, as he comes near the gate, some villager sees him and greet him as if he was their hero. Seeing their enthusiasm for greeting him or touch him, Gabriel blushes a little as he doesn't think that he deserves the praise.

Gabriel then walks to the Village house after explaining his reasoning to the villager who let him meet the village chief. After talking to the village chief, Gabriel then knows where he can kill the Orc. The Orc he will facing is around 7 in number and has a level around 40 to 54 if the scout the village chief sent is accurate. After getting the information, Gabriel then walked toward the Orc location. At first, the village chief wants to send some of the fighters to help him, but he able to convince the village to let Gabriel do it alone.

After walking for at least five minutes, Gabriel then sees the group of Orc who is eating some animal. Slowly he sneaks at the Orc before he takes Naegling before he jumps at the Orc and swings his weapon down, killing the Orc with one swing. Gabriel then runs toward the nearby Orc and touches it before making it turn into dust. He then sees the Orc mage that has a good amount of distance from him, who is currently preparing a spell to attack. Seeing it, Gabriel raised his hand and said.

"Holy Ray"

Coming from his hand is a Light Laser Beam that hit the Orc Mage and burning it alive before turning into dust. Gabriel then prepares to attack the other Orc Shielder, but before he was able to do that, another Orc Mage releases its Spell.

"H̸̨̙̤̞̥̜̣͎̐͐́͜ẽ̵̢͕̱̲̤͍̿̇̀͂͆̾l̴̛̳̽́̎̓͋̽͠l̸̖͌̈́̏̒̊͘ ̴̨̹̬̖̎̍̃̿̚͠F̴̡͉̞̑̿͗͐̈́́̇̿͠i̴̲̭͔̙̰̫̐͐̽͆̈́̅͝r̴̡͎̥͚̰̲̹͇̹̊̆ẹ̴̃͗́̕̕͠"

Coming from the Orc staff is a Snake made of fire that burns everything on its path as it coming toward him.


Gabriel then creates a massive wall made of stone to block the incoming attack while also dealing with the Orc in front of him by touching it and then turn the Orc into the dust. After the spell ended Gabriel, then destroy the wall before run toward the last Ord Mage, who is preparing another spell. The Orc tries to stop him, but Gabriel has more Agility than the two Orc Warrior. After arriving in front of the Orc Mage, he then uses his weapon to kill the Orc. Gabriel then uses his Holy Ray to kill the rest of the Orc who tries to running away from him.

After killing all the Orc, he then hears a *ping* sound inside his mind, so he checks his status where he gains one level after killing all the Orc and also one STR and one AGI from swinging Naegling and even running around with Naeglin on his hand.

Gabriel then walked to the village and greeted by the village chief, who is asking about the Orc. He smiled a little before shows his Adventurer Card where it says in the lastest quest that he kill all 7 Orcs. The Village Chief, who sees it, then sighs in relief before thanking him profusely to him before offering him a place to stay and celebrate it with the villager. Still, he rejects it saying that he needs to see the Royal Family tomorrow morning so he needs to go back.

After saying goodbye to the villager and the Village chief Gabriel then began run toward the Capital City. The reason why he chooses to run instead of Walking is to arrive at the Capital City before the gate is closed and also to increase his AGI Stats. When he arrived at the Gate of Dragon Peak City, the sun is beginning to set, so Gabriel able to cut 2 hours because of him running from Belfair Village to the Dragon Peak City where the time to travel between location is 5 hours he able to do it in 3 hours. After showing his ID, Gabriel then walked to his Inn and takes a bath before he goes to sleep as tomorrow he will see the Royal Family.

~ The Next Day ~

The Next Morning Gabriel walked to the palace where he stopped by the Guard who asked for his reason coming to the castle.

"I get summoned by His Highness."

"Please show me your ID."


Gabriel then shows his ID to the Guard who takes it to the palace before coming back a few minutes later with a butler with him.

"Please follow him, My Lord."

Gabriel then follows the older man toward the palace. After coming inside the castle, Gabriel looks around in awe as he never sees something like the palace. The wall has a smooth white color. The floor has a red carpet that leading to the end of the room where there is a big double door, and the ceiling is high above is head just like a cathedral from his previous life.

After walking on the Red Carpet, Gabriel and the Butler arrive at the big door where he told to stay for a moment. While waiting for the butler to coming back, He looks around his surroundings and then looks at the Royal Guard that stays with him outside the Door. The Guard has a Silver Full Body Armor and, on his hand, a Pike that has a length around 2 meters.

After waiting for 5 minutes, the Butler then coming back from the room behind the door and says.

"Lord D'Arc, please come with me."

The guard then opens the door for them to coming inside. When they are inside, Gabriel able to see an empty throne and many Royal Guards that stood in line following the Red Carpet. When they arrive in front of the Throne, The butler then began to stand aside near the Royal Guards. After a few Seconds Gabriel hears someone shouting.

"Announcing his Highness Maximilian Fredrick Lothbrog"

Coming from behind the throne is a man with age around 40 years old, The man has white hair and Blue Eyes. The man is wearing a Silver Armor that covers his chest and arms, and He also wears a thick red mantle with a fluffy white fur collar. Lastly, the Man is wearing a Golden crown above his head.

Seeing the King arrive, Gabriel then began to kneel before the king says.

"Lord D'Arc Welcome to my Castle"