
~ Maximilian Fredrick Lothbrog ~

After explaining the situation to the young Baron and sees the young man walked away from his office, I sigh a little and open up the drawer that contains my stash of wine.

As I drink the wine in my hand, I hear a knocking sound coming from the door.

"Come in."

When the door opens and revealing Arthur Barthélemy. The head of Barthélemy Family and one of the two Arch Duke in my Kingdom.

"What can I do for you, Arthur?"

"Is it true?"

Arthur began to ask me after he sits down on the chair in front of me.

"Pardon me?"

"Is it true that the Hero challenge Gabriel in the Trial of Combat?"


I sighed a little before nod at his question.

"Can't you do something about it?"

"You know I can't do anything about this situation. My only hope is for the Sword Hero forfeit from the beginning and makes Baron Gabriel trial much easier."

"Even though he forfeit, The other will not. Don't forget that the other Hero is not a weak person. They are a hero for a reason. They have a 500 level limit and don't forget their Job skills. The only thing Gabriel has and the Hero don't have a Sub-Job."

"I know I know, but what can I do? Yes, I don't like the hero party and want them to lose in this fight, but like I said, what can I do? I cannot interfere with this fight, you know? This law is created by the Goddess way in the past when the first Hero gets summoned and the first Hero to fall and become the Remnant and lead the monster to fight humanity."

"I know, alright, I know about all of this... It's just... I have a life debt to this kid for saving my life... Haaaah, Sorry about that old friend. I guess I'm too emotional for a second"

"It's okay, and I know how you feel. The young man is a nice person with noble intention."

"Yeah, you know that he created a barrier to protect the villager from harm, but he put himself in the frontline and help the volunteers to fight the flood?"

"Ohh, do tell."

Arthur continues to share the story of Gabriel D'Arc, the young man who defends his land from monsters by creating a barrier to protect the villager while he fights in the frontline with the other people.

We continue to have a chat for a few hours while drinking the wine, and by the end of the night, we give a toast for Gabriel D'Arc, The Baron of Járnland, and The Red Saint.

~ The next day ~

The next day, My family and I preparing the Arena for the fight between Baron D'Arc with The Hero Party. The Arena we used is a special arena created by my Ancestor if something like this was happening. The Arena itself has a barrier around it, so the people watching will be safe if the person inside the Arena uses a destructive spell or technique. The barrier also linked to the participant souls that show the audience their Level, Job, and HP. The barrier also has a special feature that will teleport the person that reaches 0 HP, and even the barrier will reverse any damage taken inside the Arena. The barrier will make all participant HP will not go below 100, but the barrier will not show it on the screen that will appear on top of the barrier for the audience to see.

As time approaching My family and I sit down inside the VIP room with Barthélemy Family, who come to cheer the young Baron.

When Gabriel and the Hero Party arrive in the Arena, I began to stand up and say.

"This is a Challenge Fight between The Hero Party and Baron Gabriel D'Arc. The one that sounds the challenge is Aoyama Keizo with Gabriel Life on the line."

As I said that the entire Arena become silent, so I continue.

I then gesture my hand toward Gabriel, who has a serious expression on his face.

"To my left is Gabriel D'Arc, A Saint with Sub-Job of Guardian. Baron D'Arc is currently at Level 70."

I looked toward the hero party before says.

"To my right is the hero party, The sword hero, Level 71. Elementalist, Level 68. The healer Level 62. Knight, Level 70. Void Mage Level 65"

I raised my hand and then bring it down then says.


After I said that, Gabriel began to runaways from the hero party while taking a sword out of nowhere.

"Inventory, Look like Gabriel has a rare skill, huh, Old Friend."

"You are right, Max, so that is the reason he always travels what looks like a minimum Item and supply."

As Arthur says it, Gabriel began to chant while holding the Sword that he takes out from his Inventory. I quickly use my Divine eyes and look at the Sword in Gabriel's hand.

~ Hrunting (Sword)(Legendary) ~

*Hrunting: The Hound of the Red Plain is the Sword that used by The Legendary Warrior Beowulf to kill the Giant Grendel*

"Legendary Sword..."

Without knowing, I said it out loud because the Sword in front of me is a Legendary weapon that so rare that his Kingdom only has 1 of them, and in the world, Legendary Sword can be counted with both hands.


Arthur shouts in shock before asking me.

"Is it true?"

"Yes, Look like we discover another Legendary sword that we don't know."

The legendary weapon that known to everyone is only seven, and all the kingdoms own all of them. The dwarf possesses four Legendary weapons as they are the ones that are creating them, well the one that creates them is their Ancestor. The elves kingdom has Two while Humanity has One Legendary Weapon in the form of a Sword that created by my Ancestor and the founding father of this Kingdom.

I then see Gabriel use his Sword to distract The void mage while he began to charge toward the Hero with 20 sword projection floating around him and also a Giant Club he takes out from his Inventory. Before Gabriel able to reach the Hero Healer, He gets blocked by the Hero Knight that blocks his path with the shield.

Gabriel then swings his Club toward The hero Knight shield and releasing a loud crack that indicates it already cracked by the force of Gabriel swing. While The Knight busy with Gabriel, He didn't see his sword projection already reach Their Healer, who screams with agony as the Sword stab her. She keeps screaming while she heals her wound, seeing that his teammate got an injury. The Hero Knight began to run toward the Healer and help her.

The hero sword who stay silent the entire time began to talk with Gabriel and began to fight. The hero Elementalist, who also stay silent the whole time, began to cast his spell, but Gabriel able to raised a stone wall that blocks his spell.

They continue to fight for a while, When the Hero Knight finished helping the Healer, he then began to help the Sword Hero fighting Gabriel. Seeing he go outnumbered, Gabriel then takes out another sword from his Inventory and says the chant for the Sword to active and jump high in the air then throw his Sword toward the Elementalist, Void Mage, and The Healer.

With one attack, Gabriel able to take out three heroes leaving only two of them. He then created a sword projection to make the Sword Hero 'Busy,' but I know that The sword hero is holding back a lot. I know about it because I don't see the knight hero use his most powerful skill, the Meteor Sword, where he can cut his enemy 100 times in 10 seconds.

After defeating the Knight hero, The sword hero then forfeits, saying that he can't beat Gabriel. Seeing the result, I began to stand up and announce that Gabriel is the winner. After saying that My Family and I began to walk toward the arena while the Barthélemy is also coming. After arrived in front of Gabriel, I said.

"Congratulation Gabriel D'Arc"