Undead Wave (Part II)

~ Maximilian Fredrick Lothbrog ~

After giving the command to troops, I walked toward the Church and goes to the room that guarded by the Church Crusader.

"Your Majesty"

"Is the Pope already in the room?"

"Yes, His Holiness already erected the barrier with the other Cardinal."

"Very well, Please excuse me."

"Please, Go ahead, You Majesty."

I then walked inside the room and greeted by a massive Blue Orb floating inside the room while the pope and the Cardinals raised their hands toward the Orb. The Pope, The Cardinals, and I need to give the Orb for its fuel to maintain the Barrier, and While I want to go to the front line like when I was young, I can't do that right now. The reason is as The King of Human Kingdom; I have to help the Pope and The Cardinal maintain the Barrier to protect the citizen that currently inside the City.

After exchange greeting, I began to sit near the Orb and raised my hand toward the Orb and began to use a Breathing technique that the Church gives to my family. This breathing technique is like meditation, but it has a more potent result. If meditation only regenerates 5% mana for every minute, This technique will regenerate 100% mana for every 1 minute. Still, the user needs full concentration on doing the breathing technique; that's why this technique can't be used in battle as the user is busy fighting.

The Pope and I continue to maintain the Orb fuel, but after 15 minutes, I began to feel that the Barrier started to break because of something try to breach the Barrier, and it was succeeded. We began to pour more mana into the Orb to make the Barrier more powerful, but as we pour more mana, The force that tries to breach the Barrier becomes more powerful as well.

We can hold the Barrier for 5 minutes, but after 5 minutes, we can feel that the Barrier is destroyed. I then quickly go outside to see what kind of monster is we are facing. After arriving outside the Church, I able to see a massive Undead Dragon. The Dragon has made of black bones, and inside the bones is what looks like a Blue flame. After destroying the Barrier, the Dragon began to targeting the City by spewing a blue fire all over the City, burning everything on its way.

Seeing The Undead destroying my City, I began to take my sword from the Inventory and began to run toward the Dragon but immediately stop myself as I see the Dragon turn its head toward the Palace. While the Palace has its Barrier, but it was not as powerful as the Barrier that the Church created to protect the City, and I know it was not enough to stop the Dragon.

Knowing the situation, I began to run toward My Palace as fast as I can, I arrive at the Palace after running with full speed for a minute. As I arrive, I see the Dragon try to destroy the Barrier, but before it was able to break the barrier, I prepare my attack to distract the Dragon.

"O Goddess Gramone, Goddess of War and Destruction"

"Lent me your strength."

"Holy Flame"

Coming from my palm is a white fire that launched itself to the Dragon, and when it the Dragon, it began to consume the Undead as it should be before I was able to relax; however, I hear a sound coming from on top of the Undead Dragon.


The holy flame that consumes the Undead Dragon becomes black, and slowly the fire gets absorbed by the black gas that coming from the Dragon Head. I then look up and see there is someone on top of the Dragon wearing a Black robe and a long staff on its head.

"Lich, Dammit"

With the Lich on top of the Dragon, now I know why the undead able to breach the Barrier. The Lich is enchanting the Undead Dragon with its Black Magic to become more powerful enough to destroy the Barrier. I use my Divine Eyes and surely enough that the Undead in front of me only has a level of 120, but their stats are off the chart. The Dragon has the lowest stats of 220 in INT, but he also has the Highest VIT he ever sees in the wave, which is 2700. The lich has the lowest Vit of 110 and has the highest Int of 1200.

The two of them make a terrifying team with Dragon taking all the damage and the Lich doing the damage to their Enemy. I snap from my thought when I hear the Lich use his spell.


I then see a black fog coming from the Lich staff, I immediately dodge the attack, and after I avoid it, I able to see the house behind me began to rot and become ashes. Seeing the effect of the spell, I immediately began to counter the spell as the attack still following me.

"O Keltia, Goddess of Healing"

"Show me your kindness."


A bright light was coming from my hand, and a few seconds later, the black fog that following me began to vanish. When I busy dealing with the Lich Spell, I didn't know that the Dragon already destroyed the Palace Barrier as I see the barrier crumble in front of my eyes. I then immediately ran toward the front of the door and stood there, ready to protect my family.

The dragon landed in front of me, and the lich ready to cast its spell. Before it was able to do that, the lich gets interrupted by an arrow and fireball. I then look at the Dragon back and see there is a group of Archer, Mage, and a healer coming toward the palace.

"Your Majesty"

The woman from the group coming toward me and bow a little.

"We are here to help."

"Why are you here? Where is your Commander?"

"W-we... Come hear from our instinct, Your highness."

"You juts disobey your commander "

The woman looked down to the ground in shame.

"But I will forgive you this time because I need help as much as I can."


"Take some men to rescue the people inside the city and take them to the church where they will be safe. Also, inform your commander about this situation."

"Sir, Yes Sir"

I then began to fight The Lich and its Dragon with the Archer and Mage that arrive to help me. After fighting for at least 3 minutes, another reinforcement has arrived, but this time it was the Royal Guard, and among them is My Son Isaac coming out from the Palace.

"What makes the Royal Guard so Long?"

"There is a monster popping up in the Palace."


"Yes, Look like there is a leak in the barrier that we don't know."

"Dammit, How the situation?"

"Not bad, The Guard can take care of it."

"Good, Now help me fight this big guy."

We fight for a full 10 minutes without resting, and when I use my Divine eyes, I can see that the Undead HP is reducing slowly, but even with all the effort, we still can't touch the Lich on the Dragon Head. I then got an Idea; I order the troops to distract the Dragon for a minute as I was slowly climbing the Dragon and reach its head. I then began to attack the Lich with my sword and spell, but I stop attacking when I hear the sound of my daughter Elizabeth.


There in the Entrance of the Palace is my son Isaac already beaten and has burn injury, near him is my daughter that I don't know how she at that place in the first place. I then look to the dragon under me and see that it prepare to release another fire breath once more toward the palace where my children located.

I immediately jump down to the ground and place myself between the Dragon and my Children and prepare to use my strongest barrier spell.

"Vilhena, Goddess of Earth"

"Protector of the Wild"

"Mother of Nature"

"Protect us your Children from Disaster."


Appear in front me is a shield made of Holy light as the Dragon fire coming toward My children and I. The Shield able to hold its Ground but the fire still able to burn my right hand. As the fire stopped, I can feel that the fire is not an ordinary fire because I can feel that my hand is getting eaten by something from the inside.

I then see the Dragon prepare for another attack, as the Dragon gathers the fire inside his mouth, but before it was able to release the fire, I hear Lord D'Arc's voice.

"Show the world your color."

"O Rainbow Sword"


Then a second later, an explosion happens in front of me. I can see that the attack can damage the Dragon badly and also the attack able to hit the Lich even though just a little as the Lich began to fly high in the air.

I then see Lord Gabriel D'Arc run toward me before stopped in front of me. After seeing him, I able to release a relief breath and greet him.

"Lord Arc..."

"That is Gabriel to you, my friend."

Hearing his voice, I know that we can survive this Wave.