Characters that may appear


Riley Freeman: the Main protagonist

Huey Freeman: Riley's elder brother

Robert Jebediah "Granddad" Freeman: Rileys grandad.

Thomas Lancaster DuBois: Lawyer

Sarah DuBois: Thomas ex-wife who is white

Jazmine DuBois: tom's daughter who goes to school with Huey biracial

Uncle Ruckus: senile, overweight, with a grotesque appearance and crippling debt, Uncle Ruckus idolizes black-slave culture, and his views of black people align with the views of white racists. He is self-hating, disassociating himself from his African-American heritage as best he can, and biased against all non-white people.

Edward "Ed" Rothschild Wuncler Sr.: Mayor of the town

Edward "Ed" Wuncler Jr.: Mafia leader

Ed Wuncler III: grandson of Ed Wuncler Sr. and the son of Ed Wuncler Jr. Ed Wuncler III is a drunken, psychopathic, trigger-happy ex-special forces soldier discharged from active duty in Iran

Gin Rummy: Gin Rummy is a former special forces soldier and Ed Wuncler III's best friend,

Otis Jenkins: Otis Jenkins is a once-famous rapper named Thugnificent and Riley's idol when he was a kid

Cindy McPhearson:

Ming Long-Dou: Huey rival



Malory Archer: Secretly the leader of an intelligence spy group. She is a self-centered alcoholic who regularly hatches half-baked, invariably disastrous schemes to use the agency's resources to her own personal advantage. These schemes include staging a false assassination attempt on a U.N. official to secure a lucrative government contract, a fake bomb threat to get a luxury cabin on a "cruise" aboard a rigid airship, and a fake assassination attempt to get reservations at a luxury restaurant.

Lana Anthony Kane: the top female agent at ISIS. she is a competent and deadly agent but is constantly frustrated that she is treated as the number two ISIS field agent

Cyril Figgis: competent at his job but is plagued by a number of personal issues. He was Lana Kane's ex.

Cheryl Tunt:Malory's mentally unstable secretary. She has blue eyes and auburn hair (almost always worn in a bun

Pam Poovey: She condescends to the staff by talking through a dolphin puppet in disciplinary meetings, and she regularly gossips confidential information to the whole office. though she also relishes revealing more personal information (such as a co-worker being stricken with cancer) and post office gossip on her blog

Doctor Algernop Krieger: is the head of the ISIS applied research department. He spends most of his time working on projects to facilitate his kinky sexual fantasies, including an advanced sex robot named Fister Roboto, a mechanical hand to choke Cheryl when his own hands are not strong enough for her taste, a drug that instills homosexual urges in its users (this eventually kills Danny the Intern), various animal-human hybrids, and a holographic anime girlfriend simulation so real that the state of New York legally allowed him to marry it (

Raymond Q. "Ray" Gillette: is an intelligence analyst, field agent, and one of the few competent members of ISIS.ay is openly gay and often verbally-abused in a sophomoric fashion by almost everyone who speaks to him, having an outright hostile relationship with Malory (who disparagingly refers to him as "Ms. Gillette")

Barry Dylan: Former member of ISIS


Rick and Morty

Rick Sanchez: A sociopathic, nihilistic, grouchy, crude, rude, narcissistic, self-centered, alcoholic mad scientist who is the younger brother of Marley Archer

Mortimer "Morty" Smith: Rick's neurotic 15-year-old grandson who is frequently dragged into Rick's misadventures. Morty is a good kid but he is easily distressed. He is often reluctant to follow Rick's plans, and he often ends up traumatized by the unorthodox and morally questionable methods Rick uses to 'fix' situations.

Summer Smith: Morty's 18-year-old older sister, a more conventional and often superficial teenager, who is obsessed with improving her status among her peers. Summer is generally similar to her mother, as she is often shown to be very smart and humorous,

Beth Smith: Rick's daughter, Summer and Morty's mother, and Jerry's wife. She is a veterinarian who specializes in horse surgery, a job she internally feels to be beneath her and is often defensive when her career is compared to human medicine. Level-headed and assertive, she struggles with her husband's ego, which thrives in defiance of his proven mediocrity.

Jerry Smith: Summer and Morty's insecure father, Beth's husband, and Rick's son-in-law, who strongly disapproves of Rick's influence over his family. Jerry used to work at a low-level advertising agency until he was fired for incompetence.

Jessica: Jessica is a student in Morty's math class. Morty has a crush on her, but she rarely acknowledges him.

Principal Gene Vagina: Vice-principal of the school


American Dad

Stan Smith:. Stan is Francine's husband and Hayley and Steve's father. Hayley may or may not be Stan's biological daughter since Francine revealed to have cheated on Stan

Francine Lee Smith is Stan's wife and the mother of Steve and Hayley. Indignant, Francine can usually be seen nagging and scolding her family (particularly Stan) over their wrongdoings. Francine often nags at her family to uphold certain virtues and over any unwholesome or reprehensible behaviors, they engage in.

Hayley Dreamsmasher Smith-Fischer is Stan and Francine's new-age hippie daughter and college-aged oldest and the sister of Steve.

Steven Anita "Steve" Smith is the baby of the family and sometimes middle child who is Stan and Francine's high-school-aged son and the brother of Hayley.

Roger Smith is the very zany pansexual alien who lives in the Smith family's attic. Blithely so, Roger is depraved, devious, and cruel. He typically exhibits a lighthearted, carefree temperament while also engaged in his freakish grossness, outrageous malice, and rascally shenanigans. Having no limits on his shocking and brazen ways, Roger typically says and does anything and everything that comes to his mind.

Klaus Heissler is the Smith family's hapless and saturnine goldfish. He is consultative and full of sage advice, sometimes even wearing glasses and taking on a scholarly appearance. Klaus was once an East German Olympic ski-jumper until his mind was transferred into the body of a goldfish during the 1986 Winter Olympics by the CIA to prevent him from winning the gold medal, leaving him permanently trapped in the goldfish's body.

Ellen Riggs: Superintendant

Principal Lewis: Principal of the school


The Simpsons


Family Guy


The Cleveland Show


Scooby Doo


Steven Universe


Star vs the forces of Evil


Street fighter
