Chapter 3: Growing up

Unfortunately after that Wang Yong would not see Jiao Chen for a long time, she had left the orphanage that day headed for a new world with her new family. Wang Yong was both happy and sad. Happy that Jiao Chen got a family. Sad that he was once again alone. When it came time for Wang Yong to meet the couple he made sure to dress nice putting in way more effort than usual.

He was a man of his word.

Maybe child of his word is the best expression. It was at the interview that he would learn more about the Douglass family. Whether it was the Patriarch of the family William J. Douglass or the kind looking stay at home mom. Lynn Ann W. Douglass. They were a bit up in age from the looks of it they were touching at least mid fifties. They were a well off family living in america along with their three biological children.

"So why do you want to adopt a child." It wasn't the staff from the orphanage who asked it was the usually silent Wang Yong. If it was too good to be true than it probably is Jiao Chen would always tell him.

"Well." it was Mrs. Douglass who spoke first clutching her husbands hand. " Ever since our youngest child went away to college we feel that our house is too quite."

" Why not get a dog." He asked before he was given a threatening glare by the matchmaker. " Sorry about that. He usually doesn't talk like this." That's a lie this brat doesn't talk at all why pick today to be all chummy huh brat. He could only inwardly curse at Wang Yong and the Headmaster out for making him deal with this.

" Well we originally came to China to handle some business and sight see but Lynn thought it would be nice to help someone in need." Mr. Douglass who had been silent until now finally spoke.

" We are all we have right now all of our kids are travelling all over the country living their own lives and none of them are married yet. I don't thank we will be having grand kids any time soon so we just want someone to fill the hole in our hearts by adopting."

" Wang Yong you seem like the direct type so would you like to come home with us too America."

America. Wang Yong thought isn't that where Jiao Chen is going. If I go there is a possibility that I will see her again. He didn't even realize how much she meant to him until she left.

"Okay." He said plainly "I'll go to america with you."


Two Years later

Wang Yong is now eight years old and still adjusting to a new place, language, and customs.

Well actually it was more appropriate to call him Sam now. When he left Shanghai The Douglass family decided on a new name for him. He protested at first but he realized that he was fighting a losing battle trying to argue with the Matriarch of the family.

The Douglass family have several houses throughout the United States but the Main house was in Denver, Colorado. Over the coarse of two years he had met his fellow adoptive siblings the oldest was John J. Douglass he is a Doctor currently living in Seattle, Washington. He was 28 and was the one that Sam liked the least. He was very strict with Sam and whenever he came to Denver he would only talk to Sam in English which at this point wasn't good. The point was that John was fluent in several languages. Not to mention he would always make him study.

The youngest was Adam J. Douglass and Sam liked him the most whenever he was made to study by John he would sneak him away from or bring him some snacks. He would also cover for Sam a lot when he was in trouble. Adam was studying Psychology as the University of Boulder so was home a lot.

The middle child was Annabelle M. Douglass and Sam saw her the least. She was always outside of the country traveling with her friends. Apparently she was a writer and Sam loved reading her books.

Unfortunately for Sam even though he eventually opened up to his new family he still didn't talk to much causing him to get picked on in school causing Mr and Mrs. Douglass to worry about him. Sam didn't get much bigger even after two years so now he was way shorter than the other kids. Not to mention fragile. Leading his adoptive parents to worry more.

One day Mr. Douglass had a idea and took Sam to see an old friend. Driving for about twenty minutes until they came to a stop in front of a big manor. It had a walls that were 7 ft tall( or approximately 2.13 meters) and it fully surrounded a large two story house with a large courtyard and two smaller buildings. Parking the car they both walked up to the entrance and rang the doorbell.

"Coming." Sam could hear someone yell from inside the manor but he could also hear an Asian accent.

When someone finally came and opened the door he peeked from behind John, he could see an older man answer the door. He looked the same age as John and wore a loose kimono. " Oh?" The man looked at John really hard. " Ohhhh John my old friend how are you it has been too long since I've seen you. Who is this behind you." He asked looking. "Haha Old man Lin it has been a while. This is my son Sam. I would like you to teach him martial arts."

" Oh well hello there Sam."

"Wait what?" Said old man Lin

"Whattt?" Said Sam clearly confused.

" I want Sam to learn martial arts, kids his age need an outlet John played football, Adam played basketball, heck even little Anna ran track. I am American and I know little about Chinese culture there is little I teach him. You however are from Shanghai just like Sam I just thank you can teach him more than I can. Not to mention you still owe me a favor."

Old man Lin was lost for words. He didn't want to take on another student he was supposed to be retired. He should have been able to take it easy and raise his grandson. However he did owe John a lot. Teaching martial arts would not be enough to repay him back but if that's what he wants then so be it. " Alright kid I'll teach you martial arts, but don't expect this to be easy the training will be hell we will start your training next week. Come on John I have some good Wine and you have to drink at least ten cups to repay this old man's good gesture."

" Fang'er." the old man called. Soon another kid came he seemed to be about ten years old. " Take Sam here to play while me and JOhn have a drink."

" Okay gramps." Fang'er replied while clutching Sam's hand and pulling him away. Sam at this point ant time was still confused. It all happened so fast and he didn't even have time to refuse. Hard training. Bullshit he thought I'm just a kid for God's sake.

God couldn't hear his plea as he was pulled helplessly to the back of the manor.

He then realised he was not even able to free his hand from the kid's grasp.

Maybe I should do the training that way I could beat Kalen to smithereens.

" Hahaha." He couldn't help but laugh manically as he was being dragged away.