
The flame of romance always holds that risk of ending deadly. A forbidden love bound together by strength and courage. With ill intentions suppressed for the time being, the two lovers once again enter an era of peace. Two families now joining forces as one, anything could happen.

After the ceremony's end, friends and family retreat to where they call home, leaving the newly wed couple to carefully decide their next move. Their every choice now leaving a footprint on the worlds history, any decision could either move them a few steps forward or set them back.

With the palace to themselves for a few weeks the couple tries to adjust to the married lifestyle, ignoring what the next year entailed for them.

However, like any great romance, secrets and trouble were soon ahead. A soon to be bedridden Katara must learn to let others fight her battles as new and old foes emerge. A challenge easy for others, but seemingly impossible for a woman of her upbringing.

When Katara's worst nightmare comes to life she must make the decision to save her own life or save the lives of the ones she holds dear.


Enjoy a snippet from Flame: Book 2

..."My young waterbender, this is not your battle to fight, you must protect yourself. We can not afford to lose you right now..."

"I refuse to lose anyone else, not today, not tomorrow, now you can either help me or just let me go..."

"Your heart is blinding your sense of reality, if you venture off, you will die..."