Chapter 3 The Number One Bitch in the Entertainment Industry!

Xia Weibao was an extremely adaptable person, having fully immersed herself in the new environment after just one day.

At night, she sat cross-legged on the bed with a laptop in front of her.

It was said to be a high-tech product, very advanced and awesome, the kind you wouldn't understand if I told you.

She logged into her Weibo account rather clumsily.

She remembered, after the scandal broke involving the body's original owner, the company, fearing she would speak out of turn, had immediately frozen her Weibo account.

She wasn't sure whether it had been unfrozen now.

After a try, she got in!

Her Majesty the Empress felt a little excitement, remembering she had over five million followers on Weibo.

The thought of so many people liking her filled her with joy.


Nu Ji!

Why were there only fifty thousand followers!!!

She must have logged into a fake Weibo!


After scrutinizing it, Her Majesty the Empress finally accepted with tears that her followers had indeed dropped from five million to fifty thousand.

One could imagine how big the impact of that event was at the time!

Just thinking about it, a trending topic popped up.


She twitched the corners of her eyes violently. No way, even leaving the hospital could trend.

A phrase suddenly jumped into her mind, "black to the extreme is red..."

She did a search and found that she dominated the top three trending topics!



The comments were a mixed bag.

——Damn, Xia Weibao actually came out of the psychiatric hospital!

——Hehe, Bitch Xia's comeback, just when the entertainment industry was calming down, it's going to be a bloody mess again

——Upstairs, it's lecherous mess, thanks, which digging king can spill the beans, which guy did Bitch Xia hook up with to get out of the hospital?

——Truly shameless, even when she's gone mad she can still hook up with guys [Despise].

——Xia Yeji has been quiet for two years and finally can't suppress the raging lust inside! Back to wreak havoc on social morals!

——Hehe, probably couldn't stand being unloved and lonely for two years, dirty shameless [Vomit][Vomit]

——Who says Xia Ji hasn't had men for two years, there are men in psychiatric hospitals okay, probably all the sickos are tired of sleeping with her [Sneer][Sneer]

——I mean, though Bitch Xia has issues with character, her face and body are quite good, must be nice to have a go, wonder how much she charges per night [Lewd Smile]

——Plastic surgery face counts as pretty? Are those big breasts full of silicone, not afraid they'll explode?

——I've had her, plenty of water! Very lewd! Intense! Top quality in chickens haha

——I've had her too, that lewdness, nearly killed me with the fumes [Evil Grin]

——You guys really dare to ride Xia Weibao, that kind of public bus, aren't you afraid of catching AIDS? [Despise][Despise][Despise]

——Calling her a public bus is already elevating her! Is she even as clean as a public bus, she's a public toilet, and the kind you don't flush after using...

——Seriously disgusting, you guys are even discussing such a person, Xia Weibao roll out of the entertainment circle!

——Xia Weibao roll out of the entertainment circle!

——Xia Weibao roll out of the entertainment circle...

The topic #XiaWeibaoRollOutOfEntertainmentCircle# once again topped the trending charts.

Staring at all those unacceptable comments, Xia Weibao shook with rage, her face terrifyingly grim.

Even though the insults weren't directed at her, she could feel boundless anger!

The destructive power of verbal attacks was truly frightening, talking about an innocent girl like this, wasn't it purely driving her to death!

And to think about that once gentle and lovely woman, it was in such an environment that she was driven insane!

These so-called keyboard warriors, wielding the high ground of morality to judge others' life and death, are the real executioners!

Behind their screens, no one knows who is who, and they think they can do whatever they want, right?

Without legal punishment, they think they can brazenly commit violence, right?

Watching those comments refreshing endlessly and becoming increasingly low, Xia Weibao laughed bitterly in rage.

Such a laugh was chilling.

She clumsily typed a few words and then sent out a Weibo post.

[I'm back.]