Chapter 8 Both Are Destitute at the Ends of the Earth

The assistant by her side passed over a bottle of water in a pleasing manner, "Exactly, our Sister Mi is so beautiful, how could they find such a disgusting stunt double for you? It's clearly an insult."

The agent agreed, "Being ugly is one thing, but trying to act like a big shot? Dawdling over changing clothes, and still has the nerve to say she injured her leg.

If her leg is injured, what's she doing being a stunt double? She'd be better off begging under an overpass.

Less showing up and disgusting people."

Their words finally made Lin Mier's mood a bit better.

But glancing at the low-tier supporting actors around her, she impatiently rolled her eyes.

The assistant complained with a full face, "Sister Mi, with your high price, why stoop to act in this garbage? It's too humiliating."

Lin Mier was disdainful, "Even a rotten ship has three nails, Xu Jiayang has made so many A-listers famous, there must be a reason."

She'd been hovering in the second tier for a long time, taking a role in Xu Jiayang's film was just trying her luck.

Just then, a commotion arose nearby, "Someone's hurt, go take a look."

Moments later, Director Xu Jiayang hurried over.

Handsomely young looking with an air of someone in his mid-twenties, his eyes, however, held a world-weariness of a man in his thirties.

This was clearly a young person crushed by life.

"Mier, there's been a small accident, the stunt double got injured doing a wire stunt, can you do this fight scene yourself?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Mier's face changed, "What?! Those dangerous shots, you want me to do them myself?"

Director Xu's expression instantly darkened—he'd had enough of actors with no professionalism!

What's wrong with dangerous shots? If others can do it, why can't you?

The agent immediately stood up, "Director Xu, our Mier is delicate and expensive, how could she do such dangerous shots? What if there's an accident, could you afford it? Better hurry and find another stunt double."

The assistant complained fully, "Even the stunt double can get hurt, the safety measures of the crew are too poor, you even dare to ask our Sister Mi to go."

Xu Jiayang held back a nameless rage.

The stunt double was injured because she was already hurt, it wasn't a problem with the crew's safety measures.

Lin Mier gave a disgusted look, what bad luck, had she known she wouldn't have taken this film.

A washed-up director is a washed-up director, a piece of trash trying to make a comeback?

Xu Jiayang's face grew stern, "We can't find a stunt double on short notice, if you won't shoot, we'll have to delay until the afternoon."

"How could we," the agent said with a face full of arrogance, "Do you think our Mier is like those trash? She's very busy, she has to rush to other engagements this afternoon and doesn't have the time to waste here."

The surrounding low-tier supporting actors, "..."

Damn it!

You're all high and mighty, then roll out! Have the guts to act tough in front of A-list stars, always pretending to be someone in front of these newcomers!

Xu Jiayang almost choked with anger. What is this wasting time!

Being in his film is a waste of time?

He wanted to explode in anger, but remembering that Lin Mier brought funding into the production, he could only hold it back.

Go find a stunt double.

Xia Weibao, who heard everything, had a glint in her eyes and followed along.

"Director Xu."

A sweet and gentle voice came from behind, Xu Jiayang turned around, and in the moment he saw Xia Weibao, astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Xia Weibao was beautiful, undoubtedly so, even though her reputation was tarnished, it couldn't deny her beauty.

Recognizing the person before him, Xu Jiayang was surprised.

He had thought that after two years of madness, even if Xia Weibao made a comeback, she wouldn't be as good as before.

But now, it seemed not only had she not regressed, she had become even more beautiful.

And there was an indescribable charm about her.

The rights and wrongs of the entertainment world are unpredictable.

He had been through it, so he knew very well how dark the events surrounding Xia Weibao had been.

It's just a pity for such a fine actor.

Back then, Xia Weibao was an existence in the entertainment circle that one could only look up to.

In the days of his success, he too had thought of casting her in a film.

But as soon as the script was ready, he was sabotaged, and not long after, Xia Weibao also took a fall.

Fellow travelers on a road of downfall.