Chapter 14 Being Pelted with Rotten Eggs

Xia Weibao arrived at Hongtu Media and saw the company's entrance surrounded by reporters.

She frowned, what was going on? Wasn't Hongtu about to go bankrupt? She hadn't expected there would still be so many journalists crowding around.

She had just pushed open her car door when a sharp-eyed reporter spotted her.

"Look, Xia Weibao is here."

Xia Weibao had just gotten up and received a call from Sister Tong, so she didn't know what was happening on the internet yet.

Seeing so many people swarming towards her, she was somewhat puzzled.

Then she thought that she was now a big star, and maybe these were all her fans.

So she greeted them with a smile and even kindly waved at the reporters who kept coming.

"Hi... ow!"

Before she could finish greeting them, someone pushed her, and then she was surrounded by a throng of people.

Countless microphones engulfed her like a flood beast.

The reporters had a crazed look about them, as if they wanted to drink her blood and eat her flesh!