Chapter 39: Astounding Medical Skills!

Xia Weibao was in so much pain that she broke out in a cold sweat and couldn't even speak.

All she could do was let Lu Hualiang and Hepburn press her down onto the hospital bed, and then they lifted up her clothes to check the wound on her back.

When they saw the scab that had formed on her back and the new flesh growing in, even Lu Hualiang, who was not versed in medicine, could tell her wound was healing.

And it was healing at an incredibly rapid pace!

How could this be!

His face showed shock. Wasn't it said that her burns were so severe that the only option other than skin grafts was out of the question?

Why was new flesh growing?

Then he noticed the layer of black ointment smeared over it, the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine. Lu Hualiang thought of her intention to seek a Chinese medicine practitioner.

His eyes narrowed slowly, this Xia Weibao…

Meanwhile, Hepburn was so excited upon seeing Xia Weibao's injury that he started trembling all over.