Chapter 43: Eat This Bowl of Dog Food as a Toast to Respect

At this moment, Yang Li truly wanted to grab Lu Hualiang by the neck and shake him violently.

"Are you doubting the public's taste, or do you think the whole nation is blind?"

To think that a woman with Lu Huashan's stature could make it onto the beauty rankings is just too shameless!

Yang Li's frantic expression displeased Lu Hualiang.

His eyes narrowed dangerously, "Do you think my sister is ugly?"


Yang Li stood at attention, head up, chest out, stomach in, military posture, his words resounding with firmness!

"Not at all, Miss Shanshan is as beautiful as a flower and has a celestial grace. If one considers the Master's looks, it is evident that Miss Shanshan must be an extraordinary beauty deep down. It's just that her illness now masks her beauty, but once she recovers, she'll surely dazzle everyone to blindness!"

These flattering words seemed to improve Lu Hualiang's mood somewhat.

Yang Li breathed a sigh of relief and wiped a bead of sweat from his brow.