Chapter 69 Being Hunted

Mentioning this, Lin Mier's mood finally improved somewhat.

Yes, as long as she could become Yin Mulan's disciple, she would have countless international resources at her disposal. Would she then care about a minor "Imperial Harem"?

However, this also gave her a sense of crisis.

Before, she had both "Imperial Harem" and "Dance into the Future" to rely on, but now she only had "Dance into the Future" left. She absolutely couldn't afford any accidents!

And Xia Weibao was the biggest accident of them all!

For some reason, she always felt uneasy about Xia Weibao.

Even though Xia Weibao had chosen "Gentle as Water," which was Yin Mulan's soft spot... what if she really danced better than Yin Mulan...

The image of Xia Weibao dancing classical dance last night reappeared in Lin Mier's mind, and she became agitated.