Chapter 78: Director Lu, Don't Cry - Stand Up and Fight

Director Lu seemed to be in for a disappointment.

On the big bed, all the pillows had been stacked together, and a woman was straddling them.

With her back to the door, her expression was not visible.

But judging from her excited back, which looked like it might jump up at any moment, she was probably far from crying!

"Damn you, Big Chicken, are you sick or what? Get him! Why are you running away?"

"Third Chicken, why are you hiding in the bushes? Hurry up and save me! Can't you see I'm being attacked?"

"Xiang Chu, Xiang Chu why are you still pushing the tower? I'm about to die here, hurry up and protect me ahhhhhh..."

Lu Hualiang, "..."

His gaze landed on the few apples beside him that looked chewed up by a dog, and Director Lu began to question his life choices...

What happened to the promised desperation, unable to swallow food? Now, at two in the morning, who is this woman playing games all night like a psycho?