The Prince And the Little Mermaid (Part 3)

In the span of minutes, Yu Chu experienced a shocking breakdown of her world views. She stretched her hand towards the beautiful boy and coughed. "Save… Save me."

An Moer peered at her hand with an unfathomable expression.

Mermaids were born with the ability to differentiate between lies and truth. They could also easily see through disguises and distinguish reality from illusions.

Although the person before him was wearing clothes that belonged to a man and had short cropped hair, he had fair skin and warm brown eyes. His outstretched hand was slender as well. He had to be a girl in disguise.

He stared quietly at the girl with a pair of icy-blue eyes. A flash of gloominess streaked across his eyes and faded away. He asked softly, "Who are you?"

His voice was soft, clear, and pleasant. It was inexplicably romantic.

The pair of clear-looking blue eyes coupled with a young boy's voice melted Yu Chu's heart. Her expression softened as she watched the little mermaid affectionately as though he were her child.

The system's voice rang inside her brain suddenly. "Identification is complete. Activating Master's strategic method."

Yu Chu, who was about to answer the little mermaid's question, froze. Startled, she asked, "Meow, meow?"

Master… Her master… was this innocent and beautiful little mermaid before her?

Yu Chu had something she wasn't sure if she should say.

In the original fairytale, the little mermaid gave up everything for the prince and turned into bubbles at the end.

When Yu Chu was a child Master had read her this story during bedtime and she had always admired the little mermaid.

Yet now… she was supposed to pretend to be the prince to get the little mermaid's approval?

The corners of her mouth twitched.

The system continued, "Detecting the target's situation: Her mother passed away a long time ago. She didn't manage to have a good ending after falling in love with the prince. System's suggestion is to be with her and use love to touch the other party. Another method is to act as a mother and shower the other party to win approval."

Yu Chu trembled as she thought to herself. Even if she possessed the courage to do so, she could never offend her elder by being together with Master!

Hence, Yu Chu decided to act as the mother.

She coughed softly and spoke as gently and kindly as she could. "My name is Lai En and I'm a prince from a neighboring country."

She choked on seawater again before she said, "Can you save me? I will repay you!"

The little mermaid's eyes glimmered as her eyelashes fluttered down, hiding the emotions in her eyes.

From Yu Chu's point of view, all she could see was the beautiful young boy bowing his head, looking adorable as he thought quietly.

A wave washed over Yu Chu once more, propelling her forward towards the little mermaid.

An Moer raised his eyes and saw the girl coming towards him. Loathing and disdain appeared on his beautiful face when he felt the warmth of a human coming towards him. With an impassive expression, he retreated.

Yu Chu didn't notice his expression. Instinctively, she grabbed the wooden plank and tried to change direction.

The other party was the highly respected Master. She was afraid that he would be hurt if she crashed into him with the plank.

With difficulty, she balanced on the plank as she floated. She changed the direction of the plank and managed to glide past the little mermaid.

She heaved a sigh of relief and turned around.

They were exceedingly close to each other. The girl's warm breath fell lightly on the young man's fair chest.