The Prince And the Little Mermaid (Part 18)

So, the reason was because of the plot.

Even if there was intervention, there couldn't be any substantial changes to the plot. Hence, the story had evolved. It wasn't because he loved her.

As expected, it wasn't.

The girl whirled around in a slight panic. She halted before she spoke to him, "You can stay here but you cannot leave the bed. If you want to go out, you have to take the wheelchair and get a maid to push it for you."

An Moer was taken aback and looked confused. Why wouldn't she allow him to move? Did Lai En… know something?

Before he could ask, the girl had left. She was in such a rush that she even got tripped by the door.

The young man pressed his lips together.

Time went by quickly.

The prince and princess' wedding was held as scheduled.

Yu Chu asked the system again,

"He won't become bubbles, will he?"

The system sighed. "You have asked me a million times. He is the mighty Master. How could he turn into bubbles? Put your heart back into your stomach."

"Your heart is the one that grows in your stomach."

The system was speechless…

The day before the wedding, Yu Chu climbed into bed as she questioned the system,

"Will Master come after me with a dagger? Since the plot is different, what should I do if he stabs me?"

The system quipped, "It's fine. It's just a little pain."

Yu Chu sighed again.

The girl pulled the blanket over her and laid quietly. Her eyes reflected the peaceful moonlight, but a trace of subtle shyness sprang in her heart. Even if he really stabbed her, it was fine.

She suddenly recalled that when she was a child, that man had simply left her at a kindergarten in a modern era. When school was over, all the children were picked up by their parents. She was the only one who had no one to pick her up. The teacher asked her about her parents. She had no idea how to answer.

Although that happened a long time ago, a sudden realization hit her that the grievances and expectations she harbored at that time, were no different from her feelings right now. At that time, she had fervently hoped that the beautiful young man would descend from the heavens like a god, pick up her school bag and declare that he was her parent.

Now, she hoped that the man could say I love you to her. Even if the price of that would be to suffer a stab from him.

She gently closed her eyes.

She sighed so quietly that it could hardly be heard.

An Moer wrapped his arms around his knees quietly.

There was a black dagger beside him.

He recalled how his older sisters had instructed him how to use it. They had cut their long hair in exchange for this cursed dagger from the witch.

And to get his voice back for a night.

As long as… he killed Lai En.

He would then be able to transform back into a mermaid and return to the ocean to live for several more centuries.

If he did not, he would turn into bubbles on the day his beloved married someone else.

What should he do? He didn't need to consider it at all.

He picked up the dagger lightly and walked to the girl's room. A faint smile remained on his gorgeous face.

He opened the door.

The girl seemed to be fast asleep on her bed. Her eyelashes rested on her eyes and she was quiet.

He stood for a while before he strode towards her. He sat down on a chair next to the bed and lifted his chin.

He watched her quietly, making note of her furrowed eyebrows and the way she flipped in her sleep.

Light was about to penetrate the darkness.

He sighed softly and finally stood up. He strolled to the girl slowly and felt the sharp pain in his feet as he stepped on the cold floor.

It was as though a knife had stabbed through his feet.

As long as he killed her, all his suffering and pain would end.