The Prince And the Little Mermaid's Final Story (Part 24)

A special story of their daily life.

"Look! This bitter gourd is very nutritious. You have to eat more of this in the future."

A man was sprawled on the dining table as he stared at the food with an expression of disgust. "I don't want to."

He looked like a child who was picky about food.

His face was beautiful and adorable and his fair cheeks were puffed up. Because of how cute he looked despite how unwilling he was, Yu Chu couldn't bear to lecture him too sternly. She massaged her temples helplessly.

An Moer quieted down at the sight of her expression. Putting on a pitiful look, he averted his face to stare at the bitter gourd. He raised his face once more to glance at Yu Chu and whispered, "Alright then… I'll listen to Lai En. Lai En, don't be mad at me."

He pressed his rosy lips together as he speared a piece of bitter gourd. He slowly chewed it and furrowed his exquisite eyebrows as he swallowed it pitifully.

After drinking some water, he glanced at the girl with his sparkling eyes. "Lai En, I finished it."

Yu Chu stroked his hair. "Good."

Before she could finish, the man pursed his rosy lips and narrowed his beautiful eyes. Softly, he said,

"I want a reward."

This person had often acted shamelessly.

After he did something he would request hugs and kisses. If she didn't accede to his requests, he would puff up his cheeks in anger. Then, when she tried to coax him, he would put up a sorrowful expression to gaze at her. Her heart would melt and he would blink his eyes shyly to make his final request.

"Lai En."

Yu Chu was speechless…

Damn it!

She couldn't help but to blush and chide him sternly. "Where did you learn that from?"

The young man batted his eyelashes sweetly. "Of course I learned it from watching you."

Yu Chu couldn't understand how the innocent and pure mermaid would evolve into this young hooligan who loved to pout and act adorably.

Because she was clear that he was that person, sometimes she wondered if Feng Qing were like that in real life. Was he really a hooligan deep down?

Perhaps it was because she had developed an intimate relationship with him. So when she thought of him now, she would unconsciously think of his name… and not how she had always addressed him respectfully.

It had been a warm day. The exquisite looking young man propped his forehead up with a hand. The sunlight fell on his gorgeous face and his pleasant voice rang.

"I'm Feng Qing. Remember this."

"I remember," she whispered and suddenly she had no idea what came over her when she raised her head. She added solemnly and softly, "I… am Yu Chu…"

"What?" The man behind her didn't seem to have heard her as he bent his back.

The girl's eyes were shining as she bit her lip.

"Don't call me Lai En. Call me Yu Chu, okay?"

The young man curled his lips slightly and to her surprise, he didn't ask her why. He merely leaned over to her.

His long and thick eyelashes fell and his voice was soft.

"Chuchu… An Moer loves you very much."