Innocent Online Game Master (Part 10)

It was pouring heavily on the fifth day.

The howling winds blew at the curtains at the windows. From the French windows in the living room, one could only see raindrops pelting down to the ground. The man shut the glass door and he traced the cold glass surface with his long fingers. Instinctively, he pressed his lips together and his long eyelashes lowered slightly.

He picked up a porcelain cup on the table and his fingers were almost as fair as the cup. His rosy, thin lips pressed gently against the cup, displaying a seductive charm. He didn't drink the tea and the dense vapor from the tea ascended and covered his black eyes. He seemed to have entered a reverie.

Time flew by when he heard the doorbell rang. His long eyelashes trembled lightly and he pressed his lips as he put the cup down. He rose and walked to the door.

With a subtle change in his mood, he raised his eyes slightly… only to see two people before him.

The man couldn't help but stare quietly at their elbows, which were touching each other.

The girl, who was drenched from head to toe, bowed her head to thank Zhou Lin.

"Thank you for the umbrella."

"It's nothing much!" Zhou Lin touched his head and gave her a silly grin. "You can have the umbrella. Don't catch a cold. You can return it to me some other day."

"Thank you." The girl replied and raised her head to smile at the two of them. Then she walked down the steps with the umbrella.

Zhou Lin turned his head after watching her leave and discovered that his roommate was gazing at the downpour quietly. Bewildered, he asked, "Master Su? What are you looking at?"

Su Yanbai lowered his gaze and shot him a glance.

Zhou Lin could detect a trace of coldness from Master Su's calm gaze.

He asked carefully, "What happened, Master? Are you in a bad mood today? Who provoked you?"

The young man retracted his gaze and chuckled softly in a casual manner. "Nothing."

Zhou Lin felt that the atmosphere had turned colder.

He carried the food containers and followed Su Yanbai into the mansion. He rubbed his arms as he remarked, "It's a little cold today. Just now, the delivery girl was wearing such thin clothes and luckily I managed to save the damsel in distress. Hey, Master Su, I had a chat with her just now. Did you know that she is playing Everyone in the entire realm as well?"

Su Yanbai paused for a moment. The man lowered his gaze without a change in his expression. "Is she?"

"Yeah! I felt that it was destiny." Zhou Lin began to get excited. "Guess what! She is the player with the seven meows as her username! Isn't it such a coincidence? It turns out that the player is really a girl. And she is pretty too…"

He chuckled sheepishly and used his elbow to nudge Su Yanbai. He inched nearer and asked, "Don't you think that's fate? Will anything develop…"

Before he could finish, the man suddenly averted his gaze. Calmly, he said, "Don't eat in my house."

Zhou Lin who was interrupted, replied, "Huh?"

"Go back home and eat. Walk slowly and I won't send you." Underneath his long eyelashes, which resembled feathers, his beautiful eyes were cold. The man pointed to the door and quipped, "There is an umbrella there."

Zhou Lin was speechless.

Zhou Lin walked out of the mansion in a daze. He glared at the rain for some time before dialing a number.

"Number two, didn't Master Su just come back from abroad? Did we offend him recently?"

Su Yanbai returned to his room. He picked up his laptop and lightly grasped the mouse with his fair fingers. The man looked calm.

He fell silent for a while before he clicked on the game. He then logged into his account as his fingers flew agilely across the keyboard. He typed… seven meows.