Qin Qiao VS Zhan Qing

"You won't dare?" he asked with a cold tone of voice. He then slowly leaned down to pinch Qin Qiao's chin.

Qin Qiao gulped again, but this time, it was because she was frightened.

The force exerted on her chin increased and it made Qin Qiao quickly shake her head like a rattle.

She was confused and did not know what Zhan Qing was asking her. Don't dare to do what?

"Ninth Uncle… Cold…"

Qin Qiao was really cold. Perhaps her body was hot after drinking earlier on, but being immediately soaked in cold water made her feel chilly.

Qin Qiao looked up. She was wet all over and the water on her hair ran down to wet her eyes.

It moved across her nose and finally into her mouth that Zhang Qing had slightly pinched open.

Zhan Qing felt his Adam's apple turn tight.

The anger in his heart could not be suppressed and that made him feel irritated.

His hand that was pinching Qin Qiao's chin moved down and grabbed her shoulder.

And in a matter of seconds, Qin Qiao was lifted up.

However, because of his sudden action, the drunk Qin Qiao didn't have any reaction and didn't cooperate…

Being lifted up all of a sudden, the sole of her foot slipped and that made her body fall forward.

As a result, Zhan Qing was thrown to the ground by the force of inertia.

Everything happened all so suddenly that Zhan Qing could not respond in time when Qin Qiao knocked him down.

This damned brat kissed him when he fell down…

Falling down, Qin Qiao's head was in a daze and it was all instinctive.

She probably did not know that she toppled over and even accidentally kissed him.

One could imagine how hot the fire was burning in Zhan Qing's heart—being kissed by his junior who was a boy.

He turned over and trapped a dazed Qin Qiao, and then he looked at her.

"Qin Qiao, listen to me. Don't drink anymore. I will punish you every time I catch you drinking!"

Zhan Qing had roared this sentence to Qin Qiao.

A drunk boy wanted to sleep with him, and he even kissed him randomly. And he god damn…

It was all nonsense and that made his organs almost explode.

Qin Qiao did not know who was shouting above her, but she was still holding on to Zhan Qing in a daze.

She nodded obediently and said, "I'm cold, hold me tight… don't leave me!"

The next day.

Candy had woken Qin Qian up by rubbing her messy hair. However, why was her body hurting all over when she raised her arm…?

Where was she?

Her bathroom…

How did she fall asleep here…?

There was a buzz in her head. Wasn't she drinking with Da Tian at Unwakening Bar last night? How did she get back?

Qin Qiao then felt that she was wet all over. "Achoo!"

After sneezing a few times, she was sure that she had caught a cold…

Candy was glaring at her angrily and was barking nonstop.

"Baby, stop barking, or Uncle Tong will come!"

Qin Qiao whispered to Candy and then quickly picked her up to cover its mouth.

Candy barked even more angrily.

How would Qin Qiao know that it finally did not have to stay under the bed all the time?

Candy had already peed around the Zhan residence to claim its territory.

So, it was impossible if you asked for it to behave and be quiet now.

Candy ran out of Qin Qiao's arms.

Qin Qiao got up hurriedly to chase after it but fell flat on the ground after running two steps.

Her body was aching all over. Did she crawl all the way back last night?

Why was she aching all over…?

Qin Qiao ignored the pain and got back up to chase Candy.