Qin Qiao VS Zhan Qing

Otherwise, one day, she might be stuffed to death with food if she did not have a heart attack from fear.

Qin Qiao was already full after eating a little. She quietly put down her chopsticks, not wanting to eat anymore.

"Keep eating," Zhan Qing said in a deep voice. He was not even looking at Qin Qiao's direction when he said that.

Qin Qiao pushed up the spectacles on her nose and said in a small voice, "Ninth Uncle, I can't eat anymore…"

However, Qin Qiao's pitiful look only received one word from Zhan Qing. "Eat."

Looking at those fried eggs, ham, milk, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and porridge…

'Damn you, can you finish all these?'

However, she only dared to say it in her heart. She would not dare to say it out loud.

Qin Qiao picked up her chopsticks and took a steamed bun and put it into her mouth.

It made her thin face puff up and then she chewed it.

She looked adorable like this and Zhan Qing could not move his gaze away after looking up.

The spectacles on Qin Qiao's nose moved up and down as she ate the steamed bun. It was rhythmic and funny.

He then thought of Qin Qiao holding him and doing those things to him…

A tinge of red appeared on Zhan Qing's cold and handsome face. He threw down his chopsticks and stood up. "Don't leave until you finish eating!"

Qin Qiao was sure that this was the most devastating thing she had ever heard. Did he want her to marry steamed buns and fried dough sticks for life…?

Hearing Zhan Qing's car leaving the mansion, Qin Qiao thought that he would not know if she had finished the food or not, and so, she stood up for she did not want to eat anymore…

Who knew that as soon as she got up, Chi Shuai's voice sounded from behind her.

"Young Master Qin, Ninth Master's orders. You can't leave the dining room without finishing the food first!"

Qin Qiao was slightly shocked. She did not realize that Chi Shuai was behind her. When did her vigilance become so poor?

Zhan Qing actually left his 'follower' behind to watch her eat. This was really going to stuff her to death.

"Brother Chi? If it's you, will you be able to finish all of it?"

Qin Qiao asked. She had put on a pitiful and weak look on her face again.

"Yes. Even if the boss ordered me to eat sh*t, I will eat it!"

Chi Shuai's reply sounded very serious as if he was not joking.

Qin Qiao gave him a thumbs up in her heart and sighed. "Brother Chi, you're amazing!"

But, there was a f*cked up expression on her face.

Qin Qiao used up the whole morning to finish all the food.

Eating, running, and jumping. She went to the bathroom three times before finally stuffing all the food in her stomach.

When she left the dining room, Qin Qiao vowed that she would never want to eat steamed buns and fried dough sticks in her life ever again…

Since her cell phone was broken, she wanted to buy a new one. Who knew that as soon as she stepped out of the house, someone would pull her inside a car?

Qin Qiao looked at Xiao Yihan, who was in the driver's seat. She pursed her lips and felt like throwing up when she was about to say something.

Because she had really eaten too much…

Fortunately, knowing Xiao Yihan's character, she knew he would not drive fast. Otherwise, she would certainly throw up in his car.

But the car made a sharp turn and Qin Qiao could not hold it in anymore. She patted Xiao Yihan, meaning for him to stop the car.

However, Xiao Yihan thought Qin Qiao was angry with him because when they were still together, Qin Qiao often did that to him.

"Qiaoqiao, don't fool around. It's dangerous while driving!"

This was also what Xiao Yihan had said often and upon hearing that, it made Qin Qiao feel a bit bitter in her heart.

It did not matter if she felt bitter, because Qin Qiao ended up vomiting…

Because Xiao Yihan was a clean freak, it could be said that there was not a speck of dust in his car.