Qin Qiao VS Zhan Qing

Qin Qiao was trying to tell Xiao Yihan to get her out of this situation as soon as possible.

"Grandpa, Ninth Master, please continue. I'll bring Chestnut to see something in my room!"

After he finished speaking, Xiao Yihan stood up and pulled Qin Qiao up with him. Once he got the acknowledgment from his grandfather, he held onto her hand and went upstairs.

The moment they arrived at Xiao Yihan's room, Qin Qiao immediately let go of his hand.

"Please don't be like this in the future. I'm sure you don't want things between us to end on a terrible note, do you? Don't you know my temper well enough?"

Qin Qiao's voice was very cold. She never thought that things would end up like this between her and Xiao Yihan.

She never thought that Xiao Yihan would play tricks and deceive her to come and see his grandfather.

"I thought that you would slap me. I really cannot read your temper now!"

A scoff appeared on Xiao Yihan's lips. Anything he does will never be enough, won't it?

Out of habit, Qin Qiao wanted to pull a cigarette from her pockets. However, she realized that she was currently wearing a dress.

"Then stop trying to guess my temper! It's the same for some things, but you will never be able to read it fully forever! And the fact that is placed in front of us both is that we have broken up!"

Qin Qiao didn't want to keep emphasizing that they have broken up.

It was because two years have already passed. It was a little awkward having to keep repeating how they've broken up.

"Qin Qiao, everything you said in the past felt like the most touching words in this world to me. However, now, everything you say easily angers me."

Xiao Yihan stared at how distant and cold Qin Qiao looked, but then he recalled the way she laid and whined in his arms before.

"You've said it, too. That was in the past. Xiao Yihan, let's end this on good terms!"

Qin Qiao's hand clenched slowly by her legs.

She would never tell him about what she had seen.

"Such nice words, 'to end this on good terms.' Qin Qiao, let me tell you, things will never be over between us!"

He was Xiao Yihan, the noble young master of the Xiao family. Countless women went crazy over him, yet he only had feelings for Qin Qiao. However, right now, all he received was to end things on good terms…

This was definitely a big joke.

The Zhan Residence.

Qin Qiao was startled awake. The words Xiao Yihan said during the day rung in her ears. "Such nice words, 'to end this on good terms.' Qin Qiao, let me tell you, things will never be over between us!"

She sighed out loud before she suddenly took a whiff of a faint cigarette scent and chanced upon a flickering red light. There was someone else in her room.

Qin Qiao was always on alert in front of people, only when she's in her bed does she feel the most relaxed. That was why she never realized the smoke lingering in her room and that someone had come.

This person should have arrived for a while now and Candy didn't bark once.

This person's cigarette scent was very unique as well. If she took a more detailed sniff of it, she was able to smell a faint chocolate scent.

Was it a female cigarette? It didn't seem like either…

Qin Qiao remained unmoved in her bed. However, her hand managed to find her phone that was placed beside her pillow.

She unlocked her phone using her fingerprint straight away before she opened the call log easily and called the Tail.

Even though she couldn't see anything, she managed to find the first contact button very easily. This was all the result of Tail's training.

Qin Qiao kept staring at the flickering red light. Suddenly, that red light disappeared and the cigarette scent grew stronger.

Just as Qin Qiao flipped off her bed agilely, a dark figure jumped up on her bed. Both of them were equally quick.

It was very dark in the room with only a ray of moonlight shining in from the window. However, it was not enough to see the other's face properly.

Qin Qiao placed her finger on her ear stud by instinct.