Qin Qiao VS Zhan Qing

"Oh my…" She did not say the 'god' word out. She was so shocked that her heart almost jumped out.

Shi Lei was Shi Qingsong's grandson…

Bai Mo glanced at Qin Qiao before he went out.

What moved Qin Qiao was that not only did Bai Mo bring her delicious braised pork, he also brought her… one, two, three, four, five, six, seven sanitary pads!

And it was not just one brand…

"There are a few communication guides who came to the camp and they have female technicians. They carried it with them and I asked them for some…"

It was hard to imagine how the slightly introverted Bai Mo had asked them for the sanitary pads.

Qin Qiao was really moved, but she could not help but tease the blushing Bai Mo.

"What did you say to them? That it is for bandaging wounds? Or for your own use?"

Qin Qiao did not know why she wanted to tease him.

"I said it was for my girlfriend!" Bai Mo said in a serious tone of voice and his eyes were clear as he said it.

"…" Qin Qiao ate the braised pork and came to the conclusion that Bai Mo was very passionate.

Before she could even use Bai Mo's phone to call Chi Shuai, he came to pick her up on time.

Before she left, Bai Mo gave Qin Qiao a carrier bag…

Chi Shuai took Qin Qiao to Zhan Qing's dormitory.

He told her, "Boss said to let Young Master Qin stay in the dormitory and not to let you go hit on people!"

When Chi Shuai was saying this, he found it strange. It was all men in the camp, there was nobody to hit on.

Qin Qiao's lips twitched. Ninth Uncle still thought that she liked men…

It seemed that she needed to get a girlfriend!

"Boss can't come back tonight because he has a joint meeting. Young Master Qin, have an early rest!"

After that, Chi Shuai left as he had other things to do.

Qin Qiao was relieved when she heard that Zhan Qing was not coming back.

Opening the carrier bag that Bai Mo had given her, she saw a set of clean men's casual wear and a pair of new… underwear!

Qin Qiao burst out laughing…

After a quick shower, she changed into the clean clothes Bai Mo had given her.

She went to bed and smelling the familiar scent, she instantly fell asleep.

When Zhan Qing came back in the middle of the night, he saw Qin Qiao sleeping uneasily as she clutched a pillow with her arms.

His eyes landed on the clothes on Qin Qiao…

A set of white casual wear. It was obviously not her own clothes…

Apart from being loose, it did not seem too large on her.

Zhan Qing guessed that the man's height should be about 1.78 meters.

And in the camp, only Bai Mo was 1.78 meters in height and he was the only one who liked white items of clothing!

Zhan Qing narrowed his eyes and what he had thought about was whether Qin Qiao had changed his clothes in front of Bai Mo…

And he was damn concerned about it.

Qin Qiao, on the other hand, would sleep uneasy whenever she had her period. However, tonight, her flow was not that heavy.

Her period would often last for around seven days.

Qin Qiao hugged the pillow tighter and frowned in pain.

Zhan Qing sat by the bed and touched Qin Qiao's head. It was slightly cold, she had no fever.

Qin Qiao felt the warmth radiating from Zhan Qing's palm, so she rubbed her forehead against it.

This action made Zhan Qing stop, but he had initially wanted to move his hand away.

Zhan Qing's palm was very warm and in her sleep, Qin Qiao let go of the pillow and grabbed Zhan Qing's hand and put it on her stomach.

Zhan Qing looked at his hand which was now on Qin Qiao's stomach and there was a complex look in his eyes.

Grabbing his hand so naturally…